False bad reputation, how to fix?

Discus and support False bad reputation, how to fix? in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Hello. Cannot play online with friends due to a false bad reputation. What can be done to fix this other than getting a new account or going to... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by xBUENOPARANADAx, Aug 16, 2016.

  1. False bad reputation, how to fix?

    Hello. Cannot play online with friends due to a false bad reputation. What can be done to fix this other than getting a new account or going to PlayStation?

    xBUENOPARANADAx, Aug 16, 2016

    I have bee an overwatch player since the day of release of said game, I put many many hours into it and never once have I recieved any negative feedback (with one exception being the time I wrote a message to someone with a swear word in it and got muted
    for 3 days or so) but right now I've been on the phone with Microsoft for an hour explaining my situation and the only advice they have is to contact the "impossible to contact" enforcement team or play other games to gain a better reputation.

    Me and many other overwatch fans are being FALSELY REPORTED and our accounts are being put into the "avoid me" reputation making it LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to find games of overwatch. I have proof in messages that people have sent me saying they are going to
    report me for NOT CHOOSING THE CHARACTER THEY WANT.... How is the system so flawed that people are getting banned for playing the game they want to.. Picking characters in a game THEY CHOOSE TO.

    I would like my case to be reviewed and for my reputation to be reset back to normal seen as how I have proof I've not done anything wrong? Realistically I've paid over £300 for a nice coaster seen as how I wont be playing my Xbox again until I can play

    Please help.
    Sassy Bastion, Aug 16, 2016
  3. onyxishere
    onyxishere Guest

    Sorry to hear it. Unfortunately no one here can help with enforcement actions of any kind. You can log in to enforcement.xbox.com and see any actions you may have.

    As for the Avoid Me rep you can play Battlefield 4 online. That seems to be the place a lot of people who are in that area go. Otherwise you'll need to have people on your friends list invite you to their games to play online.
    onyxishere, Aug 16, 2016
  4. ngocphi
    ngocphi Guest

    False bad reputation, how to fix?

    Going to ps won't fix it

    The only person who can fix your bad rep yourself

    Shouldn't your question be how do I improve my rep?

    Literally your rep is the community's opinion of you not what you think it is

    Changing systems won't solve your problem. It only cause more by making you spend unnecessarily without solving the issue


    You can play non matchmaking games like never winter etc or just party matches with your friends

    Nothing stops you from playing against your own friends only on open matchmaking

    So basically you would have to join a party then they start a game with your 4friends that's it
    ngocphi, Aug 16, 2016
  5. ISirProdigy007, Aug 16, 2016
  6. ngocphi
    ngocphi Guest
    Gradually without a father complaint you can recover

    Until then you either have to avoid matchmaking or stay with the avoid me crowd

    And change your behaviour

    Poor sportmans

    Poor communication

    Excess bragging

    Team killing etc
    ngocphi, Aug 16, 2016
  7. ngocphi
    ngocphi Guest
    The way you change your rep is by winning good not by winning badly
    ngocphi, Aug 16, 2016
  8. False bad reputation, how to fix?

    Lol. This is a joke right? I mean, by your logic, anyone in prison is deserving to be there right? No such thing as wrongly convicted, because it's not what you know you've done, it's what other people say you've done. It makes me sick how quick people with
    a good rep are to say "you deserve to be where you are, be nicer and play better, you're the problem, not the rep system." Explain to me why I am in avoid me status with 14 reports against me? How does that make sense? But the system is above reproach by your
    standards right? I've been a member of Xbox live since 2004, if I am such a lowlife player why has this never been a problem for me before? The truth is some of us do deserve to be in this predicament, but a lot of us do not. Some people are trolls, they exist
    to torment others. Some other people are just good, a little too good in fact, and the gamer that rests just between casual and hardcore doesn't want to play that really good person. So they block them. And that block goes against that person's reputation.
    Sometimes a player only plays hardcore mode and the only server available is a "sniper only" lobby. Unfortunately for the players in that lobby, it's a ranked server, and therefore they can't dictate such things without violating the TOS for that game. But
    that doesn't stop those players from blocking/reporting the guy who doesn't bow to their will. Well, that's how I ended up where I am. But maybe you think after reading that, that I do deserve to be in this situation. OK, fair enough. But that's July half
    the problem. My only recourse now is to "play online without getting reported", which is pretty hard to do considering I can't get into any games online because of my reputation. This coupled with the fact that there's no one you can call, and forum posts
    just incite cookie cutter responses, and you understand why people get so enraged when this happens to them, especially when they have other people telling them that they're the problem. Or maybe you won't understand, and if that's the case I pray you find
    yourself in this boat with us, because I can't wait to hear that tune change. As for me, I've been unfortunately playing battlefield hard-line for 3 monthes straight at a rate of about 5-10 hours a week, with no change in my rep at all. 64 player lobbies,
    you would think I'd be at least one rep level up by now, but sadly I am not.
    Juelz Bandana, Aug 30, 2016
  9. ngocphi
    ngocphi Guest
    You don't understand how rep works then

    Its not the samr

    Your community decides your rep not your opinion

    Regardless of what you think of it it's your behaviour the server and the community srres

    Calling your players sore losers shows bad sportmanship

    Remember it's your behaviour that shows who you are
    ngocphi, Aug 30, 2016
  10. ngocphi
    ngocphi Guest
    Remember it's just like in real life how you behave decides your reputation not your words

    You can't wave a magic Wand and fix a bad reputation in real life or online it's your behaviour that can fix it

    Win good not badly
    ngocphi, Aug 30, 2016
  11. ngocphi
    ngocphi Guest
    Or simply play nice and show the community you are a better player
    ngocphi, Aug 30, 2016
  12. ngocphi
    ngocphi Guest
    What you are suggesting is lets say you go to school and do something bad and the community there sees it and givds you a bad rep

    Can you go to the principles office and get him to change their opinion?

    Nope it won't happen

    Actions speak louder then words

    Your only solutoon is to fix your behaviour and it takes time
    ngocphi, Aug 30, 2016
  13. Boombaa
    Boombaa Guest

    False bad reputation, how to fix?

    This is just amazing, ngocphi your trust in the "community" is quite awesome as for sure all these people are fair and trustable so they never fake report any better player than them...
    Boombaa, Aug 30, 2016
  14. ngocphi
    ngocphi Guest
    You don't seem to ujderstand what is thebcommunity

    Community includes players likely and me but players who play bargains you

    If the community thinks. You are a bad Playeraybe the issue isn't them butnyou
    ngocphi, Aug 30, 2016
  15. ngocphi
    ngocphi Guest
    The opinion of one doesn't out weight the many you don't see to understand that

    Be a better playrr

    You are just proving it

    Calling someone sore losers show how much of s bad sportmanship you arr

    Youust value and trust your fellow players
    ngocphi, Aug 30, 2016

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