BT Home Hub BT Home Hub 3: Internet

Discus and support BT Home Hub BT Home Hub 3: Internet in XboX Networking Hardware to solve the problem; BT Home Hub (Modems/Gateways) BT Home Hub 3: Internet Check if your Internet Provider and router support IPv6. In case your internet provider can't... Discussion in 'XboX Networking Hardware' started by Fallen Hexic, Oct 21, 2018.

  1. Fallen Hexic
    Fallen Hexic Guest

    BT Home Hub BT Home Hub 3: Internet

    BT Home Hub (Modems/Gateways) BT Home Hub 3: Internet
    Check if your Internet Provider and router support IPv6.

    In case your internet provider can't give you IPv6 support, you might try to get a 6in4 tunnel through a tunnel broker (Wikipedia List of IPv6 Tunnel Brokers

    Be aware however, that your router HAS TO support IPv6, and has to have the ability to establish a connection to a IPv6 Tunnel broker!

    Fallen Hexic, Oct 21, 2018
  2. Tombelly01
    Tombelly01 Guest
    BT Home Hub BT Home Hub 3: Messages

    BT Home Hub (Modems/Gateways) BT Home Hub 3: Messages
    yes about a million times, even my friends can send messages but I can't
    Tombelly01, Oct 21, 2018
  3. robb796
    robb796 Guest
    BT Home Hub BT Home Hub 3: Xbox not connecting to modem

    BT Home Hub (Modems/Gateways) BT Home Hub 3: Xbox not connecting to modem
    I am having the exact same issue, did you ever resolve this?
    robb796, Oct 21, 2018
  4. denis97g
    denis97g Guest

    BT Home Hub BT Home Hub 3: Internet

    denis97g, Oct 21, 2018
    contact your internet provider, i never get ipv6 on console
    ELTALADRITO, Oct 21, 2018
  6. Arminator
    Arminator Guest
    Check if your Internet Provider and router support IPv6.

    In case your internet provider can't give you IPv6 support, you might try to get a 6in4 tunnel through a tunnel broker (Wikipedia List of IPv6 Tunnel Brokers

    Be aware however, that your router HAS TO support IPv6, and has to have the ability to establish a connection to a IPv6 Tunnel broker!
    Arminator, Nov 5, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

BT Home Hub BT Home Hub 3: Internet