Argh! The XB1 is so frustrating!

Discus and support Argh! The XB1 is so frustrating! in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; [quote user="Saber Sh4dow"] And you work for microsoft and have no idea what the xbox one is about????? [/quote] She's been a developer for 20 years,... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by Jinxed Violynne, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. Argh! The XB1 is so frustrating!

    [quote user="Saber Sh4dow"]
    And you work for microsoft and have no idea what the xbox one is about?????

    [/quote] She's been a developer for 20 years, yet can't navigate through the UI. Not calling her a fibber, just finding it hard to believe.
    DocHolliday 7, Jan 24, 2014
  2. Is it just me or does anyone else find enjoyment in LEARNING how to navigate new software and tech? On trying to FIGURE OUT new shortcuts, on my own.. Even though I had a group of friends over on release night and they were telling me to put a game in MY
    Xbox One and leave the UI alone, as soon as they left... I went all Dora on my Xbox One!
    Gamer Nostalgia, Jan 24, 2014
  3. I don't think O.P. is claiming to work for Microsoft - just that he/she is a MS Certified Developer and expects the same standards with the XB1 programming.

    I'm prepared to be patient (I had a 360 at launch and that was JUST a games machine at launch) but I understand some of OP's complaints. I could write a list myself at this point but won't as we all know this is not the finished article.

    If you think the XB1 is just a games console, you may have missed the memo. It obviously can be and will be much more but games will likely be its main function. MS are playing a much longer game than games console only and want to sell it to more than hardcore
    gamers. Sure, it should handle all that just fine but its ultimately setting itself up as a "media center", with gaming being just one aspect.

    For now, I think it handles games well but I'd be disappointed if that was all it ever did and it would miss out on a lot of potential.
    PAFC-8B675B94-5D79-4EC5-970D-A0F3DBB31A14, Jan 24, 2014
  4. Argh! The XB1 is so frustrating!

    [quote user="PAFC"]

    I don't think O.P. is claiming to work for Microsoft - just that he/she is a MS Certified Developer and expects the same standards with the XB1 programming.

    I'm prepared to be patient (I had a 360 at launch and that was JUST a games machine at launch) but I understand some of OP's complaints. I could write a list myself at this point but won't as we all know this is not the finished article.

    If you think the XB1 is just a games console, you may have missed the memo. It obviously can be and will be much more but games will likely be its main function. MS are playing a much longer game than games console only and want to sell it to more than hardcore
    gamers. Sure, it should handle all that just fine but its ultimately setting itself up as a "media center", with gaming being just one aspect.

    For now, I think it handles games well but I'd be disappointed if that was all it ever did and it would miss out on a lot of potential.

    [/quote]I concur. The X1 is rough around the edges at the moment and I'm looking forward to MS addressing a few short comings of the console in an update.
    SparkStormrider, Jan 24, 2014
  5. Maybe I should explain plz dont get me wrong,im not questioning,the working for MS,what an awesome job!Argh! The XB1 is so frustrating! :)It would be hot topic daily devolping apps and talkof the xbox one, just baffled on so little knoweledge after buying the console,honestly though my
    windows 8 htc s,which is a really basic windows 8 sphone has 4gb for the apps and it runs pretty much the same as the xb1 currently, if not better,lol,but as soon as you start adding to the pre installed apps,it has melt downs it is very limited as with the
    xb1,2GB for the apps on the xb1 is nothing,and all the background runnings that windows 8 ie:the xbox1 UI likes to do,are people not fimiliar with windows 8?,I know its not the 'Gaming choice' on pc gaming rigs,tbh im surprised the xbox 1 even copes with what
    it has already,when you get your head round the 2gb and how miniscule that is and what the xb1 does with it,its pretty damn good,but hey I was alive when we only had 3 channels on black n white tv,what do I know,lol.

    And OP you havnt got a gaming room at work?how mean of MS! Argh! The XB1 is so frustrating! :)
    xPsycoticBreakx, Jan 24, 2014
  6. Burnin TODI
    Burnin TODI Guest
    By the way.....there is a way to eject the disc. My Harmony remote has the "eject" function on the list of xbox one commands. I programed it into my remote and it works fine.
    Burnin TODI, Oct 31, 2018
  7. xPsycoticBreakx Win User

    Argh! The XB1 is so frustrating!

    Maybe I should explain plz dont get me wrong,im not questioning,the working for MS,what an awesome job!:)It would be hot topic daily devolping apps and talkof the xbox one, just baffled on so little knoweledge after buying the console,honestly though my
    windows 8 htc s,which is a really basic windows 8 sphone has 4gb for the apps and it runs pretty much the same as the xb1 currently, if not better,lol,but as soon as you start adding to the pre installed apps,it has melt downs it is very limited as with the
    xb1,2GB for the apps on the xb1 is nothing,and all the background runnings that windows 8 ie:the xbox1 UI likes to do,are people not fimiliar with windows 8?,I know its not the 'Gaming choice' on pc gaming rigs,tbh im surprised the xbox 1 even copes with what
    it has already,when you get your head round the 2gb and how miniscule that is and what the xb1 does with it,its pretty damn good,but hey I was alive when we only had 3 channels on black n white tv,what do I know,lol.

    And OP you havnt got a gaming room at work?how mean of MS! :)
  8. Jinxed Violynne Win User

    Argh! The XB1 is so frustrating!

    "I don't quite understand whats upsetting to you about the process of closing apps. Another person answered you on how to do it, but were you thinking there was a "task manager" of sorts?"

    What's upsetting is the lack of information on how to do it, when starting the console up for the very first time.


    In case you forgot, once you register, there's a video that starts playing, showing off Ryse, Forza 5, and a few other games.


    How many people do you know would instantly press the "B" button to exit the video? Try most, if not all, of them. It's how the 360 does it, and most games use the "B" button to exit out of menus.


    I wouldn't mind this had a TUTORIAL VIDEO started first, but instead, I get an [expletive] ad shoved in my face the second I register my console. That's not good.


    As for the disk eject, other forums show I'm not the only person upset by the lack of a software control on this. For crying out loud, every DVD/BD player has a button on a remote for this, yet the XB1, the latest in technology, can't even muster a button
    on the controller? That's just lame. As I said, *having the disk already ejected* by the time I get up to swap it is a very nice convenience to have.


    I get you're a fan of the XBox. So am I. My post said I was frustrated, which is an appropriate feeling when "getting used to a new layout" is the fault of a poorly designed menu system and lack of proper tutorials to educate us.


    I wasn't the only one who had a problem finding the Settings options. If this isn't a warning to you the UI is at fault, then you shouldn't reply with your condescending tone of "Why does it matter?".


    It does matter because it's what we expect a $500 console to do.
  9. DuFFuL Win User

    Argh! The XB1 is so frustrating!

    Oh I forgot. Micosoft can I please have a pizza oven as well? But it has to make the pizza, cook it, and clean it all by itself. It's not next gen if I have to leave my couch. Thank you!
  10. x24hrs2livex Win User

    Argh! The XB1 is so frustrating!

    To pause a video hit A then A again
  11. Burnin TODI Win User

    Argh! The XB1 is so frustrating!

    By the way.....there is a way to eject the disc. My Harmony remote has the "eject" function on the list of xbox one commands. I programed it into my remote and it works fine.

Argh! The XB1 is so frustrating!

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