Console ban but cannot find anything about it?

Discus and support Console ban but cannot find anything about it? in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Well I'll explain what's happened; Basically I got console banned, I can't play online or use any communication features. This most likely happened on... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by Normal User 3485, Jun 30, 2017.

  1. Console ban but cannot find anything about it?

    Well I'll explain what's happened;

    Basically I got console banned, I can't play online or use any communication features. This most likely happened on the 26th of June (the Monday passed) as I was playing on the Sunday before and it is due to end at 25th August. Which I'm being told is odd
    as Xbox console bans are permanent. But that's not my confusion.

    I'm confused because I have repeatedly time and time again have checked my enforcement history but I have nothing about a console ban. It states my latest suspension as a comms ban which was around April this year.

    In addition, as with every suspension, you should receive a standard message from Xbox live saying you have been suspended m. So, if I've been console banned why can't I find it anywhere. I don't fraud or illegally modify my device or any bad comms that
    could get me console banned? I'm not trying to say this is a mistake but it's odd that there's nothing about a ban on my account or the website until I try to use the services. The only way I found out the end date was through Xbox support. However they can't
    be much help as they can't see exact details apparently as only the enforcement team can see this.but I also been told I can't directly contact them. Ive been told to do a review by one, and told by another employee I cannot? Please help. I honestly don't
    think I've done anything so serious to warrant a console ban.

    (If this is posted in the wrong area I'm sorry I'm new to the forums )

    Normal User 3485, Jun 30, 2017
  2. AIex WiIheIm
    AIex WiIheIm Guest
    AIex WiIheIm, Jun 30, 2017
  3. geekfather
    geekfather Guest
    call of duty black ops 2 boosting

    I find it sort of funny that they will ban you for boosting (which I am in toal agreement) but they cannot do anything about the leaderboards which have been hacked? I would think the leaderboard issue is a far more serious infraction.
    geekfather, Jun 30, 2017
  4. AIex WiIheIm Win User

    My xbox got banned

    Console bans cannot be appealed. You can find more about them at Sorry
  5. Smwutches Win User

    Console Ban

  6. Smwutches Win User

    I got console banned about 77 days ago and idk what i did yes i got a few suspensions with my account here and there but nothing serious and i wanna see if i can get this mess fixed

  7. gds1972 Win User

    Xbox 360


    Once a console is banned this is permanent an cannot be undone, If you click on the link below you should hopefully be able to find out more information about the ban.
  8. Ronnieee Win User

    Hi how can i fix the error of ban console 0x80a40020?

    Hi there! This is Ronnie, an independent advisor.

    Nice to meet you and I hope you are having a great day!

    I understand you need help with your console problem.

    If you just recently purchased your console, this means that the previous owner had this console already banned and sadly, if the console is being banned permanently, this cannot be played online. I would suggest to have this returned instead since you cannot do anything about this anymore once the console is banned

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