CoC, Enforcement, Censorship, Context, Not Understanding Your Audience (Feedback)

Discus and support CoC, Enforcement, Censorship, Context, Not Understanding Your Audience (Feedback) in XBoX Accessibility to solve the problem; Playstation considers themselves a free speech platform, Microsoft around Xbox One's release updated their CoC so that they are not and Phil Spencer... Discussion in 'XBoX Accessibility' started by King Ownage XV, Aug 11, 2020.

  1. CoC, Enforcement, Censorship, Context, Not Understanding Your Audience (Feedback)

    Playstation considers themselves a free speech platform, Microsoft around Xbox One's release updated their CoC so that they are not and Phil Spencer has stated himself "Xbox is not a free speech platform"

    Now it says that banter and cursing is allowed yet their definition seems to be undefined or extremely flexible because things I would consider banter have gotten me punished so have curse words with no negative implications or insults associated with
    them. Anytime I engage with a player on a competitive game where things get heated I feel like I'm walking on egg shells because context does not matter and the simplest of things can get you suspended. They will not use previous messages as reference it will
    only be taken out of context.

    Playstation understands gamers (the demographic they're appealing too) go watch any YouTube video of people using game chat on games like rainbow six siege, call of duty, etc and it is just curse word and insult after another. This is just how most gamers
    act on these type of games and these types of games are EXTREMELY popular. Xbox is suspending people for normal discourse, they are so out of touch with their demographic it is unbelieveable that they are still staying afloat. What gamers are happy with Xbox
    being very strict on communication? Playstation who is very lenient on what you can say is outselling Xbox 2:1 so they should take a page out of the playbook of their superiors and start doing better because I expect better.

    They have no idea what kind of experience they're creating when sending a message creates pressure and stress. They set a really high bar on Xbox 360 and I don't see them ever doing that again if they don't even know what gamers want. This is why this
    is my last generation on Xbox, it's been a hell of a ride. I've been an xbox Ambassador since the programs inception (removed due to suspensions) 100k+ gamerscore, 15 years, and they lost me. You have to mess up big time to make a die hard fan like me quit.
    I'm taking my 3 best friends with me as well.

    My discord server with 3,000 people also agreed to get a playstation this next gen with me. Most of them shared similar stories of ridiculous suspensions they received. And this isn't just a hate post, I sincerely hope Xbox takes this feedback to heart
    and makes a change if they see it.

    TL;DR: If you're a fanboy feel free to blindly defend Xbox instead of helping them improve I already expect it. You won't hurt my feelings because I have the maturity to not need Microsoft to suspend and censor everything I don't like.

    King Ownage XV, Aug 11, 2020
  2. Daft Badger Win User

    Suspended for a screenshot and I shouldn't have been.

    The enforcement team do not use the forums so nothing anyone here can do.

    The text in all of those censorship images all have something in them that violates the ToU/CoC

    Not all enforcement actions are eligible for a case review so you will have to wait out your suspension.
  3. Zero Jehuty Win User

    Xbox Enforcement

    Correct Enforcement is Black and white. Context does not matter. "Joke reports" are not jokes and are all taken serious. CoC applies to all parties and "He started it" is not a valid argument.

    When you made your account you agreed to NOT do the things listed. Doing them in any context breaks those rules and the agreement you made.
  4. PalmettoBling Win User

    Evidence for Xbox/Windows reporting system

    I am not a member of the Enforcement team, and they do not have a presence on the forums.

    That said, first, feedback and ideas like this should be posted to
    the Xbox Feedback threads.

    Secondly, they do have access to the records and history. I would recommend reviewing over the Code of Conduct again here, as that does cover things like
    inside jokes and such. Context is an important part, yes, but so is knowing your audience, and even though they may not be confrontational about it, things might make them uncomfortable that they do not feel safe vocalizing, which might cause an "inside joke"
    to be reported and seem like it was done without review history or context.
  5. Mister Darcy-9112DFB Win User

    How to have two adults in the Gold Family?

    Hello, Bibber62. I understand what you are saying, and I do appreciate your feedback on this. However, we're unable to help with this over the Support Forums. Your best bet is to make a thread in the Feedback Forums that Mister Gwyther linked above. This
    will make sure your thoughts reach the broadest and optimal audience. Thanks!
  6. Mister Darcy-9112DFB Win User

    System update: messy User Interface - Language/Locale settings mostly ignored

    Greetings, mars7T2. Please definitely post this in the feedback section. This will help your feedback reach the optimal audience. It will be noticed there.

CoC, Enforcement, Censorship, Context, Not Understanding Your Audience (Feedback)

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