False bad reputation, how to fix?

Discus and support False bad reputation, how to fix? in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; And dispute what you think the system does check If all 4 or 8 people say you are a bad Playeraybe the isue isn't them its you Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by xBUENOPARANADAx, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. ngocphi
    ngocphi Guest

    False bad reputation, how to fix?

    And dispute what you think the system does check

    If all 4 or 8 people say you are a bad Playeraybe the isue isn't them its you
    ngocphi, Aug 30, 2016
  2. ngocphi
    ngocphi Guest
    Listen to yourself

    Society is wrong about my behaviour I'm a good player and yes the system does check for false reports dispute what you think

    Who should provide feedback on your behaviour you?

    That would be bad as that plates would be in the systems the community

    Your only option is to be a better playrr and win correctly
    ngocphi, Aug 30, 2016
  3. @ngocphi , dude , learn to use the edit button instead of 4 and 5 responses please....
    RobertBuckalew, Aug 31, 2016
  4. False bad reputation, how to fix?

    Ngocphi , it seems that you are very adamant about the fact that "the community decides your reputation, not you, it's not what you say it is, it's what they say it is. OK, unlike your tenuous grasp of the English language, I comprehend that. But it is
    my understanding that the community is made up of more that 14 people, correct? What percentage do you think those 14 people are of the entire community? I would bet my life it's less than one percent. So why is it that 14 reports against me have put me in
    this situation? When you look at your reputation they break it down by the last 6 months. So, 14 total reports over a 6 month timeline, that comes out to be roughly

    .54 reports a week. Now, Ngocphi, tell me, in all of your great wisdom, does this make sense to you? Does this make sense to anyone else? Because no amount of "be a better player and win correctly" will ever help it make sense to me. And honestly, your advice
    is worth about as much as the contents of the toilet bowl I'm sitting on right now. Here's some irony for you, if there was a way to block/report you in this forum, I would. Now did you necessarily do anything bad? No. Would that stop me? No. Frankly, I just
    don't like you, and so I would report you. It's that easy. Now what if the other posters on the thread did the same thing, you would have all this negative feedback against you, and yet you did nothing wrong. But, you know, be a better poster and express your
    opinion correctly and all, right?
    Juelz Bandana, Sep 1, 2016
  5. oOUTSIDERo62
    oOUTSIDERo62 Guest
    Being a LIVE member since 2004 means that a lot of that time was spent on the 360. One reason you didn't have any problems is that the rep system on the 360 was different. You could have a bad rep, but it did not mean much. The rep system for the ONE matches
    you with similar rep players, which the 360 did not. ngocphi and I are just regular players like you, we just try to help people. We can not tell you exactly how the safe guards for false rep reports actually works. We can not tell you how long you need to
    play without getting reported before you will see a raise in your rep. We can only make suggestions on experience with others in your situation, to help you raise your rep. You have already found Battlefield Hardline is playable with bad rep, I have also heard
    that playing co-op campaign games with friends appears to help. I wish I could give you a perfect answer to your problem, but now that you are in the avoid me range, only you can change that.
    oOUTSIDERo62, Sep 1, 2016
  6. MineDaddy
    MineDaddy Guest
    The rep system is crap imo , if you pay to play you should be able to with no restrictions, whatever lobby your are in should be able to take a simple vote to weed out somebody who is being bad....with that vote ONLY affecting that paticular match...
    MineDaddy, Sep 1, 2016
  7. While I appreciate your attempt at "helping" me and other players in this situation oOUTSIDERo62, it's, unfortunately, about as useful as snake mittens. Anyone who has an avoid me reputation has already scoured the Internet for solutions, posted unsuccessfully
    on forums and perhaps even called in to someone, and we've all gotten the same hum-drum worthless response. In actuality, we aren't posting here so that you can tell us what you think, whether it's meant to be helpful or not, we are posting here so A: we
    can vent because of how frustrating it is to have a $500+ paperweight, and B: in hopes that someone with some type of power/authority may read this and rectify this travesty, or at least decide that enough people have had this issue that it's not our fault
    as much as it is the systems. Thank you for your time and consideration, but it's not helping anyone here.
    Juelz Bandana, Sep 1, 2016
  8. oOUTSIDERo62
    oOUTSIDERo62 Guest

    False bad reputation, how to fix?

    The rep system was put in place to try to get people to be decent to each other. To win fairly and gracefully, and to loose fairly and gracefully. While I believe in the spirit of the rep system, even I am not certain it always works as intended. However,
    I have no real idea exactly how it does work, so I can not comment either way. There have been many complaints on the forums since the rep system was put in place, and it has not changed. I would have to take that as it is working as intended. To be honest,
    the rep system is not a support area, nor is it an enforcement action. Being as it is not a support issue, no one here can help you. Also those on the enforcement side do not read these forums. I remember that this site, at one time, had a feedback section.
    I was unable to find a link to it, so I can not say it is still in action, but if you are able to find it, I suggest posting there. Other then that, what I said in my last post on how to raise your rep, is your only avenue to changing your avoid me status.
    oOUTSIDERo62, Sep 5, 2016
  9. Daft Badger
    Daft Badger Guest
    Daft Badger, Sep 5, 2016
  10. oOUTSIDERo62
    oOUTSIDERo62 Guest
    Thanks Daft, I just could not find it for some reason. Great to have somebody have your back.
    oOUTSIDERo62, Sep 7, 2016
  11. Yusaaa
    Yusaaa Guest

    Dude not only did you ignore that other guys AMAZING post that had several great points, but your still going on a out your idiotic view with your god awful grammar.
    Yusaaa, Oct 31, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

False bad reputation, how to fix?