Com banned

Discus and support Com banned in XBoX Rewards & Social to solve the problem; Yes I was wondering why I got com banned in fallout 76 for posting I have atom store vendors active at my camp and selling items that I have farmed and... Discussion in 'XBoX Rewards & Social' started by brian bailey2, May 9, 2024.

  1. Com banned

    Yes I was wondering why I got com banned in fallout 76 for posting I have atom store vendors active at my camp and selling items that I have farmed and picked up in the game on fallout 76

    brian bailey2, May 9, 2024
  2. Smwutches Win User

    Com ban

    For information about your ban and to see about submitting a case review, you'll need to go to
  3. Castellus Zemi Win User

    com ban

    You should first check and make sure that your suspension is over and did not get a extension added to it. To do this go to sign in and click on the orange hammer in the top left. This will take you to your enforcement history page. If your suspension got an extension you can file a case review.

    To see how to file a case review check out this video:

    If your suspension really should be over then doing steps below usually fixes this issue.

    Go to your settings, under account select remove account then select to remove your account. (Make sure you know your email and password before doing this).

    Once you have done this open your guild menu, scroll down to the settings gear icon, scroll over, DO NOT click all settings instead scroll down and select restart console. (Its very important to restart your console this way. If you press the power button
    on the front of your console, it will only but your Xbox into a sleep mode and not do a full reboot).

    Once your console has rebooted go ahead and add back the account to the console, and you should be able to access the features that were previous suspended.

    Hope this Helps, Happy Gaming!!!
  4. FunnyJuggler117 Win User

    Com ban

    Sorry to hear that, but it could be a ban from something that happened a while ago.

    Also, people get offended by the slightest things these days. You pretty much can’t open your mouth without people feeling insulted about something.

    You have to be extra careful of what you say or people will report you.
    very true
  5. Smwutches Win User

    Com banned

    for information about your ban and to see about submitting a case review, you would need to go to
  6. Arminator Win User

    com ban

    how can i get communications banned while im already serving a communication band
    While we don't have any information about your suspension, usually it happens in situations like this.

    Imagine someone sent you an insulting message, and the conversation went like this:

    Other player: "In the last match, you were the reason our team lost. Sarcastic and ironic thanks to you!"

    You respond: "Shut up! YOU were the one that didn't do the thing that would bring us victory. You are an [insert expletive here]" (the other player reports this message)

    Other player "No you shut up. Had you not goofed off in the doorway, the enemy couldn't get past. It's all your fault we lost!"

    You respond: "You don't know how to play. I guarded the doorway perfectly, and you are just a [second expletive]" (this message also gets reported).

    While this was one conversation, you sent two messages with expletives that got reported.

    So an enforcement team member reviewed the first message, and issued a suspension.

    Then they reviewed the second report, and issued a SECOND suspension for the second message.

    So that's how to get a second communications suspension, while having a comm suspension already.

Com banned

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