游玩Gears5时程序崩溃 [Translate] Program crashes when playing Gear5

Discus and support 游玩Gears5时程序崩溃 [Translate] Program crashes when playing Gear5 in XBoX on Windows to solve the problem; -System -Provider [ Name] Application Error -EventID1000 [ Qualifiers] 0 Level2 Task100 Keywords0x80000000000000... Discussion in 'XBoX on Windows' started by 牛奶白, Sep 15, 2019.

  1. 牛奶白
    牛奶白 Guest

    游玩Gears5时程序崩溃 [Translate] Program crashes when playing Gear5



    [table][tr][td][td][td][td][ Name] [/td][td]Application Error[/td][/tr][/table]



    [table][tr][td][td][td][td][ Qualifiers] [/td][td]0[/td][/tr][/table]









    [table][tr][td][td][td][td][ SystemTime] [/td][td]2019-09-13T16:38:22.076119900Z[/td][/tr][/table]



























    牛奶白, Sep 15, 2019
  2. 牛奶白 Win User

    游玩Gears5时程序崩溃 [Translate] Program crashes when playing Gear5

    I'm sorry my English is terrible. I'll try my best to convey my meaning to you.

    I installed it on disk E,But my other laptop is also installed on non-system discs.

    That laptop is Win10 Home,Not join the windows insider program.

    Capable of running the game.The graphics card is GTX1060(436.30).

    The graphics card of this computer that can't run GEARS5 is RTX2080TI(436.30).

    So. Any other suggestions?

    Thank you very much for your reply.
  3. Robby Sayles Win User

    游玩Gears5时程序崩溃 [Translate] Program crashes when playing Gear5

    Oh no, hopefully, you'll get back up and running soon.
  4. G v zauBerBerg Win User

    游玩Gears5时程序崩溃 [Translate] Program crashes when playing Gear5

    Hi, sorry to hear. I have heard, Gear will get Problems if it is not installed on Harddisk C!? So maybe try this I hope this helps.
  5. G v zauBerBerg Win User

    游玩Gears5时程序崩溃 [Translate] Program crashes when playing Gear5

    Yes, as I asked at the beginning "Try to install the game at c:" with a user as administrator because the ..... game is ....
  6. XBF Steven R Win User

    游玩Gears5时程序崩溃 [Translate] Program crashes when playing Gear5

    Hey there 牛奶白

    Thanks for reaching out to the Forums for advice on how to hopefully get the game running on your PC. I can totally understand how this could be disheartening. I suggest trying the steps outlined in our support page entitled Troubleshoot
    gameplay issues on Windows 10
    as well as Troubleshoot Gears 5 on Windows 10.

    When you get the chance, give those steps a shot and let us know how that helps.

    Thanks for reading!

游玩Gears5时程序崩溃 [Translate] Program crashes when playing Gear5

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