GIPHY GIF in comments: ✅

Discus and support GIPHY GIF in comments: ✅ in XboX Insiders to solve the problem; Have a blast. Not too big a blast. A pretty chill blast. But still a blast. Be nice have fun! submitted by /u/UrbanizedTree [link] [comments] Discussion in 'XboX Insiders' started by /u/UrbanizedTree, Nov 2, 2023.

  1. GIPHY GIF in comments: ✅

    Have a blast. Not too big a blast. A pretty chill blast. But still a blast. Be nice have fun!

    submitted by /u/UrbanizedTree
    [link] [comments]
    /u/UrbanizedTree, Nov 2, 2023
  2. 61590633-b111-4c2a-b Win User

    X Box one s won't connect to my TV.

    Okay, try these Solutions,

    Solution 1: Power Cycle or Cool Boot Xbox One
    Solution 2: Connect using HDMI Out To TV Port
    Solution 3: Clean or Replace the HDMI cable
    Solution 4: Launch in Low-Resolution Mode then Reset Display Settings
    Solution 5: Turn Off HDCP
    Solution 6: Disable Enable 24Hz Video Option
    Solution 7: Check AVR
    Solution 8: Refer to Troubleshooting Solutions Published on Xbox Support
    Solution 9: Contact Xbox Support for Repairs
  3. Tom Udding Win User

    Cannot view game statistics certain games on (while friends can)

    Another "bump", I found something else that is quite interesting. I still cannot see my achievements, but there is something else going on. After refreshing the page (not always) the image ("game logo") and the description change.
    It is almost like there are 2 versions of the game and I own just the wrong one (do no quote me on that, I am not sure). Here is a little gif to illustrate what I mean, I have added a red number (in the left uppermost corner).

    Link to gif
    . (GIPHY)
  4. nN3AabARAb Win User

    Why is it Microsoft supporting Internet explore any more on Xbox 360 they did it for years to update it for years and now they stop doing it

    Hey Randy just wanted to congratulate you on making MVP keep up the great work! ✅✅

    - Victor (Moscow Russia Ambassador NN)
  5. Kadeem Legerton Win User

    Mircosoft GameinPut. Freezing.

    Update Graphics Drivers

    Update Chipset Drivers:

    Update BIOS/UEFI: for my brand

    Power Settings:…… I check the temps a lot it’s CPU 55 GPU 44 ✅ getting the freeze while idle. When gaming it’s cooler than my other laptop which that would have been in the mid 80s while my new one is CPU 79-82 Gpu 65-75.

    RAM Memory Check✅✅✅ Did it 3 times.

    Hard Drive/SSD Analysis❌ didn’t do this.

    System Restore: ❌

    Contact Technical Support: I did.
  6. BeerNymph Win User

    Upcoming Xbox Dashboard Changes: Speed and Personalisation

    Thank you for this article! Its very informative ✅

GIPHY GIF in comments: ✅

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