Gaming Networking

Discus and support Gaming Networking in XBoX on Windows to solve the problem; Heya Guys 'n' Gals, Online Gaming has Improved Exponentially and Rapidly in these past 5 years, we have AT LAST the stuff we dreamed about back in the... Discussion in 'XBoX on Windows' started by IanChafer, Oct 25, 2018.

  1. IanChafer
    IanChafer Guest

    Gaming Networking

    Heya Guys 'n' Gals, Online Gaming has Improved Exponentially and Rapidly in these past 5 years, we have AT LAST the stuff we dreamed about back in the 80's. I have been on computers since the 1970's with one of the Very First and Earliest Models on the
    Public Market....and by a small electronic store chain, Tandy's. Yes Indeedy, ;✔��������‍♀️��������‍����✨����������‍♀️��������������������✈������������♑♏♍➿♿������☺��⛷����������������������☁��������⭐������ Even The Emoji's Have Improved Quite Dramatically,
    since the very first use of a smiley face created via keyboard symbols, around the Time..Prince Actually Turned His Name Into A it was "Unproununciable"..I had seen this symbol independantlyof Prince Discovering was the 1st time I realized
    other Musicians even the Famous Ones, had a passion for Learning,of Mankinds History to Existence to All kinds of Stimulating Subjects..that we draw Inspiration from for our Song Subject Matter. When I was 10 yrs Old I asked myself who gets the highest paying
    career..and of course it was John Lennon, so Songwriters made the Highest Wage out of All other professions combined, although some football stars have had a good whack at being the top earner.. Thats when I began my journey of Research and Discovery, and
    You Can Imagine, the (not only excited anticipation ) Sheer Usefullness of a Home Computer for Busy Creative Occupation, such as a Recording Artist/Composer...the Technology for Recording Music was at the Forefront of early Desktop Computers with MIDI installed
    in the Atari's First and subsequent Models... So I first owned a Tandy-TRS 80..Home Computer, black and white TV Monitor and a Cassette/Tape Deck plugged in as the 1st Plug In Device for Installing the Program, so it was a One Program Desktop Computer in a
    TV Monitor Format and Plug In Keyboards, later on The Mouse came in somewhere..But THE TAPE RECORDER, that Wrote and Recorded Computer Software...Plugged in to the computer Via an Audio Cable with a 1/8th Jack (male) think back on how Advanced
    that was for 1978 High SchooloMaths Block Office for the School Computer...Yes the Entire School Shared this ONE, BRAND NEW, Home Computer the 1st of its kind...and it played games such as Pong/Tennis Mainly...Only for a while until others learned how to write
    programs and the Gaming Boom Began for Software Developers world-wide. I barely recall if it had a Word Program, Im pretty certain no one had even developed Software to enable the user to type a letter, a Digital Sheet of Paper and Pen. All this had yet to
    be created from Necessity and Need. (excuse my spelling im getting Tired and almost led away from my point) The Tape Cassette was a portable Audio Machine that played Audio Cassettes, a Cartridge style spool to spool or Reel to Reel Tape Machine, the Japanese
    had Minaturized the Reel to Reel 4 Track/Stereo Tape Player, down to a hand sized cartridge, much like the early gaming consoles that had push in Sealed Cartridges to load each game on to the console, again One Game Machines or Computers.. The Tape Cassette
    would have sent an Audio Signal to the Computers Hardrive where Frequencies were Transferred into Binary Zero's and Ones '0' '1'1....00111011100 00001111010100010 etc etc...Clever but VERY SLOW, and Memory was a Problem in those Early Days...indeed even Today
    RAM is the difference to performance and speed for todays laptops and Tablets (Desktops too is anyone still uses those lol) I know some people do stillo use Desktops..?? I use my Laptop HDMI'd into my Smart TV...before Smart TV's I cabled into the Digital
    TV....and it was One Function I have Dreramed of Havinbg One Day in the Future WHen My Generation like everything elese since the 1960's Generation X, invented and created all this stuff, as we wanted it ourselevs, but had to develop the materials and technology
    to enable the Futuristic Designs Mankind was Spitting out at a Rapid Pace..the Industrial Revolution transmuted into the Computer Age..and The Silicon Chip..and You Guys know the rest and we all now Benefit from the Most Advance Point we can go with physical
