Detecting new security bug of unlimited home switch and stealing from Microsoft

Discus and support Detecting new security bug of unlimited home switch and stealing from Microsoft in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Update 03/20/2021 New email and serial numbers added We have identified a new bug again inside the Microsoft site and the security of your... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by Alireza BM, Mar 23, 2021.

  1. Alireza BM
    Alireza BM Guest

    Detecting new security bug of unlimited home switch and stealing from Microsoft

    Update 03/20/2021
    New email and serial numbers added

    We have identified a new bug again inside the Microsoft site and the security of your infrastructure and server. This security problem causes the home switches of the accounts to be used indefinitely in the game sharing system. The way it works is that due to these security bugs, we can buy any number of games we want in one account and install it offline on the Xbox device and disconnect it from the Internet. These switches never run out due to bugs and security flaws in the body of the server and the website. So once you spend money and buy a number of games for one account, you can install them on an infinite number of devices and Microsoft will pay huge financial losses for this bug and security flaw and not selling games.Unfortunately, from the past to the present, such challenges have been observed. I have notified Microsoft in various ways and emails to address these security vulnerabilities and to prevent copyright infringers and game publishers as well as MicrosoftI hope that the information that I have provided to you is sufficient and will lead to the investigation and dealing with these violators and violators of copyright.

    Proof of claim 1
    As I said before, not all user accounts have this breach or security issue. Very few user accounts have this flaw. For example, this account *** Die E-Mail-Adresse wurde aus Datenschutzgründen entfernt. *** and *** Die E-Mail-Adresse wurde aus Datenschutzgründen entfernt. *** has this unlimited switch security role. Check this account please. You will notice that several games have recently been purchased with this username and also other games are being added to this username over time. Also, when you log in to the username in the computer and enter the section, you will see the serial number of many consoles and various models of game consoles that will be added day by day. This account uses the Microsoft Account home switches security vulnerability.
    Note that some of these accounts do not behave normally in reducing the number of home switches. Sometimes they add switches or sometimes announce that home switches are over and people have to wait until a certain date. But if you try again, the account will show a bug and again provide a number of home switches to the user.
    Note that blocking this account will not solve the problem. Because due to a bug on your server, this abuse is done. So it is better to seek treatment for the problem.
    The account is sold with the ability to send the second password to different end users, and the user succeeds in installing home switches on his device by logging in to this account and receiving the second password once. When done, disconnect the device from the Internet and play the games offline and in full. The original owner of this account puts this account up for sale on a rental basis and earns several dollars for each home switches he sells.
    Microsoft is losing money for every home switch it makes on these accounts indefinitely due to a security bug found on those accounts that can no longer sell games. This issue is intensifying.

    Proof of claim 2
    We are retailers of game consoles and computer game equipment. We have recently noticed that some wholesalers have found a way to infiltrate Xbox game consoles and install games offline and unlimited on gaming devices in various ways. Then they sell them to retailers like us at a high profit and 100%.
    Please check these devices with the following serial numbers.
    and new part is
    We bought these devices from wholesalers to sell to consumers. All these devices have the following games completely equal.
    If you check the serial number of these devices, you will notice that there is an account on all of these devices that contains all the games in full, and if you identify the account listed on these consoles, go to settings. Related to that user account, check the account. In the section, you will see the serial numbers of many devices. The reason is that this account, which is installed on these devices, has a bug and a performance defect, and allows unlimited installation of games on multiple consoles to the abusive and abusive user. By checking the weakness of this account, you will be able to identify your security vulnerabilities and server bugs and fix them forever and prevent theft from Microsoft and copyright infringement.

    Alireza BM, Mar 23, 2021
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Detecting new security bug of unlimited home switch and stealing from Microsoft