Bug or a Newbie problem - Monk - ACT I - Old Tristam Road - Kill Mothers

Discus and support Bug or a Newbie problem - Monk - ACT I - Old Tristam Road - Kill Mothers in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; I picked up D3 UE for Xbox one yesterday and started playing Softcore, Normal with Monk class. In the very first Act when I have to kill mothers on... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by RaviTandonMSFT, Sep 3, 2014.

  1. Bug or a Newbie problem - Monk - ACT I - Old Tristam Road - Kill Mothers

    I picked up D3 UE for Xbox one yesterday and started playing Softcore, Normal with Monk class.

    In the very first Act when I have to kill mothers on Old Tristam Road, all the monsters were doing 20000 damage to my level 2 hero and he dies instantly. I have tried everything. There are no internet links mentioning or talking about this problem.

    I had to die multiple times, re spawn at same point to make it past all the monsters. I even returned after being level 11 (and killing Leoric easily), they still do 20000 damage and kill me with one hit.

    I was able to kill two mothers after they vomited and became vulnerable, bust rest all creatures are not getting hit at all, their health remains full and they kill me with one hit. That is, after I dodge, sneak to them, hit with all spells, they are still

    Is this expected or somehow the creeps in my level have hit a bug? I am now at level 15 and still afraid to go to that place as I died about 20-30 times trying make a sense out of it.

    RaviTandonMSFT, Sep 3, 2014
  2. Looking for casual co-op people?

    Started playing yesterday. Softcore, Monk, Level 15 currently.

    Added some folks from the thread but so far everyone is well beyond my level. Would appreciate gifts and will return favors.

    Also if someone will be kind enough to look at my other thread about the issue I faced in ACT I, old Tristam road. I have many infinite health, 20000 damage monsters that refuse to die.

    GT: "sCythE roXx"
    RaviTandonMSFT, Sep 3, 2014
  3. Mt Woman
    Mt Woman Guest
    Diablo III

    Level 30 Monk stuck in Act IV.

    Any way to get back to Act III to level up more?
    Mt Woman, Sep 3, 2014
  4. Bug or a Newbie problem - Monk - ACT I - Old Tristam Road - Kill Mothers

    It most likely was a bug as I don't see the problem anymore. Earlier I had restarted Xbox but that did not fully quit Diablo. Now I specifically played another game in between, quit Diablo. The area got reset, mothers were gone and it was the usual creeps
    that died easily.

    Probably will try a new hero after a while and see if that problem still occurs but will pick a new ranged class this time like DH Bug or a Newbie problem - Monk - ACT I - Old Tristam Road - Kill Mothers :)
    RaviTandonMSFT, Sep 3, 2014
  5. Shaggy2000
    Shaggy2000 Guest
    A friend of mine had this issue, but we think it was because my level 67 character joined his level 20 charcter. We think the game made the enemies a lot harder (because of my level) but when I left (I only joined him to show off this cool shield) the enemies
    didnt reset back to their normal level, he just kept on getting murdered time and again.

    After logging out and back in though it fixed the issue.
    Shaggy2000, Sep 5, 2014
  6. Superb deduction Shaggy2000 and this looks like the crux of the issue. A level 70 friend joined my game when I was level 3 and left the game in few minutes while I was travelling to that place. I could never figure out what happened that may have caused
    this, your explanation made that clearer.

    What's the best way to report this to Blizzard. I wish I could really go back and grab all the stuff and experience. Funny thing is that on travelling to newer location things were okay but travelling back to previous location creeps will still high health.
    I think the new creep spawning that happens for high level players continues to stay while they are in game, after that it is based on current player.

    Maybe I will replay entire thing on infernal once I finish expert and live it again!
    RaviTandonMSFT, Sep 5, 2014
  7. The same thing happened with my today I just got it today and a level 70 friend joined and left and I was one spotted every time
    monkeystein13, Sep 5, 2014
  8. Bug or a Newbie problem - Monk - ACT I - Old Tristam Road - Kill Mothers

    Maybe the multiplayer mechanics were different for Xbox one and 360. Irrespective I have played Diablo 3 for numerous hours since then, one of most fun games and time well enjoyed.

    Next time if a friend from high level joins, rather stay back and level up. If he leaves, quit and resume the game to prevent such deaths.

    Moderators can now close this thread.
    RaviTandonMSFT, Apr 25, 2016
  9. kosterix
    kosterix Guest
    you can trust that stuff like that has been tested to death by blizzard. So it has to do with what you did before that...
    kosterix, Nov 1, 2018
  10. kosterix Win User

    Bug or a Newbie problem - Monk - ACT I - Old Tristam Road - Kill Mothers

    you can trust that stuff like that has been tested to death by blizzard. So it has to do with what you did before that...
  11. RaviTandonMSFT Win User

    Bug or a Newbie problem - Monk - ACT I - Old Tristam Road - Kill Mothers

    Superb deduction Shaggy2000 and this looks like the crux of the issue. A level 70 friend joined my game when I was level 3 and left the game in few minutes while I was travelling to that place. I could never figure out what happened that may have caused
    this, your explanation made that clearer.

    What's the best way to report this to Blizzard. I wish I could really go back and grab all the stuff and experience. Funny thing is that on travelling to newer location things were okay but travelling back to previous location creeps will still high health.
    I think the new creep spawning that happens for high level players continues to stay while they are in game, after that it is based on current player.

    Maybe I will replay entire thing on infernal once I finish expert and live it again!
  12. RaviTandonMSFT Win User

    Bug or a Newbie problem - Monk - ACT I - Old Tristam Road - Kill Mothers

    Maybe the multiplayer mechanics were different for Xbox one and 360. Irrespective I have played Diablo 3 for numerous hours since then, one of most fun games and time well enjoyed.

    Next time if a friend from high level joins, rather stay back and level up. If he leaves, quit and resume the game to prevent such deaths.

    Moderators can now close this thread.
  13. monkeystein13 Win User

    Bug or a Newbie problem - Monk - ACT I - Old Tristam Road - Kill Mothers

    The same thing happened with my today I just got it today and a level 70 friend joined and left and I was one spotted every time
  14. Shaggy2000 Win User

    Bug or a Newbie problem - Monk - ACT I - Old Tristam Road - Kill Mothers

    A friend of mine had this issue, but we think it was because my level 67 character joined his level 20 charcter. We think the game made the enemies a lot harder (because of my level) but when I left (I only joined him to show off this cool shield) the enemies
    didnt reset back to their normal level, he just kept on getting murdered time and again.

    After logging out and back in though it fixed the issue.

Bug or a Newbie problem - Monk - ACT I - Old Tristam Road - Kill Mothers

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