Additional Network Ports for Multiplayer Gaming: 2 Xboxes one house

Discus and support Additional Network Ports for Multiplayer Gaming: 2 Xboxes one house in XboX Networking Hardware to solve the problem; Additional Network Ports for Multiplayer Gaming: 2 Xboxes one house Until recently I have been able to have both Xboxes gaming together easily. There... Discussion in 'XboX Networking Hardware' started by Exo202, Feb 7, 2017.

  1. Exo202
    Exo202 Guest

    Additional Network Ports for Multiplayer Gaming: 2 Xboxes one house

    Additional Network Ports for Multiplayer Gaming: 2 Xboxes one house
    Until recently I have been able to have both Xboxes gaming together easily. There have been some connection issues due to distance from wifi. I purchased a router, put my modem in bridge mode and ensured I have UPnP working. Now for some reason I am unable
    to get both online in the same game. The specific issue is using a launch day xbox one to host a mine craft server, while I connect using a limited edition Xbox slim. I have 4 friends able to connect to the launch day and run fine, when I try to connect however
    I cannot.

    I have tried both wired, and wireless, and combinations of one and one while using the new router, connected to the bridged modem )Port 1 bridge only)

    I have tried both wired and wireless, and combination of one and one while using only the modem

    I have tried connecting the new router to the WAN on the modem, and then running wireless, and wired, and combination of one and one.

    I have followed steps on the troubleshooting websites and it is leaning towards network hardware failure in the xbox.

    I have not done any port forwarding (never needed to and connecting to multiplayer online seems fine)

    In all instance it seems like the original xbox one is able to obtain IP address and maintain connections (hosting Minecraft sessions for friends, 5 of us). The limited edition Xbox slim is giving me things like NAT Status:Unavailable, and is the one unable
    to connect at all. I am beginning to think that the Xbox networking hardware is failing, but it can connect to Gears of War4, and Trove and play fine.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    Exo202, Feb 7, 2017
  2. Additional Network Ports for Multiplayer Gaming: 2 Xbox one consoles in same house

    Additional Network Ports for Multiplayer Gaming: 2 Xbox one consoles in same house
    Sounds like whatever it is the NAT is probably set to strict for each machine. Might want to look at the NAT settings or the Port Forwarding settings on the new router.
    StreakierMass60, Feb 7, 2017
  3. Additional Network Ports for Multiplayer Gaming: Halo Wars 2 Special Ports

    Additional Network Ports for Multiplayer Gaming: Halo Wars 2 Special Ports
    I'm playing Halo Wars 2 and I would like to know if there's additional ports that need to be opened for this game to properly communicate.
    MO MO DAMONSTER, Feb 7, 2017
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

Additional Network Ports for Multiplayer Gaming: 2 Xboxes one house