Game capture disabled in Mirrors Edge Catalyst after EA closed the servers (Xbox One X and...

Discus and support Game capture disabled in Mirrors Edge Catalyst after EA closed the servers (Xbox One X and... in XBoX Rewards & Social to solve the problem; Ever since EA shut off the servers for Cataylst I haven’t been able to take game captures at all. This is only a problem for Xbox, it works fine when... Discussion in 'XBoX Rewards & Social' started by Nuudel, Jun 22, 2024 at 5:53 PM.

  1. Nuudel
    Nuudel Guest

    Game capture disabled in Mirrors Edge Catalyst after EA closed the servers (Xbox One X and...

    Ever since EA shut off the servers for Cataylst I haven’t been able to take game captures at all. This is only a problem for Xbox, it works fine when I’m on Pc. Until the servers went offline I had no problem with taking clips or screenshots and then coincidentally it doesn’t work when the servers go offline. I can stream the game and share it to discord without a problem so I’m just so confused.

    I’ve tried:

    disabling captures and reenabling them

    Restarting the console

    Re-downloading the game.

    using a different account

    using a Series S

  2. Squeaky Hudson Win User

    Mirrors Edge Catalyst Closed Beta

    I'm 5 hours in to ME:Catalyst. The game is clean, sleek, super smooth, and the controls are smart and comfortable. The game looks beautiful, but drops frames often (prob an XBO thing) and has glitches in the lighting (like the sun annoyingly flickering through
    the walls while indoors). Now to the overall gameplay: Cutting to the chase, this game is gonna have to pick up really soon! I'm about 5 hours in and am already getting bored and beginning to worry, "Is this all there is? Scaling walls and buildings, and running
    missions from one point to the other trying to beat a time clock? I LOATHE TIME LIMIT MISSIONS, and there are a whole lot of them! (This is one of the reasons I couldn't get into Zelda Majora's Mask!) Anyway, so far it seems that they spent all their money
    and time on the graphics and story and almost none whatsoever on the gameplay. If it doesn't make a drastic turn soon, I fail this game! Honestly, I don't think that I can say I've "had fun" playing it yet, only enamored at the looks, the city, the smoothness,
    and great acting/actors. I just so wanted to like this game. I feel like I did about StarWars 7, i.e., You SO want to like it but no matter how hard you try and give it due diligence, you just simply can't. I cannot recommend this game to ANY of my friends
    and that makes me sad, because I trumped this game up and was living in anticipation for 3 days before the release date (I pre-purchased the game and started playing it at 1201 June 7th).
  3. brandiesel1 Win User

    Mirrors Edge Catalyst Closed Beta

    I have a good feeling about this game. Hope it lives up to my expectations.
  4. ShaunPerry Win User

    Mirrors Edge Catalyst Closed Beta

    I liked it mate but its not an urgent buy for me. Got loads to catch up on anyway.
  5. Daft Badger Win User

    Mirrors Edge Catalyst Closed Beta

    Going by the above post & what a couple of friends have said i'm glad I held out on buying this.

    I was looking forward to it but after the beta I decided to wait.Think i'll rent it first.
  6. Wadski Win User

    What is better: First person or third person

    Id agree with you entirely. Although there are some interesting first person platformers - Mirrors Edge, Mirrors Edge Catalyst, Superhot are good examples.

Game capture disabled in Mirrors Edge Catalyst after EA closed the servers (Xbox One X and...

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