Casual word Games won't sync

Discus and support Casual word Games won't sync in XBoX on Windows to solve the problem; MS Casual Word Games won't sync data from the cloud. This has been going on since 03 Sept regardless of which device I use and log in to. I am unable... Discussion in 'XBoX on Windows' started by TimWalsh2, Sep 6, 2018.

  1. TimWalsh2
    TimWalsh2 Guest

    Casual word Games won't sync

    MS Casual Word Games won't sync data from the cloud. This has been going on since 03 Sept regardless of which device I use and log in to. I am unable to play current games and store data. I have done all the usual work arounds and fixes to no avail. Anyone
    else? Please help!! Thanks.

    TimWalsh2, Sep 6, 2018
  2. Microsoft Ultimate Word Games not syncing with Xbox.

    Microsoft Ultimate Word Game not syncing with Xbox since mid-August. All achievements are shown on Xbox stats but won't sync to my game. All prior history is gone. It allows me to sign in without issue. My other Microsoft games do sync as normal. I have
    tried resetting the game app on my computer w/o success. I am playing the games on my Windows 10 PC with all current updates installed.
    SnarlyChain210, Sep 6, 2018
  3. Chris123WW
    Chris123WW Guest
    Xbox one won't read madden 15 and sync data?

    having trouble often now with madden 15 disc won't read and the game syncing data won't sync. any suggestions?
    Chris123WW, Sep 6, 2018
  4. XBF Leonzo G
    XBF Leonzo G Guest

    Casual word Games won't sync

    Hello Tim!

    Thank you very much for bringing this issue to our attention! The best way to resolve the issue with Microsoft Ultimate Word Games is to contact the

    Microsoft Casual Games Community support team
    . Be sure to let us know the results!
    XBF Leonzo G, Sep 21, 2018
  5. TimWalsh2
    TimWalsh2 Guest
    Nope, no response whatsoever from them, no surprise. Really don't think they care. Its happened before and it'll happen again, that's what we get for playing their free games I suppose.
    TimWalsh2, Oct 2, 2018
  6. Tarvos{k}
    Tarvos{k} Guest
    I am having the same issue, for several months I haven't been able to sign into either of the casual games (Solitaire and Mahjong). When I try to start the game it tries to sign in automatically but then I get an error message (1170000), I have tried pressing
    the retry button (repeatedly) and it has no effect.

    I have gone through 3 years of issues listed here and elsewhere and nothing that I have found will fix this, any suggestions would be appreciated.

    By the way the link to "Talk
    to one of our representatives
    " (no this isn't a link, I just copied the text for ease of showing what I meant) is broken and goes to a redirect page that doesn't actually redirect you to any help.
    Tarvos{k}, Oct 21, 2018
  7. TimWalsh2
    TimWalsh2 Guest
    So we are all commiserating in the same situation, isn't that just wonderful. (much sarcasm intended). I know we all enjoy playing these games but man does it ever get frustrating when they don't work and there isn't a dang thing that can be done!! All
    the fixes that are suggested don't do a thing so I'm of the opinion that the issues are on their end but do they really care?? I don't think so.
    TimWalsh2, Oct 21, 2018
  8. Ackis
    Ackis Guest

    Casual word Games won't sync

    Can you try a second account on your PC to see if that syncs?
    Ackis, Oct 21, 2018
  9. TimWalsh2
    TimWalsh2 Guest
    Yea, I've tried that too and for sure it does sync. Trouble is I've been playing a very long time under the "FunnierOrange1" ID and have (make that had) a ton of history that I've
    LOST not just once but TWICE now - reaching Grand Master on all three games takes plenty of diligence and its really disappointing when it disappears all due to syncing issues!! I have multiple
    machines that I try and use the same log in for and it works sporadically - some times on one but not the other and vise versa. Just really sketchy hence the frustration, makes no sense.
    TimWalsh2, Oct 21, 2018
  10. Tarvos{k}
    Tarvos{k} Guest
    Given the number of people involved and the amount of time it's been going on, I would have to say that it is on their end.

    It amazes me that a company that makes a program like this can't find a solution to this problem. I find it very hard to believe that with all the people that they have access to they don't have a better suggestion than to create a new account and see if
    that works.

    Also why in the name of common sense would it work on one device and not another? They tout this "single sign-in" option by saying you can synch all your windows devices, yet obviously that doesn't work either.
    Tarvos{k}, Oct 21, 2018
  11. TimWalsh2
    TimWalsh2 Guest
    For real - I hafta say that if I were a "premium" customer and paying subscription fees for this stuff I'd be demanding a refund and then canceling - immediately! They clearly have server and connectivity issues of some sort - imagine that?!?!
    TimWalsh2, Oct 21, 2018
  12. The more I think about all of this the more upset I become. Here's my point - in this situation much like any other "tech support" scenario the default mode seems to be that the customer has made a mistake or done something wrong. And while that may be
    more often the case than not the responder needs to be MUCH more considerate. I say this as a 25 plus year member of the customer support world, most of it working with US military personnel on VERY complex situations, many of them pilots and senior NCOs and
    officers. The most important thing I learned was to always take those folks seriously and to treat them with the utmost respect. In just about every case they had already tried ALL the basic stuff I was prepared to throw out and they were very frustrated and
    ready to have someone pull out a "MacGyver" and fix the whole mess. So come on MS, do us all a solid and really look into what is obviously a very real problem that is CLEARLY on your end an d come up with a REAL fix and not some silly band aid work around
    FunnierOrange1, Oct 21, 2018
  13. Casual word Games won't sync

    You might want to check your settings on Windows 10 or in the Microsoft Store to see some syncing part for the cloud. Or consider updating your game.
    Radiant Sword X, Oct 21, 2018
  14. Um sorry RadiantSword but that's a;; a NOGO - done all of that more than once and I'm telling you all is right and "normal" so the issue is on the MS end, plain and simple. Thanks anyway.
    FunnierOrange1, Oct 21, 2018
  15. I see. So the fact that I've been playing the entire MS game suite for 3 plus years very effectively without any issues and then without warning and with no changes made play gets very sketchy but only on certain games. So I do all the usual fixes - uninstall
    and reinstall, clear all cache and old history, reboot, whatever all to no avail. The game is updated and I've even played it directly from the Xbox game center, same problems. So um yea, I guess I'll just give up and quit since MS clearly does not care.
    FunnierOrange1, Nov 5, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Casual word Games won't sync