Cloud gaming the question is why does it take so long to load up

Discus and support Cloud gaming the question is why does it take so long to load up in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; Cloud gaming why does it take so long to load up when Xbox announce so quickly Are you able to play games anywhere through cloud gaming on any... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by PoPPa HoBBiT, Sep 23, 2023.

  1. PoPPa HoBBiT
    PoPPa HoBBiT Guest

    Cloud gaming the question is why does it take so long to load up

    Cloud gaming why does it take so long to load up when Xbox announce so quickly

    Are you able to play games anywhere through cloud gaming on any particular kind of platform as long as it is involving Android iOS and console

    That you were instantly go into the game without any long time of waiting

    So why is my Xbox which is connected to an online server which is in the UK which is EE network internet hub

    With fibre optic internet speed going extremely fast

    I'm having some temporary issues over A somebody is slowing down the process B somebody is uploaded above which I've reported the issue or c they complementally slowing down the actual game someone able to go on it losing my frustration

    So why can't Xbox salt had this cloud gaming as this has been an issue for quite some time waiting around for a long experience like a train little dog waiting very patiently for a game to upload is this their way of punishment because I'm doing something because I'm not obeying the law what I'm exposed to if the answer is yes I think this is despicable because one

    All the people do not follow rules and regulations they all break the law and second of all the law in bounds these particular personal infrastructures so people break the law without their knowing of the situation without a person knowing about the situation then obviously they're not breaking the law their lawn barn incisions until they get to occupation of a bill or some sort of sentence

    Back in my day I did not know anything about the law but now I know the law but I still like to break it the reason why why do you have to control something which you suspectedly produce into the content of the situation which is breaking the law

    And these guys are breaking the law by tampering somebody's internet screwing it up shutting them down they do not have the authority to do this at all or because they sit down on a lonely computer next to other people screaming up their internet or screwing up their gameplay to make a impression that they're in power over a internet policy however controls the electric river controls the grid of the what devices says that they're in power they're not in power the only Embrace the power but they're breaking the law by destroying parts of the network

    Gaming I'm waiting over 10 minutes waiting for the simple reason for it to expect to go into a game which is true by Xbox Xbox has announced the said that Clara game is going to be loaded up quicker and better before so how come the UK United Kingdom is this destroying the network device how come UK is breaking the law over the Americans what the Americans has produced it's quite interesting indeed that the UK allowed to do this in their own lands but when it comes to a different land structure they're not allowed to do that because it's invading personal space and also invading personal privacy

    So why is that the UK are discriminating their own country when their leaking off information from their own country provided to the American source and the American produces it through music TV and reception produces it back onto the UK network through their network providers of the United States of America I think it's just been told which I've just recently explained that they are bypassing and giving our information and we can do discrimination of certain people

    That's by where what their potentially doing is a disgrace because it shows no privacy is discriminating a person until the person faces up to the counts of justice you can stick the justice system up your buttocks

    Because I'm getting sick of tired these individual people who meant to be outsmarting a person who creates the electrical company who creates the internet policy who creates everything in their power to notify that they're in control of every service network or did they move my service onto somebody else's service to make it look like a discrimination are they just uploading me and loading me up into a process which doesn't load up possibility because while it is they can transfer your file onto a different server destroy a part of your servant and network

    PoPPa HoBBiT, Sep 23, 2023
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Cloud gaming the question is why does it take so long to load up