
Discus and support Bingo in XBoX on Windows to solve the problem; Here we go again …. no connection with the bingoserver today … for how long this time ??? 619854ce-76c8-4b3e-9dc4-c04e51e8140d Discussion in 'XBoX on Windows' started by PoliteEvening52, Oct 8, 2018.

  1. Bingo

    Here we go again …. no connection with the bingoserver today … for how long this time ???

    PoliteEvening52, Oct 8, 2018
  2. Bingos Called Account

    Played one bingo game last night, I get one bingo, you credit my Bingos Called for one bingo. What happened to the 90 bingos I won two days ago and the 40 Power Bingos that I won? My Bingos called has not changed except for adding one Bingo from last night.
    My Power Bingos has not changed in two days. It's getting to be a waste of my time playing these Bingo games. Could someone in Microsoft Bingo or Xbox, please fix my account??? Thank you!
    JazzyFurball450, Oct 8, 2018
  3. MommaRev
    MommaRev Guest
    Not allowing valid Bingo calls

    Microsoft Bingo on Windows 8.1 64-bit

    Valid Bingo cannot be called. This issue has been happening for several hours. All daubed numbers show valid Bingo, yet when clicking the "call Bingo" button, a red X covers the card, but will not allow a valid bingo. Not worth it to keep wasting tokens/tickets
    to keep playing if I can't call Bingo.
    MommaRev, Oct 8, 2018
  4. Bingo

    Sorry to hear this happened again. There seems to be ongoing issues that are being worked on
    Itilianm0nst0r, Oct 8, 2018
  5. Microsoft bingo game: still can't connect to server and I hope it works sooner than later it' my fav game But another problem occurs also' whenever I log into bingo I get that annoying windows appearing that looks like I am going to make a purchase for
    game coins but I can't get past the error code and it also says that I already own this package and must go to my games or my library to download it! Download what?????? I haven't ordered anything and there is nothing there to download.
    PuzzledFiber525, Oct 8, 2018
  6. XBF Leonzo G
    XBF Leonzo G Guest
    Hello PoliteEvening52,

    Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. Microsoft Bingo is a Microsoft casual game. Therefore, the

    Microsoft Casual Games Community
    will be able to assist with any known server issues with the game. If they determine that everything is okay with their sever, let us know so that we may troubleshoot the connection on
    the device that is being utilized. Be sure to let us know the results!
    XBF Leonzo G, Oct 8, 2018
  7. ColinClarke1
    ColinClarke1 Guest
    Thanks, it appears that the issue has been resolved , but i believe this is a regular issue with the game and needs more close attention.
    ColinClarke1, Nov 5, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused
