Additional Network Ports for Multiplayer Gaming: More canadian servers!

Discus and support Additional Network Ports for Multiplayer Gaming: More canadian servers! in XboX Networking Hardware to solve the problem; Additional Network Ports for Multiplayer Gaming: More canadian servers! Not sure exactly who im supposed to direct this too, but for years the lack of... Discussion in 'XboX Networking Hardware' started by scooter2shoes, Jan 17, 2018.

  1. Additional Network Ports for Multiplayer Gaming: More canadian servers!

    Additional Network Ports for Multiplayer Gaming: More canadian servers!
    Not sure exactly who im supposed to direct this too, but for years the lack of western Canadian microsoft azure servers has been ruining my online experience. Our closest server is in California which literally is so far away that it takes 3 seconds for
    an action to register from one console to another console that are both sitting in the same living room. Absolutely unacceptable for any form of online gaming!!! Any suggestions or advice or additional input to help me get in touch with someone who could get
    western canada up to speed with a new, more local server would be greatly appreciated.

    scooter2shoes, Jan 17, 2018
  2. GR33N X RAY
    GR33N X RAY Guest
    Additional Network Ports for Multiplayer Gaming: Gears 4 Ports?

    Additional Network Ports for Multiplayer Gaming: Gears 4 Ports?
    Is there any additional ports for Gears of War 4?
    GR33N X RAY, Jan 17, 2018
    Additional Network Ports for Multiplayer Gaming: Why

    Additional Network Ports for Multiplayer Gaming: Why
    needs to connect to multiplayer
    JDKBASHVILLE, Jan 17, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Additional Network Ports for Multiplayer Gaming: More canadian servers!