
Discus and support achievments in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; my gamer score was reset and i lost all of my achievements were locked again now I cant even unlock them when I am supposed to..Help me Please... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by Redneck378970, Jul 18, 2014.

  1. achievments

    my gamer score was reset and i lost all of my achievements were locked again now I cant even unlock them when I am supposed to..Help me Please

    Redneck378970, Jul 18, 2014
  2. The achievement your working for the most.

    As for achievments. I ain't really got one I work for. I would love to get all the Gears of War game achievments. I now like to play blind without really looking at the achievment list and love the "ping" as you get the suprise achievment.
    Maccadooooooooo, Jul 18, 2014
  3. CrockedDrip8
    CrockedDrip8 Guest
    when I earn a achievment, i dont recieve the achievment

    I earn the achievment when playing games but it dosent register and I dont recieve the achievment..
    CrockedDrip8, Jul 18, 2014
    HMS EXIT Guest


    Nobody helps a cheat, sorry but that's the way it is, play legit or don't bother.
    HMS EXIT, Aug 7, 2014
  5. SimeonOfDeath Win User

    Netflix Achievements not Unlocking

    Achievements for Netflix? What has the achievement system become? Remember when achievements were...well...achievements?
  6. DarthRaitu Win User

    Eso achievement

    Solution 2: Check your achievement progress online

    You can check the progress of your achievement online to verify that your console has synchronised with Xbox Live.

    To view your achievements online:

    1.Sign in at and select Achievements.

    2.Select the title of the achievement you're trying to unlock.

    3.If the achievement appears under “Achievements,” it's already unlocked.

    If the achievement appears under “Locked Achievements,” either the console isn't yet synchronised with Xbox Live or the achievement was not successfully unlocked.
  7. ShadowFlame117 Win User

    New achieves a bit... buggy?

    The new achievements are only achievable on the maps that are in the description. The three new achievements with Defiant in the description are only achievable on Defiant maps and any with Anniversary in the description are only achievable on the new maps.
  8. FreakRoach Win User

    achievement won't unlock

    Completing the game doesn't mean that you've achieved all the achievements. Go to the achievements list for that game and filter by `Unlocked` to see which achievement is pending.
  9. smileskybird Win User

    whats the point off zero point achievements

    Users who got the Xbox 1 Day 1 Achievement and I also got a YouTube Achievement. But getting 0G for those achievements is kind of ???. Xbox 360 never gave me achievements with 0G it was at least 5G for all achievements. Some achievements unlock special avatar
    awards (on 360).


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