Are you ready for X1X and prepared to download extra 50 GB on every game????

Discus and support Are you ready for X1X and prepared to download extra 50 GB on every game???? in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; Xbox one and S are build around 1080p (and some 4K features on S) and you will have to download everything even if you play on a 720p tv. Scorpio is... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by Zen Like Calm, Oct 27, 2017.

  1. Tzar of kaos
    Tzar of kaos Guest

    Are you ready for X1X and prepared to download extra 50 GB on every game????

    Xbox one and S are build around 1080p (and some 4K features on S) and you will have to download everything even if you play on a 720p tv.

    Scorpio is build around 4K and you will have to download everything even if you play on a 1080p tv.

    Really don't see where is the problem.
    Tzar of kaos, Nov 1, 2017
  2. smileskybird
    smileskybird Guest
    I have only like 25 Xbox One games so it won't be a huge issue for me, unlike people who have over 39 games x4k updates. The X has a faster 7200rpm HDD 1,000GB drive and I have a Seagate Slim 1,000GB drive still under a Seagate 3 year warranty. My house
    gets Vodafone NZ 100mb/s download 10mb/s upload speed, UNLIMITED NO MONTHLY DATA CAPS. Games I plan on transferring to the Xbox One X are:

    Minecraft, FH3, TDU2, COD BO2, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy XV, The Sims 4 (due out this month for consoles), Zoo Tycoon, some mini golf game. The other games will be installed later this month.
    smileskybird, Nov 1, 2017
  3. The basic issue is the size of things - and what internet you have access to.

    And X1 and X1S don't have to download 4k content - that is dispite the principle you refer to - that games also supporting 4k will force everybody to download that.

    It's really simple to have a checkbox somewhere - to say I don't need any 4k stuff, thank you - even running X1X!

    Look at Forza 7 - no download size anywhere on MS Store or Xbox Store - why?

    All other games just about have estimated size if you purchase is as digital.

    I think MS is aware that half the households of Xbox owners out there don't have unlimited internet - so don't want to scare from purchase, is one way of interpreting that lack of info.

    If you buy Forza 7 on optical media even - you are in for 50 GB download as well(not sure if this included 4k content or not).

    All 27 countries in European Union have a set goal to have all have at least 30 Mbps until 2020 - which a part is 4G wireless and download fees may apply(you see a disclaimer everytime you download about this).

    Half of housholds 2020 should have access to 100 Mbps. This is three years from now and if that really will be the case, we will see.

    Until 2025 all should have access to 100 Mbps - which means either fiber or 5G or similar. But this is 8 years from now - if this goal is met.

    So there is a lucky bunch that have no problem with download sizes - but something in the range half of households might have.

    Some countries, like sweden, has large areas which are sparsely populated and will have later adoption of latest technology(forget about 5G etc).

    And some of us just prefer easy access to nature habitat than urban cities.
    BookishFlunky90, Nov 1, 2017
  4. Shaggy2000
    Shaggy2000 Guest

    Are you ready for X1X and prepared to download extra 50 GB on every game????

    Ok, either your confused about the updates or you have changed your argument half way through this 3 page post.

    Your original post was complaining about the Xbox One X updates and how they were going to be make games twice the size, I mean this comes from your original post.

    "Expect these 4K asset downloads to be extremely large, even 40-50 gigs or more"

    I then started talking about "Day One Updates" which are totally different things, day one updates have been around since the Xbox 360, these are patches that correct errors found after a game has gone gold.

    So which is it, are you still complaining about the size of Xbox One X Enhancement updates (and not having any choice on downloading them) or are you complaining about Day One Updates?

    If its to do with the Xbox One X Enhancement updates, its easy, don't buy an Xbox One X. If its about the Day One Updates then I'm sorry there is nothing that can be done to fix this. Perhaps look at trying a different hobby.
    Shaggy2000, Nov 2, 2017
  5. I did not write article I linked to and text you took from that article.

    Though my title refer to the 50 GB that might be involved - and stated as a evening tabloid paper would - to get attention enough.

    Journalistic freedom one could say.

    What shines through in my posts is my overall frustration over the sizes that we are facing to download - even buying games on optical media - for this gen consoles - just updates patches in general as well as now 4k updates(if getting X1X).

    And in this light - give us checkbox option to turn off 4k updates if owning X1X - and we at least don't have to suffer that 4k stuff for no reason if running 1080p and getting X1X.