    Computers...we Have Virtual Reality.. This is MY POINT>..with all Generation X have been through, so we can Plug in our Axes..(Guitars)))) and Record our Original Music and Make Music Videos..from our Living Rooms with Anybody else on The Planet with the same
    Program, so we can Record and Play Live with a Bass Player in London while the Guitarist/Singer/Songwriter is on a Mountain Top Farm in Eastern Australia Great Dividing Range Via Satellite....VIDEO CONFERENCE...POD CAST you know it all... SO MY POINT IS ....GOOD
    PEOPLE....EMBRACE THIS its Most Advanced stage that they pretty much do everything we have desired since the 1970's when we discovered, Home Computers were its a matter of time, and we can Market our Band and distribute our Songs/Video
    Worldwide..Instantly anytime anywhere.. AND will have the FX ..Effects to Create Any SOund and Beat desired..backward SInging...Panning in 3D..Surround SOund where the Orchestra sounds as if it is sitting around us...Virtual Reality was the Next STep..and
    we have it Imax...Virtual Glasses...Real Life Experiences in the safety of a Room....the Plank....on a window ledge 47 Stories High looking over the Cityscape..panorama.. where the player has to 'walk the plank' and then are encouraged to Jump Off...your mind
    believing it is Truly about to comit suicide, and goes against all of our survival instincts and Automatice Behaviour of Fight or FLight LMAO...and we cant help it its that real we freak out and cant truly jump off a 47 Story Building onto the street below..
    So we cant get much more REAL than thatr...sure smells and wind and all senses..are yet to be developed..but we have found ..they are not really needed for the Virtual Experience to be 100% Real... Anyway My Point......AN ALL Gamers to Network,
    and use HERE as the Ju8mp Off Point, but I myslef want..and so will all members want a Network of Online Gamers Ready to spend the Hours away..Battling Online...any Format Virtual if you must but an Xbox COnsole is good enough for me..Call of advanced
    enough for Online Enjoyment and what Gen X have been waiting for Since the 70's when we were 10-12...we are now in our Early 50's...Skilled..Experienced..Talented and Gifted with our chosen Lifetime Hobbies and rEAL rOCK bAND..WITH rEAL mUSICAL
    iNSTRUMENTS AND rEAL tALENT..RECORDING AND nETWORKING..tHAT IS exactly LIKE AN xBOX gAMERS NETWORK...(SO HATE CAPS LOCK AND MY FAST FUMBLING TYING TECHNIQUE) So I Call Out to invite All Gamers and use this platform, and the early players can
    beging to Network with me, until Natural Selection and Population Growth of Our Gaming Community, increases and we Branch off into our Favourite Platforms Games and Group of Friends....ALl Newcomers can start HERE WITH ME... and Lets Create a 24/7 Gaming SIte
    and Community, where we can get an online game of anything 24/7..and form competion Groupos to play professionally at the Gameers Tournaments...etc But it ALL STARTS HERE>...INVITE...ALL NEWCOMERS>..JOIN WITH ME>..AND CREATE OUR 1st GMERS COMMUNITY..and LETS
    START PLAYING ONLINE TODAYT...and advance when we upgrade our Technology, to Virtual I guess.No Limits..and ALL FUN...what are you waiting for..Sign Up and Load Up and Start a CHAT...and create a Game Schedule..and chatrooms whatever...lets START PLAYING..
    regards IAN (Mod Removed-Personal Information) AUSTRALIA (Mod Removed- Personal Information) my Default Password here is (Mod Removed)
    and some numnber as a suffix.. See you IN GAME..I CLICKED THE XBOX ICON IN WINDOWS 10 and thats how I landed do the smae and sign up

    IanChafer, Oct 25, 2018
  2. cross44
    cross44 Guest
    What are your thoughts on this xbox controller ?

    Trolls gonna troll.

    I enjoy AW but I hate their networking... they need to just start firing everyone that does network at tryarch and sleghammer... they need to just go steal Ghost network devs (not the game, network...) Then we could leave a game and not go right back, and maybe we could join a game without a full team vs me
    Gaming Networking [​IMG]

    cross44, Oct 25, 2018
  3. Windows 10 Streaming...Anyone Else Loving This?

    If I had better network access I would try it. I can play online games okay. Just my network is not up to par for streaming.
    -ChaoticGood-1, Oct 25, 2018
  4. IanChafer
    IanChafer Guest

    Gaming Networking

    IanChafer, Oct 25, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Gaming Networking