Clunking noise when loading or ejecting disk

Discus and support Clunking noise when loading or ejecting disk in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Whenever I load or eject a disk I hear a single clunking noise as the disk is retracted or being pushed out. The disks play fine and do not seem to be... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by KillerAC71, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. KillerAC71
    KillerAC71 Guest

    Clunking noise when loading or ejecting disk

    Whenever I load or eject a disk I hear a single clunking noise as the disk is retracted or being pushed out. The disks play fine and do not seem to be damaged in any way. Similarly there are no noises as it is rotating, Is this normal or is it a sign that
    the disk drive could be faulty?

    KillerAC71, Jan 29, 2014
  2. Di5coDonk3y
    Di5coDonk3y Guest
    Disk ejecting noise

    Just wanted to know if im suffering with a dodgy console.. when ejecting a disk it sound quite cluncky, not the smooth sound when inserting a disk. just wonder if they are ment to sound smooth coming out as when going in? (keep it clean)
    Di5coDonk3y, Jan 29, 2014
  3. Mister Cerb
    Mister Cerb Guest
    Disk ejecting noise

    Hey again Disco, thanks for getting back to us!

    If your discs aren't showing any damage, it sounds like the disc drive is fine; but without hearing the sound for myself I can't be sure.

    If you're nervous about it though, I suggest getting in touch with phone support (you can use the
    Contact Us page if you'd like so you can skip waiting on hold) and speak with a repair specialist about your options.

    Let us know how things go and we'll be standing by to hear back from you! ^_^
    Mister Cerb, Jan 29, 2014
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Clunking noise when loading or ejecting disk