Forza Horizon 4 - Problema con la descarga (Mod Translation: Forza Horizon 4-problem with ...

Discus and support Forza Horizon 4 - Problema con la descarga (Mod Translation: Forza Horizon 4-problem with ... in XBoX on Windows to solve the problem; Hola, hice esta misma pregunta pero en ingles y la verdad nadie me la supo contestar y las ayudas que me dieron solo empeoraron la situacion. Reposteo... Discussion in 'XBoX on Windows' started by Ferjoland, Oct 6, 2018.

  1. Ferjoland
    Ferjoland Guest

    Forza Horizon 4 - Problema con la descarga (Mod Translation: Forza Horizon 4-problem with ...

    Hola, hice esta misma pregunta pero en ingles y la verdad nadie me la supo contestar y las ayudas que me dieron solo empeoraron la situacion. Reposteo en español a ver si alguien que hable mi lenguaje puede ayudarme mejor.

    Estoy descargando Forza Horizon 4 en mi pc, la edicion standard que supuestamente pesa 64gb. Pero la descarga se paso de los 64 gb y siguio hasta casi los 113 gb y parecia no terminar:

    Forza Horizon 4 - Problema con la descarga (Mod Translation: Forza Horizon 4-problem with ... [​IMG]

    Busque las soluciones que le comentaban en esta pagina a gente con el mismo problema, pero ninguna de las que daban me funciona. De hecho uno de los moderadores me recomendo una serie de pasos (iniciar windows limpio, troubleshoot, desloguearse, etc), y
    en uno de esos no se que paso ahora que la descarga paso de ir 113gb a 10gb (lol), y son 113gb el total de la descarga
    (Mod Removed)

    Forza Horizon 4 - Problema con la descarga (Mod Translation: Forza Horizon 4-problem with ... [​IMG]

    Evidentemente esta bug el store de windows, pero nadie te da una solucion o algo. Mi internet es muy malo, hacia 3 dias que estaba descargando el jueguito y ahora me pasa eso por las "posibles soluciones". Que puedo hacer? si el tamaño del juego es 64gb
    porque me dice 113 gb (curiosamente el numero donde habia quedado antes de que regrese a 10gb... )?? Que paso con los 100gb que habia descargado?? por que si a todo el universo le pesa 64 gb a mi me va a pesar mas de 100gb?

    Quisiera alguna solucion, algo que me puedan decir para ayudarme que no sea "tenes que esperar a que termine solo". Vi comentarios de gente a las que iban mas de 300gb y todavia no terminaba la descarga.

    Nose, estoy re enojado, gaste mucho dinero y es frustrante no poder jugar y que nadie tenga una solucion al problema.

    Un abrazo,


    (Mod Translation)

    hi, I asked the same question but in English and the Truth no one knew me answer and the help I got only worsened the Situation. Refueling in Spanish to see if someone who speaks my language can help me better.

    I'm Downloading Force Horizon 4 on my pc, the Standard Edition that supposedly weighs 64gb. But the download was passed from 64 GB and followed up to almost 113 GB and seemed not to end:

    Look for solutions that commented on this page to people with the same problem, but none that gave me works. In fact one of the moderators I recommend a series of steps (start Windows clean, troubleshoot, unlogin, etc), yen One of those does not happen now
    that the download step to go 113GB to 10GB (lol), and are 113GB the total download
    (Mod Removed)


    Obviously this bug the Windows store, but no one gives you a solution or something. My internet is very bad, 3 days I was downloading the game and now I pass that by the "possible solutions ". What can I do? If the size of the game is 64gbporque tells me
    113 GB (curiously the number where I had left before I return to 10gb...)? What happened to the 100GB I had downloaded? Because if the whole universe weighs 64 GB I will weigh more than 100gb?

    I would like some solution, something you can tell me to help me that is not "you have to wait for it to end alone ". I saw comments from people who were more than 300GB and still did not finish the Download.

    Nose, I'm angry, spend a lot of money and is frustrating not being able to play and no one has a solution to the Problem.

    A hug,


    Ferjoland, Oct 6, 2018
  2. Возврат денежных средств -[Translation - A refund]

    Прошу вернуть деньги , за игру Forza Horizon 4 так как много багов и не оправдала ожидания Покупал Forza Horizon 4: Ultimate-создания

    -[Translation - Please return the money for the game Forza Horizon 4 as many bugs and did not meet expectations bought Forza Horizon 4: Ultimate-creation]
    Cyber Zaicheg, Oct 6, 2018
  3. Probleme Forza Horizon 4

    Bonjour j'ai acheté Forza horizon 4 via la site Instant Gaming , je l'ai téléchargé après avoir mis mon code sur Windows Store . Mais j'ai été obligé de réinstaller Windows suite des problèmes et maintenant je n'ai plus accès Forza horizon 4 dans Windows
    store la seul option que j'ai c'est de le racheter ..