    Download sizes are already hiddeous for X1/X1S - don't dig a grave for X1X by extending those sizes unless really needed - is the core subject.

    Nothing I stated here contradict what I said elsewhere. Nor any confusion on my part.

    If any confusion for readers - hope it is more clear now.
    BookishFlunky90, Nov 2, 2017
  6. Tzar of kaos
    Tzar of kaos Guest
    It's more simple if you don't buy Scorpio.

    There are no checkbox on Xbox one if you play on a 720p tv and don't want 1080p content.Same goes with Scorpio.

    Since 2013,we start to have bigger games files,patches and updates,not really new.By knowning that each consumer just need to make the right choice base on their internet.

    If i didn't got a good internet,i wouldn't bother with current gen system or manage a way to buy and play my games differently.Same goes with 4K and HDR.


    Forza 7 on Xbox one and S is 67Gb. On Scorpio 95Gb.
    Tzar of kaos, Nov 2, 2017
  7. As I said, not all games will have 4K textures. The new Assassins Creed Origins patch for Xbox One will bring 4K support. It's size is 1.8GB. Small? That's because it has no 4K texture enhancement. The gane will be 4K though on One X.
    Obsessive Power, Nov 2, 2017
  8. Are you ready for X1X and prepared to download extra 50 GB on every game????

    Thank you for clarification.

    10 years ago I bought a new TV - and then HD Ready was common - being 1366x720 resolution.

    When X1 was introduced 2013 1080p was the most common resolution on TV-sets - already out there in homes.

    Now X1X extend lifespan on X1 generation with X1X and need separate downloads - since 4k TV-sets are not as standard and widely spread as 1080p was 2013.

    So that's why Phil Spencer also clearly stated how 1080p will benefit from X1X - why say no to all that business by going pure 4k only???

    Well, they didn't - so all good in that sense.

    I really like what MS is doing for the Xbox brand with introducing X1X - so much new hope and belief in future for Xbox gamers.

    So if stating also 1080p also will benefit with X1X - why say no to half of gamers doing that purchase????

    This is my estimate of households that don't have access or can afford to spend enough on internet access.

    I really think download sizes begin to be real problem for too many - it will diminish success for Xbox One X.

    This is my concern.

    Thanks to Xbox One X - the console gaming is Game On - or it would continue to to loose out on PS4.

    They made so really poor decisions for X1 when introduced - like in sweden it was 10 months delayed compared to many parts of the world(fall 2014 was introduction).

    This meant that PS4 being there all this time - took all market here.

    Part of reason why Playstation is stronger in europe - too many countries had late introduction of Xbox One.

    Why delay spread of X1X due to technology limitations instead???

    It will be some years still before larger part of housholds have 4k TV-sets.
    BookishFlunky90, Nov 2, 2017
  9. Thanks for input - really good to hear.

    I looked through game list for Xbox enhanced yesterday - and about 70 games stated the 4k thingy - so larger part probably not needing to larger sized downloads.
    BookishFlunky90, Nov 2, 2017
  10. Shaggy2000
    Shaggy2000 Guest
    Now I agree, the patches that we download are getting very excessive, I mean just last night I downloaded a patch for Assassins Creed Origins and it weighed in at roughly 2Gig.

    Unfortunately though there is nothing we can do about it, if you want to keep on gaming the best company to go with is Nintendo, they generally only release games when they are truly finished, and if there are patches they are usually very small.
    Shaggy2000, Nov 3, 2017
  11. brandiesel1
    brandiesel1 Guest
    Where are we supposed to find these patches? When I go into my downloaded games, I select the enhanced games option. Only Assassins Creed Origins shows up. The patch was only around 1GB. Can this be correct?

    Is this where I should keep looking to see if patches are available or do you need to launch the game then get notified?
    brandiesel1, Nov 3, 2017
  12. In Settings System and then Backup & Transfer is a checkbox Download 4k game content - check that.

    I assume this is it - and games and apps has selection to show enhanced games only under Games and also under Updates.

    It should show up there so you see which games are to be enhanced and also if Updates are available.

    If all bundled as one update for both game+4k or separate I have no idea - not checked those options myself.
    BookishFlunky90, Nov 1, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Are you ready for X1X and prepared to download extra 50 GB on every game????