Crave tv

Discus and support Crave tv in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; Help. My crave tv was acting funny last weekend and i deleted it so i could re-install it again and now it wont show up at all anywhere its completly... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by QuenTRON91, Jun 3, 2019.

  1. QuenTRON91
    QuenTRON91 Guest

    Crave tv

    Help. My crave tv was acting funny last weekend and i deleted it so i could re-install it again and now it wont show up at all anywhere its completly missing I tried to search for it and nothing shows up

    QuenTRON91, Jun 3, 2019
  2. Mimori 775 Win User

    Crave tv

  3. XBF Brad A Win User

    Crave tv

    Hi Quen,

    Thanks for coming to the forums with your question. This could be that it was taken down from the Xbox. I was able to find it for google play or Windows 10.

    We recommend trying uninstall and reinstall of your profile.


  4. Display Name_ David Win User

    Crave TV and Shomi apps for the xbox one?

    Maybe Rogers can Shomi why I need to Crave TV from Bell.
  5. UserRS321 Win User

    Crave TV app freezing when trying to watch House of the Dragon

    Curious, what Xbox do you use and what is your tv and resolution you are setup for? Just trying to determine if this issue is across different Xbox generations and tv resolutions or is it simply a Crave issue experienced across all Xboxes and video resolutions.

    Also have you opened a support ticket with Crave?
  6. JohnRamey Win User

    win 10 game bar captures gaming ok but to capture desktop it does audio with black screen - how to fix

    Gamebar on my pc will record steam gaming and youtube but will not record crave tv, netflix or tsn(audio with black screen).

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