    Merci de votre aide


    [Translation - Hello i bought Forza Horizon 4 via the Instant Gaming site, I downloaded it after putting my code on Windows Store. But I was forced to reinstall Windows due to problems and now I no longer have access to Forza Horizon 4 in Windows
    store the only option I have is to redeem it..

    Thank you for your help cordially]
    ScalyEndymion56, Oct 6, 2018
  4. XBF George L
    XBF George L Guest

    Forza Horizon 4 - Problema con la descarga (Mod Translation: Forza Horizon 4-problem with ...

    Hey Fer!

    Have you tried
    Uninstalling and Reinstalling the game?
    Sometimes games may be larger than the original size due to additional content or add-ons that were added through updates. Everyone must install the updates to keep playing the game but wont have access to the bonus
    content unless it is purchased.

    Hope this helps
    XBF George L, Oct 7, 2018
  5. Hi Fer,

    Thank you for letting us know that the issue has been fixed on the thread:

    Forza Horizon 4 download problem!
    . We'll be locking this thread as the issue has been resolved. If you ever have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to come back to the Xbox Forums for further assistance.

    For those reading this thread, if the troubleshooting steps listed in the link above didn't help resolve the issue,
    please feel free to create a new thread asking for assistance. When the new thread is created please copy and paste the URL to this thread showing that the troubleshooting steps listed above didn't fix the issue.

    Thank you and have a great day!
    XBF Jasmine Z, Nov 5, 2018
  6. XBF Jasmine Z Win User

    Forza Horizon 4 - Problema con la descarga (Mod Translation: Forza Horizon 4-problem with downloading)

    Hi Fer,

    Thank you for letting us know that the issue has been fixed on the thread:

    Forza Horizon 4 download problem!
    . We'll be locking this thread as the issue has been resolved. If you ever have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to come back to the Xbox Forums for further assistance.

    For those reading this thread, if the troubleshooting steps listed in the link above didn't help resolve the issue,
    please feel free to create a new thread asking for assistance. When the new thread is created please copy and paste the URL to this thread showing that the troubleshooting steps listed above didn't fix the issue.

    Thank you and have a great day!
  7. XBF George L Win User

    Forza Horizon 4 - Problema con la descarga (Mod Translation: Forza Horizon 4-problem with downloading)

    Hey Fer!

    Have you tried
    Uninstalling and Reinstalling the game?
    Sometimes games may be larger than the original size due to additional content or add-ons that were added through updates. Everyone must install the updates to keep playing the game but wont have access to the bonus
    content unless it is purchased.

    Hope this helps
  8. irenerueda baeza Win User

    he comprado un mes de game pass -[Translation - I bought a month of game pass]

    Si se completo de hecho pude hacer la descarga por la shop microsoft del forza horizon 4 gratis pero al querer entrar a todos los juego del la game pass ditectamente me dirige a la tienda para comprar de nuevo la game pass

    Translate-If completed in fact I could make the download by the shop Microsoft Forza Horizon 4 free but wanting to enter all the game pass games directly directs me to the store to buy again the game pass
  9. Edgarour Win User

    Recuperar Forza Horizon 4[Recover Forza Horizon 4]

    Hola! No te preocupes el juego si lo compraste con la cuenta de tu hijo o con la tuya solo debes de volver a instalarlo, buscalo en el apartado de listos para instalar que esta a un constado del lugar donde estan todos tus juegos, forza Horizon 4 hoy tuvo
    actualizacion por eso tuvo ese detalle en esta ocasion, el problema es que si hoy querian jugar forza horizon 4 dudo que puedan pues si pesa el juego pero tambien esto va de la mano con la velocidad de tu internet, ya solo vuelve a instalarlo ok, me avisas
    cualquier detalle por aqui

    [Translation - Hello! Do not worry about the game if you bought it with your child's account or with yours, you just have to reinstall it, look for it in the ready to install section that is a part of the place where all your games are, force Horizon
    4 today He had an update so he had that detail on this occasion, the problem is that if today they wanted to play forza horizon 4 I doubt that they can then weigh the game but this also goes hand in hand with the speed of your internet, and just reinstall
    it ok , let me know any details here]
  10. XBF Brad A Win User

    Problema con forza horizon 4[Translation-Problem with forza horizon 4]

    Hi Dart,

    Thanks for coming to the forums. We understand you are having issue with graphic settings. If you changed them in game, you will need to get into the game itself to change them back. If unable you can also uninstall the game and then reinstall this will
    reset them also.



Forza Horizon 4 - Problema con la descarga (Mod Translation: Forza Horizon 4-problem with ...

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