Disrespect and Harassment

Discus and support Disrespect and Harassment in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Hello. Recently, I was a victim of harassment, disrespect and slander through the conversations of xbox (Im Brazilian). I reported the player a week... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by Lipsamuven, Apr 5, 2018.

  1. Lipsamuven
    Lipsamuven Guest

    Disrespect and Harassment

    Hello. Recently, I was a victim of harassment, disrespect and slander through the conversations of xbox (Im Brazilian). I reported the player a week ago because of his attitude, but I have not yet had an enforcement response, so... I would like action to
    be taken as I receive sexual and offensive messages from this player and, I feel very uncomfortable.


    Lipsamuven, Apr 5, 2018
  2. NxtDoc1851
    NxtDoc1851 Guest
    Xbox One April update out for all now

    @ ibakez. I am not looking for an argument. And I mean no disrespect. I just do not get the logic. We all have had different experiences and handle things differently. In my experience I received roughly 65/35 text to voice message harassment. And
    it personally does not bother me. I would just delete random VM. (If it was a friendly message generally a friend request would follow). I don't see the big deal, and why everyone is so sensitive about a message from someone you don't know, and will more
    than likely never come across.
    NxtDoc1851, Apr 5, 2018
  3. Stray2615
    Stray2615 Guest
    Looking for kik members.

    Then you belong on my disqus channel where being disrespectful is a prerequisite.
    Stray2615, Apr 5, 2018
  4. Smwutches
    Smwutches Guest

    Disrespect and Harassment

    As long as you filed a complaint on them, the enforcement team will investigate them and take the appropriate action. They don't always send a message when they do so even though you haven't received a message doesn't mean they aren't taking care of it.
    Smwutches, Apr 5, 2018
  5. Smwutches Win User

    Disrespect and Harassment

    As long as you filed a complaint on them, the enforcement team will investigate them and take the appropriate action. They don't always send a message when they do so even though you haven't received a message doesn't mean they aren't taking care of it.
  6. BellaAdelaide Win User

    I need girls to play GTA V online with

    Dont see why I wouldn't, most guys are mean, disrespectful,and cocky, especially in gta. I'm sorry if I don't like being harassed, or if i just want to play with a girl for once. I see plenty in assassins creed
  7. icepick4000 Win User

    Mod edit: how to apply to be an XBLPET LIVE enforcement agent?

    Slots slots to protect people that are getting harassed abused on the internet people who do not get help being stuck up for I help with all the time my old gamertag got banned for harassment because I was sticking up for myself guy was harassing children's
    asking for sexual favors I told him to get the hell out of a lot doesn't lie because he was being disrespectful rude to kids I am somebody that do not approve of a lot of things messing with children is in my biggest pet peeves
  8. hypnotic weaver Win User

    Tribute to Paul walker and driver

    How is that disrespectful?? I was not meaning any disrespect AT ALL
  9. DarthLegacy905 Win User


    it does not pay to get involved with trolls or people who disrespect the code of conduct. don't stoop to their level and don't be disrespectful to anyone.

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