Collegamento dispositivi comandi remoti [Translate] Remote control device Connection

Discus and support Collegamento dispositivi comandi remoti [Translate] Remote control device Connection in XBoX Accessibility to solve the problem; Salve, non riesco a collegare la xboxone al mio tv sharp modello LC 55cuf8462es. Mi sapreste aiutare in qualche modo? Vorrei poter accendere e... Discussion in 'XBoX Accessibility' started by Red Furios IV, Mar 11, 2019.

  1. Collegamento dispositivi comandi remoti [Translate] Remote control device Connection

    Salve, non riesco a collegare la xboxone al mio tv sharp modello LC 55cuf8462es.

    Mi sapreste aiutare in qualche modo?

    Vorrei poter accendere e apegnere sia tv che soundbar appena avvio o spengo la Console

    [Translate by Mod]

    Hi, I can not connect the xboxone to my sharp TV model LC 55cuf8462es.

    Could you help me in any way?

    I wish I could turn on and Apegnere both TV and Soundbar just start or switch off the Console

    Red Furios IV, Mar 11, 2019
  2. WPAK Win User

    Collegamento dispositivi comandi remoti [Translate] Remote control device Connection

    Web translation:

    Connection of remote control devices

    Hi, I can not connect the xboxone to my tv sharp model LC 55cuf8462es.

    Can you help me in any way?

    I would like to be able to switch on and switch on both the TV and the soundbar as soon as I start or turn off the Console


    Hi there,

    the option to be able to power on the TV and soundbar will depend on the Xbox One console used, the older model might require a Kinect sensor to send out IR.

    To set up the devices to be controlled see the options at:

    1. Select Settings.
    2. Select All Settings.
    3. Select TV & OneGuide.
    4. Select Device Control.
    Also see this link on how to connect the console to a Home Theater etc:

    Let us know the results
  3. Wendy Curcio Win User

    I want to control volume on my XBox One remote control. My Soundbar (Bose) is connected by HDMI to my TV Sharp. What setting do I need to choose?

    Thank you Anderson.

    I have confirmed that my Xbox One is connected thru via HDMI (#3).

    My Bose Sound Bar is connected thru HDMI (#1)

    I also have an Amazon Fire stick connected via HDMI (#4). the remote control for that device works perfectly.

    My Tv is using Aquos Link

    When I use the volume control on my Xbox remote, this message pops up.

    "Set up device control to adjust Tv Audio"
  4. Marpionline Win User

    Cuffie gaming e x box one s [Gaming headsets and x box one s]


    Per poter risolvere il problema ti consiglio di seguire la guida ufficiale di Microsoft disponibile


    Intanto ti lascio qui sotto una parte di guida per poter risolvere velocemente il problema.

    Se non riesci a udire l'audio della chat quando utilizzi l'Headset per chat di Xbox One o se gli altri non riescono a sentirti, prova innanzitutto le soluzioni indicate di seguito.

    • Disconnetti l'headset o scollega il cavo dell'headset dalla parte inferiore del controller, quindi ricollegalo correttamente.
    • Controlla il pulsante di disattivazione vocale nei comandi dell'headset per verificare che l'audio non sia disattivato.
    • Aumenta l'audio. Se utilizzi un headset collegato alla porta da 3,5 mm, vai a Sistema > Impostazioni > Kinect e dispositivi > Dispositivi e accessori, quindi seleziona il controller e
      regola le opzioni audio.
      Nota: se usi un headset con un PC Windows 10, vai a Impostazioni, seleziona Dispositivi, seleziona il controller quindi imposta le opzioni audio.
    • Prova a utilizzare un headset o un controller diverso per controllare se si è verificato un malfunzionamento hardware.
    • Aggiorna il controller per accertarti di disporre del software più recente.

    In order to resolve this issue, I recommend that you follow the official Microsoft guide available here.

    In the meantime, I'll leave you a part of the guide below so that I can quickly solve the problem.

    If you can't hear chat audio when using your Xbox One Chat Headset, or if others can't hear you, try the solutions below first.

    • Disconnect the headset or disconnect the headset cable from the bottom of the controller, and then reconnect it correctly.
    • Check the voice mute button in the headset commands to make sure that the audio is not muted.
    • Increases audio. If you're using a headset connected to the 3.5mm port, go to System > Settings > Kinect and Devices > Devices & Accessories, then select the controller and adjust the audio options.

      Note: If you're using a headset with a Windows 10 PC, go to Settings, select Devices, select the controller, and then set the audio options.
    • Try using a different headset or controller to check if a hardware failure has occurred.
    • Refresh the controller to make sure you have the latest software.]
  5. AquarrzSudnnym Win User

    xbox one non si accende piu ma fa solo il suono di accensione [Mod translation-xbox one no longer turns on but only makes the power on sound]

    "when I press a button it changes color to indicate that the console has
    on and then immediately return to the standby color"

    Are you using a multi socket power board with other devices connected to it as well as the console?

    Try connecting the console directly to a single wall socket.

    Xbox consoles require specific power input that may not be achieved if you're using a power board with other devices connected.

    Stai utilizzando una scheda di alimentazione multi socket con altri dispositivi collegati e la console?

    Prova a collegare la console direttamente a una singola presa a muro.

    Le console Xbox richiedono input di alimentazione specifici che potrebbero non essere raggiunti se si utilizza una scheda di alimentazione con altri dispositivi collegati.
  6. Janet_C Win User

    Installation Stopped Issue

    I am sorry this did not work for you.

    Please try to associate the "Xbox" app for mobile devices to your console and remotely install the game from there.

    To enable the remote features follow these steps:

    Press the Xbox button on your controller to open the guide and go to Profile & system > Settings > Devices & connections > Remote features.

    Check the box to enable remote features.

    For Power options, select Sleep mode.

Collegamento dispositivi comandi remoti [Translate] Remote control device Connection

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