Banned and no history,email or message

Discus and support Banned and no history,email or message in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Ive spoke to a microsoft employee but i have not been able to resolve the issue. The issue is that everytime i try to do something online releated eg... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by HmuOn, Oct 26, 2017.

  1. HmuOn
    HmuOn Guest

    Banned and no history,email or message

    Ive spoke to a microsoft employee but i have not been able to resolve the issue. The issue is that everytime i try to do something online releated eg message invite and play online a message pops up on my screen saying "because of your past behaviour,you
    are unable to send messages." Etc. But i havent got any email from microsoft or message on my xbox and ive also checked my inforcment history. Is there anyway this problem can be resolved because i dont have the money for a new xbox. If you can fix it my xbox
    serial number is: [Mod Removed]

    HmuOn, Oct 26, 2017
  2. mad monkey04
    mad monkey04 Guest
    Reason For My Xbox One Ban

    haven't gotten any message,email or recent enforcement history on why im banned and i can see my xbox one is banned when i log onto it saying this console has been banned from live and it says its permanent also talking to 5+ staff members from support saying
    they can see the console has been banned on the 31 august
    mad monkey04, Oct 26, 2017
  3. Garcbomber21
    Garcbomber21 Guest
    Enforcement, communications ban to multiplayer ban?

    I received a communications suspension on 8/19 for sending a message to the wrong person, my bad. Was sent an email and xb1 message the next day stating the offense. So last weekend I'm still not able to communicate, and all of a sudden I can't matchmake
    on any of my games? Internet is connected, multiplayer tests good and all live apps work. No email or xb1 message perma banned? For what, being the greatest sniper in the history of XBox?
    Garcbomber21, Oct 26, 2017
  4. bowski477
    bowski477 Guest

    Banned and no history,email or message

    If your enforcement history does not list anything try the following
    bowski477, Oct 26, 2017
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Banned and no history,email or message