Enforcement bullcrap

Discus and support Enforcement bullcrap in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Why is it that the Xbox one enforcement team will ban me for rebutting some kid telling me Im trash but not ban other kids when they are spamming the N... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by I Zatch I, Oct 11, 2017.

  1. I Zatch I
    I Zatch I Guest

    Enforcement bullcrap

    Why is it that the Xbox one enforcement team will ban me for rebutting some kid telling me Im trash but not ban other kids when they are spamming the N word in chat. I'm banned for my birthday now, no joke. All my plans to stay up with friends on 2k and
    CoD are basically ruined so thanks for that Xbox. I don't think the enforcement team actually looks into the case before banning people. I'm mad as hell right now as this has happened on multiple occasions.

    I Zatch I, Oct 11, 2017
  2. Enforcement bullcrap

    Seeing what nice words that you used in your post here that the system automatically starred them out if you used that type of language when trying to get your point across to your fellow gamers and they reported you to the enforcement team then that would
    be why you got suspended because of your actions of violating the code of conduct which can be read
    Here and which you agreed to follow these rules when you signed up for the live service.
    steeledwand7664, Oct 11, 2017
  3. Enforcement bullcrap

    Hi xMonkeyDLuffx9,

    To add to what steeledwand7664 said, you can also file for a case review by signing into the
    Enforcement Site then clicking on the Hammer Icon.

    Have a great night!
    Mister Kellogg, Oct 11, 2017
  4. M3tal Daz3
    M3tal Daz3 Guest

    Enforcement bullcrap

    Actually every report gets investigated before a suspension is issued.

    Anyway since XBLPET doesn't uses the forums you can check your suspension or if eligible for a case review: https://enforcement.xbox.com
    M3tal Daz3, Oct 11, 2017
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Enforcement bullcrap