Do you miss old school games like Streets Of Rage or love new games like Call of Duty

Discus and support Do you miss old school games like Streets Of Rage or love new games like Call of Duty in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; Ive just started a new channel for old school and new school gaming Focal Point Im new to youtube and looking to improve and expand, is there any... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by Breaking Lag, Nov 9, 2014.

  1. Breaking Lag
    Breaking Lag Guest

    Do you miss old school games like Streets Of Rage or love new games like Call of Duty

    Ive just started a new channel for old school and new school gaming

    Focal Point

    Im new to youtube and looking to improve and expand, is there any games you guys would like to watch, should i do live commentary etc.

    Im also after friends to add on xbox360 i play Cod, Battlefield, Minecraft and new release so send me your GamerTag =)

    thanks for reading

    ~ BreakingLag~

    Breaking Lag, Nov 9, 2014
  2. Chris123WW
    Chris123WW Guest
    Time to Bring back WW2 type game?

    do you think they will ever re make an old school WW2 war game with the great graphics? sorta like the original call of duty or that style of feel old school WW2 style?
    Chris123WW, Nov 9, 2014
  3. Raging Justice

    I love the graphical style. It reminds me of what I remember Mortal Kombat looking like back in the day.
    And you've gotta love the old school, Streets of Rage game play.
    Good couch co-op game.
    Lostsoul 301281, Nov 9, 2014
  4. YellowJacket LE Win User

    Why do ppl think games are easy? I wasn't wrong..i was there..still there..but no I wasn't talking about all,as a few games were different in those days many I miss to this day but the majority(if you will) had re-skinned enemies with insane cheapness...Golden Axe,Streets
    of rage,Tron Deadly Disc etc. even some of my favorite classics had re-skinned cheap enemies...X-men arcade,TMNT arcade..the old fighting games were different like WWF WrestleMania,Mortal Kombat,Street Fighter etc those were different and a few others like
    the newer Zelda games...I'm not trying to knock my old school era not in a million years but that's the way it was.Now if we can agree on that than awesome..if not i'll see you back in this thread.
  5. F U I D C Win User

    Help Me - I don't play Call Of Duty !!

    I am getting this new call of duty because I love the old school aspect of it, none of this future technology we have seen in the past ones. This Call of Duty takes me back when it was just full-on multiplayer conflict that I loved in the FPS genre.
  6. capcom23 Win User

    The Witcher developer CDP announces new RPG: Cyberpunk

    I've seen the pictures, but lately every game with a bit story is called RPG. To me RPG are games like Suikoden/ Breath of Fire/ Grandia. I miss something in these new RPG games. Totally can't match the old school RPG games. Nuff said
  7. CRUZZifer Win User

    Rage... Like it, but not loving it!

    RGe just needs to be longer and go more in depth. I like the game tho, actually enjoy it but just seems something is missing. Also, the main character not talking is not my thing, didn't really bother me but also, it didn't make me care much about him or
    what's going on. The ending was horrible also, very very bad.
  8. Martymar82 Win User

    Rage... Like it, but not loving it!

    I was disappointed with it for sure, I made to to the second disc and just lost interest to keep playing especially after hearing that it just keeps going downhill and the ending was crap. Oh well picked up Forza 4 in the meantime to keep me busy till tuesday
    for Arkham City.

Do you miss old school games like Streets Of Rage or love new games like Call of Duty

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