Enforcement Action - what was the offending content?

Discus and support Enforcement Action - what was the offending content? in XBoX on Windows to solve the problem; Please read before commenting. This is not a dispute about any enforcement action taken. Yesterday I received an email stating that an enforcement... Discussion in 'XBoX on Windows' started by Mandelbrot1975, Oct 22, 2018.

  1. Enforcement Action - what was the offending content?

    Please read before commenting. This is not a dispute about any enforcement action taken.

    Yesterday I received an email stating that an enforcement action had been taken against my account. When referencing the enforcement page at https://enforcement.xbox.com, I saw that on my son's account (linked to my account) he had posted something and that
    is had been taken down. That's fine and dandy but I'd like to talk to him about it in detail. When asked, naturally I'm getting denials. While I have parental controls enabled on his laptop, XBox account and at our router/forward proxy/firewall layer, I'm
    obviously not intercepting HTTPS connections and thus cannot see the content in question.

    As there is zero way to reach the enforcement team, I have no recourse to find out what specifically he did wrong. Did he drop the f-bomb? Did he use racist language? Did he link to some smut? The problem is I don't know and I have no way to find out. I've
    been told to "report" him (via the XBox or the XBox app) but those get closed immediately and now I have a warning for feature abuse. So forgive me for trying to be a responsible and involved parent but I'd like to know what exactly was said or posted so I
    can have a conversation with him.

    Microsoft, you have to do better here. How do I contact the Enforcement Team and/or find out what was posted or uploaded so I can work with him to ensure it doesn't happen again?

    And no, there was no appeal option. The enforcement action said there was no option to appeal it. I want to stress that there's nothing that I'm appealing, I'm not arguing against the enforcement action, I just want to understand the content in question.
    As his parent and the one affected by this action (he's not allowed to play on weeknights but I do play nightly after everyone goes to bed), it would be nice to have a bit of context here.

    Edit: Here's the report from the enforcement team. It couldn't be more vague:

    October 21, 2018, 8:40:16 PMThe offending content was removed.
    This account posted an inappropriate comment. This may be due to harassment, profanity, nudity or sexual content, negative speech towards a person or group, references to notorious people or organizations,
    references to sensitive current or historical events, controversial content, or other inappropriate references.

    So I get he posted something "naughty". But what exactly? If I can't talk to him about it w/ evidence in hand, it's likely he'll do it again. And thus we'll be here all over again.

    Mandelbrot1975, Oct 22, 2018
  2. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

    The Xbox Live enforcement team is able to detect consoles that are jtagged and can and will take appropriate action against the offenders.
    Galactic Geek, Oct 22, 2018
  3. An Old Freak
    An Old Freak Guest
    I got a communication ban.

    You have the option to mute, block and report gamers that are sending offending messages. The enforcement team will investigate the report and take action as needed.
    An Old Freak, Oct 22, 2018
  4. XBF Chris J
    XBF Chris J Guest

    Enforcement Action - what was the offending content?

    Hello Mandel,

    I want to start off by saying I agree with your point, It should be easier to contact enforcement for details on all enforcement actions. Unfortunately, the only way to contact enforcement would be through the
    enforcement website
    by submitting a case review. The Enforcement team does not monitor or respond to forum posts.

    If the suspension was for over 24 hours, then a case review should be there as an option.

    Hope this helps
    XBF Chris J, Oct 22, 2018
  5. Under case review it says "not available". So I'm up a creek w/o a paddle.
    Mandelbrot1975, Oct 22, 2018
  6. KindGryphon
    KindGryphon Guest
    Unfortunately even if you could do the case review the enforcement team wouldnt provide specific details anyway for privacy reasons.

    They would give an answer like "account was found sending inappropriate messages" for example and not anything specific like "you sent x message at x time saying x"
    KindGryphon, Oct 22, 2018
    If you encounter Conduct or Content that violates the Microsoft Code of Conduct,
    don’t retaliate with prohibited Conduct or Content. Instead, you can:

    • File a complaint (See
      for Xbox One,
      for Xbox on Windows, and
      for Xbox 360)
    • Give offending player(s) negative feedback (see
    • Mute offending player(s) (See
      for Xbox One,
      for Xbox on Windows, and
      for Xbox 360)
    • Use the Block Communications feature (See
      for Xbox One,
      for Xbox on Windows, and
      for Xbox 360)
    • Use the Avoid This Player feature (See
    • Adjust your privacy settings to avoid seeing unwanted content (See
    HAZMAT RADIO, Oct 22, 2018
  8. Enforcement Action - what was the offending content?

    Even for a child account that is clearly as marked as being used by a minor (of which I had to previously verify that I was the parent)? That's just absurd and reckless. So now, not only do I not know what my child posted within the XBox app, because I
    don't know what it is he'll likely run afoul of whatever it was he did again which in turn means my account gets the banhammer.

    I'm honestly aghast about how poorly Microsoft manages this particular feature. As someone that is routinely suspended from FB for "dank memes", even FB gives you more context as to why you are getting suspended including the offending content, date, time and
    what not. I just find it really hard to believe that a company the size and maturity of Microsoft, who has been running an on-line service for a decade+ now, hasn't run across this before.

    This screams the need for public shaming of Microsoft.
    Mandelbrot1975, Oct 22, 2018
  9. XBF Leslie D
    XBF Leslie D Guest
    Hi Mandel,

    When XBLPET issues an enforcement action, an to the address associated with your Xbox Live account. If you are using a child account, an email is sent to the Microsoft Account associated with your parent or guardian. Each email message explains
    that the account was subject to enforcement action and links to pages that provide additional information.

    In response to your concern, the community continues to grow the Xbox Live Policy & Enforcement Team remains committed to preserving and promoting a safe, secure and enjoyable experience for all of our members across every device. If a player
    behaves poorly on Xbox Live – whether on an Xbox console or a Windows device, we take it seriously and will ensure any enforcement action applies to their account on each platform. Take a look at
    Microsoft’s Code of Conduct Explained for Xbox Live Customers.

    For more information about what each type of enforcement means, visit
    Xbox Live Suspensionsand
    Xbox Live Device Bans.
    XBF Leslie D, Nov 5, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Enforcement Action - what was the offending content?