Additional Network Ports for Multiplayer Gaming: Xbox One- Battlefield Network Connectivity ...

Discus and support Additional Network Ports for Multiplayer Gaming: Xbox One- Battlefield Network Connectivity ... in XboX Networking Hardware to solve the problem; Additional Network Ports for Multiplayer Gaming: Xbox One- Battlefield Network Connectivity Issue I had an issue for days with being able to play... Discussion in 'XboX Networking Hardware' started by Keeper2375, Feb 3, 2018.

  1. Keeper2375
    Keeper2375 Guest

    Additional Network Ports for Multiplayer Gaming: Xbox One- Battlefield Network Connectivity ...

    Additional Network Ports for Multiplayer Gaming: Xbox One- Battlefield Network Connectivity Issue
    I had an issue for days with being able to play multiplayer mode with Battlefield one. I read many forums with little to no help on this. Finally was able to get a Microsoft/EA technician to call me back from a ticket I submitted.
    Kudos to the techs because after an hour and half we figured out what was going on.Here are a few things you do to resolve your issues from common mistakes and more difficult in depth issues.

    Item 1) You may just have a loading error if you have been able to get into multiplayer and it crashes. For this you can try 1 of 2 things. 1, exit out of your game and reload. If this persists you may need to try uninstalling and reinstalling your game.
    This is annoying but for many people this solves the issues altogether.

    Item 2) Make sure your gamer tag is correctly associated with your EA account and are logged into that. If you have to make a new EA account it will make you have a new Gold membership.

    Item 3) If you are still having issues getting multiplayer to work, go to your Settings- Network Settings- then test your Multiplayer connection. If your NAT is not either Open or Moderate, you may need to try restarting both your Router and then Xbox One.
    This may reboot your connectivity issues that you are having.

    Item 4) If this still persists after Item 3... You will need to get your computer out and manage your router and its settings. go into your web address bar and put in whatever your URL router is. Under your Firewall, then one of the settings under that,
    look for the UPnP. If it is disabled, check the box to enable it. This will likely clear up your issues!

    Item 5) If nothing above has worked including Item #4 and then restarting your router and Xbox One... the last option that may work for you which finally ended up working for me is adding Ports to your router that will act more compatible for your XboxOne.
    You will need to make sure that on your Xbox, under your detail network setting has the same IP address as your router and go ahead and check the rest of the detailed info matches with your router information.

    Now back to your router settings.. you will need to create new IPv4 ports. this may be under your Forwarding option. This is where we add ports to your router by creating IPv4 add ons. You will have to manually do this, by typing
    in your IP address for each entry and then adding the following ports. The Start and End port will have the same entry. Also, notice whether or not the protocol is for UDP, TCP or Both. There are 7 ports total to be added, I attached this screenshot below
    to help everyone out so you can see exactly what needs to be done! Hope this helps everyone out and you don't have to struggle for 3 days like I did and almost take the game back! I had to post this before i even started playing multiplayer because I was
    incredibly frustrated!!!! Have fun!

    Additional Network Ports for Multiplayer Gaming: Xbox One- Battlefield Network Connectivity ... [​IMG]

    Keeper2375, Feb 3, 2018
  2. Additional Network Ports for Multiplayer Gaming: No network connection after hard reset

    Additional Network Ports for Multiplayer Gaming: No network connection after hard reset
    Having network DHCP issue after hard reset can't go any further. HELP!
    NYStickupKid 71, Feb 3, 2018
  3. Additional Network Ports for Multiplayer Gaming: PORT forwarding network error

    Additional Network Ports for Multiplayer Gaming: PORT forwarding network error
    hey anyone else have the error when port forwarding your xbox it say network connection error even with open NAT?
    BurstDestroyer6, Feb 3, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Additional Network Ports for Multiplayer Gaming: Xbox One- Battlefield Network Connectivity ...