Cisco Cisco DPC3939: Known Issues

Discus and support Cisco Cisco DPC3939: Known Issues in XboX Networking Hardware to solve the problem; Cisco (Modems/Gateways) Cisco DPC3939: Known Issues I recently (just before X-mas) switched over to Comcast business (Tier 10up/25down) and they set up... Discussion in 'XboX Networking Hardware' started by XBR Poseidon, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. XBR Poseidon
    XBR Poseidon Guest

    Cisco Cisco DPC3939: Known Issues

    Cisco (Modems/Gateways) Cisco DPC3939: Known Issues
    I recently (just before X-mas) switched over to Comcast business (Tier 10up/25down) and they set up this router DPC3939B and I've had random disconnects...very intermittent...could be 5 min. or could be 20 min. before disconnect from Xbox live.

    I just had the Comcast technician come out and explained to him my issue and he seems to believe it's an issue between Xbox 360s and Microsoft (possibly update related). Technician checked the line connection (at wall and bldg.) and reports there are no
    issues with line. All reports great.

    I'm connected directly to the router just as the desktop. Have absolutely no issues with the desktop or any of my other devices (Xoom and cell phone) that are connected via wireless. WTF!

    I've checked settings within router...nadda. I've power cycled Xbox and router...nadda. I've made sure ports are open, NAT off, Firewall off etc...Nadda.

    I'm heavily leaning towards a recent Xbox 360 update that has possibly borked as is the technician.

    XBR Poseidon, Aug 13, 2014
  2. XBR Poseidon
    XBR Poseidon Guest
    Cisco Cisco DPC3939: Bridging Guide

    Cisco (Modems/Gateways) Cisco DPC3939: Bridging Guide
    Cisco DPC3939

    Login Information:

    Default Gateway –

    Username – admin

    Password – password

    Bridging Guide

    *Bridging of this device is handled by the Internet Service Provider*
    XBR Poseidon, Aug 13, 2014
  3. Tigers Claws
    Tigers Claws Guest
    Losing connection.

    It's a Cisco brand and model number is DPC3939
    Tigers Claws, Aug 13, 2014
  4. Sykoticz v2
    Sykoticz v2 Guest

    Cisco Cisco DPC3939: Known Issues

    Well there are two issues with me, not sure if this happening with anyone else...but i decided to factory reset the modem after I was done i checked to make sure my Xbox was running on a open NAT. Well my Xbox was not running a open NAT. So i go ahead and
    power reset my Xbox and my Modem.

    Now my NAT was moderate. So i was not able to stay in party chats due to my NAT. So I double check the modem settings again and the UPnP was disabled. Enabling this setting made my NAT open. But wait...I am still lagging out of party chats. OK so now at
    this point im confused on what is happening, I have a open NAT. I am able to sign in to Xbox Live, but cant stay in party chats.

    At this point I was ready to throw all this out the window. So now i have decided to see what MoCA was on my modem. Well MoCA is "Multimedia over Coaxial Alliance" some software that Xfinity is using in this modem I do not know what other modems from Xfinity
    is using this but the Cisco DPC3939 is using it.

    So after doing some research on MoCA. (
    ) I decided to disable it in my modem. So I jump back online and jump into a party....SUCCESS I was able to stay in the party with no issues. Now I am not saying this may be the cause for every body but
    it could be something to look into.

    Now the other is really not a issue more on the lines of straight confusion. I have never noticed it before but as i was looking at the Network settings on my Xbox one i did notice that I am using a IPv4 IP address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway. But both my
    Primary and Secondary DNS is using IPv6 settings.

    Confused I am (Yoda Voices). Now as i said before i have never really noticed it, but someone from Xbox support believes that it may be a bug on the Xbox One Preview Dashboard. If you would like a picture of this please private message on Xbox Live and i
    will send one to the requested address.

    I am able to still get online, but confused on why i am using IPv6 settings.

    Thank you and have a great day.
    Sykoticz v2, Feb 13, 2015
  5. Since last week, I have been having issues with this specific Modem/Gateway. The constant random "disconnect from Xbox live" that seems to have taken place with other Comcast products in the past. I have tried literally everything suggested more than once
    with no lasting success, including Port Forwarding, DMZ, UPnP is on, MoCA is off, hardwired connection, deleting/downloading profile, looking for corrupted data, reset modem to factory settings, reset Xbox Network settings to factory, ad infinitum. Xbox Live
    support suggested that it was probably a problem with my Xbox and to send it in for repair since none of these have solved the issue. I took my Xbox to another house and ran it Wireless off a DSL connection for a few hours straight with absolutely no issues.
    Comcast has no answers, Xbox Live has no answers. Every other connected device can stream video, etc with no interruptions, it just seems Xbox live and this Gateway/Modem are not playing well together with no solution in sight. Gets pretty frustrating when
    you disconnect a couple sword swings away from taking down Crota on HM as the swordbearer, then everyone is *** at you like you did something wrong...
    DylanAndDad11, Mar 11, 2015
  6. TvG Lucifer
    TvG Lucifer Guest
    i have the same problem as DylanAndDad11 and when ever i contact microsoft i just gat the run around and nothing is a perament solution i need help now its been like two or three months now and i'm about ready to snap seriouly you have no clue just how
    madding this all is and its not even my fault someone is to blame whether its microsoft or comcast or cisco its self someone needs to tell me how to fix it now
    TvG Lucifer, Apr 10, 2015
  7. THE StratRat
    THE StratRat Guest
    I got a new Cisco DPC3939 from Comcast this afternoon. I was able to successfully connect to XBox Live with my XBox 360 after the modem/gateway was up and running. Two hours later, after having changed nothing, I tried to login to Xbox Live from the same
    Xbox 360 and consistently got a DNS related error when testing the wireless network connection. We chatted with a Comcast support technician. She changed our modem/gateway channel number and resynced the modem/gateway with the network. We then restarted
    the XBox 360 and tried connecting to XBox Live. It worked!!

    We'll see if this permanently solves the issue. BTW, I had done all of the things DylanAndDad11 tried. In my case, changing the channel number on the modem/gateway worked. Hope this helps.
    THE StratRat, Apr 10, 2015
  8. TvG Lucifer
    TvG Lucifer Guest

    Cisco Cisco DPC3939: Known Issues

    change DNS too and should work for now but yeah hope that help, i'm still having some problems
    TvG Lucifer, Apr 10, 2015
  9. Bernasti
    Bernasti Guest
    restore to default! it works!
    Bernasti, Apr 20, 2015
  10. 72westy
    72westy Guest
    I recently (just before X-mas) switched over to Comcast business (Tier 10up/25down) and they set up this router DPC3939B and I've had random disconnects...very intermittent...could be 5 min. or could be 20 min. before disconnect from Xbox live.

    I just had the Comcast technician come out and explained to him my issue and he seems to believe it's an issue between Xbox 360s and Microsoft (possibly update related). Technician checked the line connection (at wall and bldg.) and reports there are no
    issues with line. All reports great.

    I'm connected directly to the router just as the desktop. Have absolutely no issues with the desktop or any of my other devices (Xoom and cell phone) that are connected via wireless. WTF!

    I've checked settings within router...nadda. I've power cycled Xbox and router...nadda. I've made sure ports are open, NAT off, Firewall off etc...Nadda.

    I'm heavily leaning towards a recent Xbox 360 update that has possibly borked as is the technician.
    72westy, Nov 5, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Cisco Cisco DPC3939: Known Issues