Fallout 4 Automatron purchase not recognized

Discus and support Fallout 4 Automatron purchase not recognized in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; I purchased the new Fallout 4 DLC and played it for a couple hours earlier today. I logged back on tonight and when I tried to load my saved game it... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by Buckeye 09, Mar 22, 2016.

  1. Buckeye 09
    Buckeye 09 Guest

    Fallout 4 Automatron purchase not recognized

    I purchased the new Fallout 4 DLC and played it for a couple hours earlier today. I logged back on tonight and when I tried to load my saved game it said that I did not have that DLC any longer. I looked at my hard drive and it said it was there. Thinking
    that I would simply uninstall / reinstall, I went ahead with the DLC uninstall but now it says I need to purchase it again. How can I fix this?

    Buckeye 09, Mar 22, 2016
  2. HalfwayRice
    HalfwayRice Guest
    Corrupted DLC

    The Automatron DLC for Fallout 4 seems to be corrupted on my Xbox. It is uninstalled, and every time I turn on my xbox it gives me a notification that says “Installation stopped: Fallout 4: Automatron”. When i install the DLC, it fails. when i cancel the
    installation and try again, it fails. I’ve done many things with support, all the way up to clearing all files on my hard drive and downloading them again, with no success. I receive error code 0x80070570
    HalfwayRice, Mar 22, 2016
  3. Automatron DLC Issues

    Hello, i am inquiring about problems ive been having with the Fallout 4 DLC Automaton for the Xbox One. The DLC refuses to work or be Deleted, it doesn't show up in fallout 4 itself but when you go into "Manage Game" it shows up and appears to be downloaded
    and i cannot delete it. i am having no other problems with any of the other DLC or the Game itself, just all of a sudden Automatron Stopped Cooperating one day. i've tried to Cycling the Power, Deleting everything for Fallout 4 including saves, the game itself
    and the Reserve space but of course Automatron refuses to be deleted no matter how many times i press that delete button.
    DarthOlimpian, Mar 22, 2016
  4. Fallout 4 Automatron purchase not recognized

    This is simply classic. They actually convinced you to uninstall the game so you can buy it again!

    You're going to have to purchase the DLC once more if you would like to play it.
    Akimbos Revenge, Mar 22, 2016
  5. Akimbos Revenge is incorrect. Once you make a purchase it stays on your account and you can absolutely re-download purchases.
    SirLurchington, Mar 23, 2016
  6. maxen
    maxen Guest
    Go to My Games & Apps, highlight Fallout 4 and press the Menu button (three horizontal lines) and select Manage Game. You should see the DLC on the right-hand side. Press A to redownload.

    Let us know how you get on.
    maxen, Mar 23, 2016
  7. I am having a similar problem I bought the Season Pass, I got an email saying they had charged me (thanks), I see the purchase on my Xbox account, when I go into the store and to the Fallout 4 Season Pass tile I get the "manage" option (all good so far).
    But it just does not seem to want to download. I have followed the suggestions on this forum, when I go the the game tile and "Manage game" I do not see any option to download any content.

    Seems Microsoft want my money (they have take it already) but have no intention of actually delivering any content.

    any hints?
    Zarfs-0E6AA42C-E7E7-4BC0-B30A-A92C1F40AFC3, Mar 27, 2016
  8. PunkProf1102
    PunkProf1102 Guest

    Fallout 4 Automatron purchase not recognized

    I'm trying the uninstall and re-download now.

    The Manage menu showed the tile for the DLC but wouldn't open.
    PunkProf1102, Apr 6, 2016
  9. PunkProf1102
    PunkProf1102 Guest
    Did not work. . Still won't open.
    PunkProf1102, Nov 2, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Fallout 4 Automatron purchase not recognized