Enforcement team

Discus and support Enforcement team in XBoX Accessibility to solve the problem; I’ve brought this up before, but microsoft being as big of a company and having as much money as they do. Why is it y’all have an enforcement team that... Discussion in 'XBoX Accessibility' started by RapidPup6713981, Sep 21, 2018.

  1. Enforcement team

    I’ve brought this up before, but microsoft being as big of a company and having as much money as they do. Why is it y’all have an enforcement team that the slightest thing wrong said gets you suspended and/or banned? And if you get a suspension or ban
    you can’t call, email, or chat with the team. You instead have to apply for a case review, take a questionaire where if you get one question wrong you must take another, and even if you pass you must file a review to possibly get the suspension/ban lifted
    or removed. But if it isn’t removed you don’t get another chance to rebutle you must keep the suspension/ban and wait for it to be lifted in two weeks.

    RapidPup6713981, Sep 21, 2018
  2. FordGTGuy
    FordGTGuy Guest
    Meaningless Suspension

    The Xbox enforcement team does not life ban lightly, does anyone else use your account?
    FordGTGuy, Sep 21, 2018
  3. bowski477
    bowski477 Guest
    Enforcement team

    Hey guys, there just seems to be a bit of a misunderstanding. OP seems to be looking for the Policy Enforcement team. The XBL PET do not monitor these forums. For any XBL suspension of ban questions you can address them in

    forum. If you are being harassed by another user, please file a complaint using the tools on your console to send a report to the enforcement team.

    Any questions feel free to ask!
    bowski477, Sep 21, 2018
  4. XBF Paul M
    XBF Paul M Guest

    Enforcement team

    Hiya, RapidPup6713981!

    Paul here from the Xbox forum Team here to assist however I can. With this specific issue I will have to refer you to our enforcement team. They can be reached at

    for any questions regarding enforcement action all the answers will be on the enforcement website. It is unfortunate as to this issue happening and you have my best wishes in getting
    this issue resolved.


    Paul from Xbox Forums!
    XBF Paul M, Sep 21, 2018
  5. I posted a discussion maybe two hours ago about why is it that we can only file a review to the enforcement team and are unable to call, chat, or email them like the xbox support team and they actually locked my discussion and sent me a link to file a
    case review with the enforcement team and said they’re sorry for this happening and they hope this helps solve the issue
    RapidPup6713981, Nov 5, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Enforcement team