Disgusting anti consumer practices

Discus and support Disgusting anti consumer practices in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; I can't play games from an external HD? Literally no reason other than greed on behalf of Microsoft. Your consoles have pitifully small HDs and become... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by carlos sousa4, Jul 29, 2023.

  1. Disgusting anti consumer practices

    I can't play games from an external HD? Literally no reason other than greed on behalf of Microsoft. Your consoles have pitifully small HDs and become super slow before being even close to full. Literally downloaded a single game at over 60GB. One. Single. Game... Nowhere in the process was I informed I couldn't play from the external. So I wait hours for the download to complete, only to find out AFTER that isn't allowed, and I have to wait AGAIN to transfer to the internal HD. Nevermind this one single game will eat over 10% of the total space. I have been an Xbox member for well over a decade, but MS's continued anti-consumer practices have cemented my decision that this will be my last console generation. Have fun in your quest to milk every last penny from your customers, but I won't continue to take part after my console inevitably becomes a paperweight.

    carlos sousa4, Jul 29, 2023
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Disgusting anti consumer practices