Gamertag change costs 9.99$ at second time, but the first was random and accidental.

Discus and support Gamertag change costs 9.99$ at second time, but the first was random and accidental. in XBoX on Windows to solve the problem; As in the title, when i created an account I got gamertag from your system, it was: EmphaticSpark12 . I must have changed it by accident into another... Discussion in 'XBoX on Windows' started by KamilGliszczyński, Nov 11, 2018.

  1. Gamertag change costs 9.99$ at second time, but the first was random and accidental.

    As in the title, when i created an account I got gamertag from your system, it was: EmphaticSpark12 . I must have changed it by accident into another random system generated gamertag called PaidPorpoise529. I was chatting with your online support in this
    case, but the problem is, that they don't willing to help me at all, because I've used my free change already. Doesn't matter that i was incidental. Is there any other way to change nickname without paying 10$ for service that i should have for free (atleast
    for this one time, first nickname change is for free, we can assume that actually i didn't use it)

    KamilGliszczyński, Nov 11, 2018
  2. xTye
    xTye Guest
    Gamertag was forced to be changed cause it was inappropriate....

    It doesn't matter how long you've had it. It takes on single complaint for them to look at it. The new policy is that you're given a random gamertag upon receiving a forced name change. A new choice does cost $9.99.
  3. Forced GT change

    When a forced Gamertag change is imposed, a new Gamertag is automatically assigned to the account free of charge. To change the gamertag chosen for you will cost $9.99
    The Viral Cyrix, Nov 11, 2018
  4. Gamertag change costs 9.99$ at second time, but the first was random and accidental.

    Unfortunately there is not any way to get a free change once the original one has been used.

    The ONLY people that would be able to do anything with your account IF it is in policy would be the people at xbox support that you originally talked to that told you they could not do anything.

    This is a public forums with fellow gamers that answer most of the questions and have no access to your account.
    steeledwand7664, Nov 11, 2018
  5. denis97g
    denis97g Guest
    I'm sorry, but even if it was accidental you'll have to pay for a new one.
    denis97g, Nov 11, 2018
  6. that's a shame esspecialy when i was creating an account i was doing it with purpouse of complaint my xbox gamepad, didn't choose it anyway :/. What i want to ask is, those people really can't help me as they said or they just don't believe me or don't
    willing to help me?
    KamilGliszczyński, Nov 11, 2018
  7. IRB
    IRB Guest

    They can't help as support cannot change your gamertag for you.

    When you created your account to complaint/get help you will have picked a name, even if it was the random one it offered you. That is classed as a choice as you had the option to change it but chose not to.
  8. matthewiag
    matthewiag Guest

    Gamertag change costs 9.99$ at second time, but the first was random and accidental.

    Sorry, but once you have used the your free change you need to pay there after.

    XboxSupport cannot issue any more free changes it is strictly 1 per account after an automatically generated GamerTag.
    matthewiag, Nov 11, 2018
  9. Wrightstuff1
    Wrightstuff1 Guest
    Sorry to hear but ye there is no other way to change your gamertag for free now unless you make a new account.
    Wrightstuff1, Nov 6, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Gamertag change costs 9.99$ at second time, but the first was random and accidental.