Can I report someone into the police over xbox? PLEASE READ I NEED HELP!

Discus and support Can I report someone into the police over xbox? PLEASE READ I NEED HELP! in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; I have had my xbox for 5 years now. About 3 years ago I was really into minecraft, and since it got boring alone I started to go on looking for group... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by Linze_19, May 3, 2020.

  1. Linze_19
    Linze_19 Guest

    Can I report someone into the police over xbox? PLEASE READ I NEED HELP!

    I have had my xbox for 5 years now. About 3 years ago I was really into minecraft, and since it got boring alone I started to go on looking for group posts. I didn't realize how dangerous it was and if I would have known what I know now I wouldn't have done
    it. About a year ago I met these group of 15-16 year olds. At first they were chill and fun to talk to but then they started to talk about females in a very disgusting manner, so I blocked them all. A few days after that somebody spams me with invites to a
    party for minefcraft. I didn't think much of it because I used to get a lot of invites from random people who were in the same minecraft server as me. This is probably the biggest regret in my life, no doubt. As soon as I joined the party, I recognized a
    few of the voices. The guys I blocked for speaking about women in an ill manner were in the party along with 3 other accounts. One of the accounts I didn't know pulled my IP. Me being myself, I pulled the legal card and said I could report them to the police
    because it's illegal. They didn't take it serious at all and proceeded to take things to a whole different level. Another account posted my address into the party chat. That's when I realized that this was serious. Another huge regret was that I didn't get
    a screenshot of the chat because I was so scared and left the party immediately. That night I learned what ddosing was. They kept ddosing me the whole night, everytime I would get online, they would kick me off. At first I was too scared to do anything, I
    didn't want to tell my parents because my mom was going through serious health issues and I didn't want to cause anymore problems. A week after the constant ddosing, an account messages me saying that if I want all of this to stop then I need to send explicit
    photos. I instantly disgreed, seeing as 1.) That is beyond disgusting and a childish thing to do and 2.) I am a minor! This is when things got much worse even though I didn't think they could. He threatened to put my information on the dark web. Saying he
    would sell my adress and any other information he obtained illegally. I have screenshots that he sent to my boyfriend on xbox. In the messages he states that he is selling my explicit photos (which I never shared) and that he will post my personal information
    on the internet. I am also beyond scared because I don't know how he got my boyfriends account. He says he is able to obtain peoples IP'S through just messaging that person. If that is true then he is able to obtain my boyfriends personal information too.
    I don't know my tormentors name, I don't know where he lives, and I don't know how I am going to turn this into the police. I know a few of his accounts (but he has stated that he has over 200 accs). Please help. I am beyond scared of my loved ones getting
    hurt. He has even admitted to doing disgusting things to females without their consent and admitted to having access to the dark web. I do not have the screenshots of that but I do have proof of him saying he is going to release my personal information on
    the internet. If he truly has access to the dark web, then that means my personal information will be obtained my any crazy person that also has access to the dark web! Im afraid that someone will come into my house and kill my family and even the potential
    risk of my boyfriend getting hurt too. Please tell me how I can fix this. Can I turn a gamertag into the police? Can they find where he lives? I know the name he goes by, I gaurentee that isnt his real name though. I have been crying all day for the fear of
    my loved ones getting hurt all because of me. I know an acquaintance of his. I know his acquaintances number, first name and last name. He hasnt done anything though, but I know he pays the ddoser to mess with people. I will do anything to save my family.
    Im sorry if some of this doesnt make sense. My hands are shaking like crazy and I cant think straight. But please help.

    Linze_19, May 3, 2020
  2. cawaiositorey Win User

    Can I report someone into the police over xbox? PLEASE READ I NEED HELP!

