Battlefield 4 campaign save

Discus and support Battlefield 4 campaign save in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; Dice has had enough time to fix the campaign save delete problem. This is ridiculous, the game has been out for months since the xbox one launched and... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by AdamJ74, May 3, 2014.

  1. AdamJ74
    AdamJ74 Guest

    Battlefield 4 campaign save

    Dice has had enough time to fix the campaign save delete problem. This is ridiculous, the game has been out for months since the xbox one launched and nothing has been done about it. I want to get the achievements and experience the hardest difficulty but
    I can't because I know my game save won't be there the next time I play and I'm not wasting almost a day of playing to achieve that in a single sitting, nobody should have to.

    I know dice has been releasing other updates and none of them contain a fix for the campaign and dice has had ample time. The problem is the game data is on cloud and for some reason cloud isn't saving the data, that has nothing to do with cloud, it's the
    information from the game that has the bug that cloud can't recognize to save. That's my theory.

    Every game saves fine except battlefield 4 and dice has no excuse for their ignorance. I hope somebody here at Microsoft sees this post and relays the information. I'm sick of developers with the work ethic or release now patch later. I know new games have
    problems but developers must identify and patch asap instead of doing nothing for months because they made their money.

    AdamJ74, May 3, 2014
  2. Last Poll on the first game you will load up - the final thread

    Battlefield 4 for me and once I have finished the campaign onto Assassins Creed IV.
    Indiana Jones, May 3, 2014
  3. Battlefield 4 Campaign Issue on Xbox One

    My charter died towards the end of the Tashgar level in the Battlefield 4 campaign but instead of loading the last checkpoint and starting over, Battlefield 4 shutdown and I was returned to the Xbox One dashboard. I was able to relaunch Battlefield 4 but
    was unable to resume my campaign progress. Each time I tried, the game would attempt to load the save point but would again disappear and I was sent back to the Xbox One dashboard.

    Finally, I relaunched Battlefield 4 and chose to replay the chapter instead of resuming the previous auto-save. The chapter loaded but died and sent me back to the Xbox One dashboard at an earlier point than previously.

    So, at this point I am unable to complete the campaign on the Xbox One but had no trouble at all with the Xbox 360 edition.
    IconZ1-79F0EB58-4D02-44B4-A373-A7D770563D67, May 3, 2014
  4. Battlefield 4 campaign save

    I did that whole sh*t and got all the achievements in one sitting. It took like 8 hours lol.

    I agree doe. Dice is being lazy. That or they just stopped caring completely about the campaign issue since most people just play the MP.
    Defy Lightning, May 3, 2014
  5. Sword Style
    Sword Style Guest
    Is Battlefield 4 really still broken? It's going on 6 months. There is seriously no excuse for that.
    Sword Style, May 3, 2014
  6. I tried it again last month and my save fell into a black hole, so I doubt that they've fixed it yet.

    I just gave up.

    They really should sell this game for half off since half the game is broken Battlefield 4 campaign save :p
    MoshedBrotatoe, May 3, 2014
  7. I got it for $25 during a Black Friday sale so I didn't feel too ripped off. I felt that price was just right. I would have felt ripped off if I paid full price for it.
    Defy Lightning, May 3, 2014
  8. brandiesel1
    brandiesel1 Guest

    Battlefield 4 campaign save

    I can't believe it's still broken. It erased my save on hard difficulty a few times. An update finally came out and I figured it fixed it. I started my new "hard" playthrough and it worked fine. I guess I got lucky.
    brandiesel1, May 3, 2014
  9. I played BF4 on the ps3 and same thing is happening on that system too. Three times I think I started the campaign but couldn't finish it in one sitting and all three times it didn't save. That's crap and once I got bored with the online I got rid of the
    game. Shame too cause the parts of the campaign that I did play were cool, but not cool enough to keep the game..
    Advantage Camo, May 4, 2014
  10. Elite Effect
    Elite Effect Guest
    I'm playing it on the Xbox One, & I haven't had too many issues. My campaign save got erased once, but I finally completed it on normal & now I'm attempting hard mode. So far, so good, but I seem to be in the minority.

    It's been way too long, & I'm starting to get doubtful they'll ever nail down a fix for the issues that are present. When the game works, it's a lot of fun. Judging by the current state of multiplayer though, I think DICE
    shoved the game out the door a little too early.
    Elite Effect, Nov 1, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Battlefield 4 campaign save