digital free games

Discus and support digital free games in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; for the past 3 days ive tried to install digital free games that i got from the xbox store onto my xbox one. One game installed and the other 3 I'm... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by olliepandabear-F2C98121-2274-4DD5-BB7A-5FB3EFD430F, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. digital free games

    for the past 3 days ive tried to install digital free games that i got from the xbox store onto my xbox one. One game installed and the other 3 I'm having problems with. One of the 3 games got to 60% and stopped. That was 3 days ago so i tried installing
    one of the other games and it wouldnt install. Same with the other game. Its been doing this for 3 days. It would stop installing then i would try to install again and it again would stop installing. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm really frustrated.
    I tried installing them offline too and the installation keeps stopping.

    olliepandabear-F2C98121-2274-4DD5-BB7A-5FB3EFD430F, Dec 31, 2015
  2. ColtonTurnbo
    ColtonTurnbo Guest
    Free Fall

    no free fall with digital purchase : ( can't preorder a digital game
    ColtonTurnbo, Dec 31, 2015
  3. Digital free games

    Can I re- download an old free game from xbox gold I have deleted on xbox one ?
    polinos-[xboxvenue], Dec 31, 2015
  4. onyxishere
    onyxishere Guest

    digital free games

    Sorry to hear it. Which games are they? Are you getting any type of error code when this happens? Have you tried power cycling the console by holding the power button on it for 10 seconds until it shuts down or checking to see if there's an update for
    the console pending?
    onyxishere, Jan 3, 2016
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

digital free games