    He tenido mi xbox durante 5 años. Hace unos 3 años, estaba realmente metido en Minecraft, y dado que se volvió aburrido solo, comencé a buscar publicaciones grupales.
    No me di cuenta de lo peligroso que era y si hubiera sabido lo que sé ahora no lo habría hecho.
    Hace aproximadamente un año conocí a este grupo de jóvenes de 15 a 16 años.
    Al principio eran fríos y divertidos para hablar, pero luego comenzaron a hablar sobre las mujeres de una manera muy desagradable, así que las bloqueé a todas.
    Unos días después, alguien me invitó a una fiesta para minefcraft.
    No pensé mucho en eso porque solía recibir muchas invitaciones de personas aleatorias que estaban en el mismo servidor de Minecraft que yo.
    Este es probablemente el mayor arrepentimiento de mi vida, sin duda.
    Tan pronto como me uní a la fiesta, reconocí algunas de las voces.
    Los chicos que bloqueé por hablar de mujeres de mala manera estaban en la fiesta junto con otras 3 cuentas.
    Una de las cuentas que no conocía sacó mi IP. Siendo yo mismo, saqué la tarjeta legal y dije que podía denunciarlos a la policía porque es ilegal.
    No lo tomaron en serio en absoluto y procedieron a llevar las cosas a un nivel completamente diferente.
    Otra cuenta publicó mi dirección en el chat de la fiesta. Fue entonces cuando me di cuenta de que esto era serio.
    Otro gran pesar fue que no obtuve una captura de pantalla del chat porque estaba muy asustado y abandoné la fiesta de inmediato.
    Esa noche supe lo que era la dosificación. Me siguieron drogando toda la noche, cada vez que me conectaba, me echaban.
    Al principio estaba demasiado asustado para hacer algo, no lo hice
    No quiero decirles a mis padres porque mi madre estaba pasando por problemas de salud graves y no quería causar más problemas.
    Una semana después de la dosis constante, una cuenta me envía un mensaje diciendo que si quiero que todo esto se detenga, entonces debo enviar fotos explícitas.
    Me desgasté al instante, viendo como 1.) Eso es más que desagradable y una cosa infantil que hacer y 2.) ¡Soy un menor!
    Esto es cuando las cosas empeoraron aún más, aunque no pensé que pudieran.
    Amenazó con poner mi información en la web oscura. Diciendo que vendería mi dirección y cualquier otra información que obtuviera ilegalmente.
    Tengo capturas de pantalla que le envió a mi novio en Xbox. En los mensajes, declara que está vendiendo mis fotos explícitas (que nunca compartí) y que publicará mi información personal en Internet.
    También estoy más que asustada porque no No sé cómo consiguió la cuenta de mi novio.
    Él dice que es capaz de obtener IP de las personas simplemente enviando mensajes a esa persona.
    Si eso es cierto, él también puede obtener información personal de mis novios.
    No sé el nombre de mis torturadores, no sé dónde vive, y no sé cómo voy a convertir esto en la policía.
    Conozco algunas de sus cuentas (pero ha declarado que tiene más de 200 accs).
    Por favor ayuda. Estoy más que asustado de que mis seres queridos salgan lastimados.
    Incluso admitió haber hecho cosas desagradables a las mujeres sin su consentimiento y admitió tener acceso a la red oscura.
    No tengo capturas de pantalla de eso, pero sí tengo pruebas de que dice que va a divulgar mi información personal en Internet.
    Si realmente tiene acceso a la web oscura, entonces eso significa que mi información personal se obtendrá de cualquier persona loca que también tenga acceso a la web oscura.
    Tengo miedo de que alguien venga a mi casa y mate a mi familia e incluso el riesgo potencial de que mi novio se lastime también.
    Por favor, dime cómo puedo solucionar esto. ¿Puedo convertir un gamertag en la policía?
    ¿Pueden encontrar dónde vive? Sé el nombre que lleva, creo que ese no es su nombre real.
    He estado llorando todo el día por miedo a que mis seres queridos se lastimen por mi culpa.
    Conozco a un conocido suyo. Sé su número de conocidos, nombre y apellido.
    Sin embargo, no ha hecho nada, pero sé que paga el ddoser para meterse con la gente.
    Haré cualquier cosa para salvar a mi familia. Lo siento si algo de esto no tiene sentido.
    Mis manos tiemblan como locas y no puedo pensar con claridad.
    Pero por favor ayuda.
    Hola amiga.

    Que horror que tengas que pasar por esto.

    primero que nada, al ser menor de edad es mejor que acudas con tus padres.

    Quizas esos chicos estén fanfarroneando, ¿pero y si no?

    Lo mejor es que cuentes con el apoyo de tus papas y asi te evitas a exponerte a malos episidios.

    Es una completa mierda el hecho de que tengas que pasar por esto, cuando debes de estar dividiéndote.

    Trata de tomar evidencia, tomando capturas y denunciando sus cuentas.

    que todo salga bien amiga.
  3. PARZIVAL XB1X Win User

    Can I report someone into the police over xbox? PLEASE READ I NEED HELP!

    I would go to the police with your parents with the information you have and they will talk to you about it and take it from there
  4. Linze_19 Win User

    Can I report someone into the police over xbox? PLEASE READ I NEED HELP!

    I have screenshots to use against him. I told my parents about it and we are contacting our internet provider. We are filing a police report tomorrow. I have thought about banning him but will it even do anything if he has more than 20 accs? He says he has
    200. He has messaged me on atleast 15 of them. What can xbox do? Can't they just ban his accs that we know of? What about the other ones?
  5. Blue_God_SeaDragon Win User

    Can I report someone into the police over xbox? PLEASE READ I NEED HELP!

    OMG, call the police immediatly. I hope you be fine 💖...
  6. Smwutches Win User

    Can I report someone into the police over xbox? PLEASE READ I NEED HELP!

    If you haven't done so already, you would want to file complaints on them via their profile so the enforcement team can look into them. You'll also want to contact your ISP since the attack would have been done through your internet, not Live. Your ISP
    would be the ones who can actually track where the attack started from. With only a gamertag, the police may not be able to do anything.

Can I report someone into the police over xbox? PLEASE READ I NEED HELP!

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