Constant Disconnect from XBOX LIVE

Discus and support Constant Disconnect from XBOX LIVE in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; I have looked at many forum topics on this subject and NONE of them really get to the heart of the problem. So first let me start off by saying, it is... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by KatmandewFBA, Feb 21, 2014.

  1. KatmandewFBA
    KatmandewFBA Guest

    Constant Disconnect from XBOX LIVE

    I have looked at many forum topics on this subject and NONE of them really get to the heart of the problem. So first let me start off by saying, it is NOT my Router, ISP, Ethernet, WiFi, Utility service or anything else people keep throwing out there as
    problems. They weren't a problem before, why would they be a problem now? All this started the same weekend as you FREE GOLD TRIAL WEEKEND. I am constantly being disconnected from XBOX LIVE and everything seems to be on there end, not mine. If there is a solution
    to this problem which does not include what I mentioned in the beginning, please let me know so I can fix this problem promptly and not have to wait several months for no answer or solution, like others have.

    KatmandewFBA, Feb 21, 2014
  2. Mooseboy52
    Mooseboy52 Guest
    Constant disconnects from XBOX Live

    XBOX Live began working at the home screen. I was not getting disconnected until I attempted to watch a movie on Netflix. Deleted Netflix and reinstalled, now seems to be working. Seems to be an XBOX Live issue. Thanks for the replies.
    Mooseboy52, Feb 21, 2014
  3. Mooseboy52
    Mooseboy52 Guest
    Constant disconnects from XBOX Live

    I get disconnected when I'm in the dashboard, watching a movie on Netflix, and in a game. I will try a direct modem connection when I get a chance. In the past day or so I have been able to stay connected for a longer period of time than previously.
    Mooseboy52, Feb 21, 2014
  4. Constant Disconnect from XBOX LIVE

    I have exactly the same problem & it started the same as you ( last weekend ) Most of the time i am unable to sign in or if i do manage to get on-line i maybe get 1/2hr at most before i disconnect.Over a week now and totally peeved off.I either get all different
    error codes or "we are unable to sign you into live".I have tried everything even had my ISP out to the house to test everything,but there is no prob my end !!!! When is this going to be fixed ????
    FoxyTheAssassin, Feb 21, 2014
  5. Shato D
    Shato D Guest
    I have the same problem...went through all the test...reloaded profile...ect....have gotten so many error codes it's stupid...everything seems to point to xbox lives end.
    Shato D, Feb 26, 2014
  6. Drakken Saer
    Drakken Saer Guest
    As I have been able to access Xbox Live to it's full extent, I can safely assume that the issue is not likely to do with Xbox Live itself. In order to understand more about the information, and so I can assist you, could you please answer the questions in
    this forum?
    Drakken Saer, Feb 26, 2014
  7. Shato D
    Shato D Guest
    I can safely assume it is xbox live
    Shato D, Feb 26, 2014
  8. Elcid1991
    Elcid1991 Guest

    Constant Disconnect from XBOX LIVE

    DITTO. I am continuously disconnected from XBOX Live when playing Ghosts or watching Netflix. When I don't get disconnected from a game, the play is not smooth, but rather lagging. Many times I get kicked out of a game room and assigned a new one with
    new players. The Netflix picture is also not clear and crisp. I have not been able to view an hour long program without being logged off. This is very frustrating. I know it is not my cable or wireless router, because I have no issues using an IPAD or
    laptop to view Netflix. Most important of all I am not satisfied with my current gaming experience with XBOX Live. This issue has been going on for about a month now. Way too frustrating. Reading the same issue with other gamers tells me the problem is
    not at the user level. The issue also effects the other members in a game room. I have followed the instruction on deleting my profile, and cache 3 times, on several occasions. I have another XBOX that my son uses, and he has the same issue, but not as
    often. I reside in Fairfax County, VA, 22015. I use Verizon FIOS for my internet/cable provider with a wireless router. Please provide some assistance because I don't know how much longer my patience with XBOX is going to last. SNAKE DOCTOR 91.
    Elcid1991, Feb 28, 2014
  9. ViZ Spike
    ViZ Spike Guest
    I recently received my xbox after its repair 2 days ago. Yesterday I had the worst trouble simply downloading my account, and now today half the time I can sign into my xbox live account and half the time I can't. When I check my connection half the time
    there's no problem, half the time there's an issue connecting to xbox live. When I actually can sign into my account I receive an error message once I try to play a game online.
    ViZ Spike, Oct 31, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Constant Disconnect from XBOX LIVE