80090304 error Unable to Download 360 Profile

Discus and support 80090304 error Unable to Download 360 Profile in XBoX Games and Apps to solve the problem; It's really weird. When I load up a BC game, it says Signed in as Citizen Four. Then when I try to play it tells me to sign in. When I go to sign in,... Discussion in 'XBoX Games and Apps' started by KrYPToNiTe 42O, May 2, 2017.

  1. 80090304 error Unable to Download 360 Profile

    It's really weird. When I load up a BC game, it says Signed in as Citizen Four. Then when I try to play it tells me to sign in. When I go to sign in, it says I have 0 profiles installed. I then try to download my profile and it gets to the part where it
    says getting game data and freezes with the error message "Sorry, Xbox Live profiles can't be downloaded right now. Try again later. I tried to delete the profile as it may be corrupted. When I do that on either console One or 360, there are no profiles to
    delete. I tried clearing the cache multiple times on the 360 itself. Then tried again to download the profile. Still Nothing.

    I read somewhere that someone had given their console DMZ Host and it had fixed the issue, however mine was already given DMZ host. I tried disabling it/re-enabling it, resetting the modem/router. Powering off the console, unplugging it, every time while
    re-trying to download my profile with the same issue. Nothing has worked. There are a few people on reddit having the same issue as well with no solution. One of the guys over there said he had been on the phone with MS support. They claim it is a newly appearing
    issue and are looking into it...

    It seems to be an issue on MS end. And it sounds like it could take a while to sort out..

    Have also tried changing my password, removing credit card info and re-adding it. etc... Nothing has worked.

    KrYPToNiTe 42O, May 2, 2017
  2. Jim----H
    Jim----H Guest
    80090304 error with backwards compatibility

    Same problem tried to download two profiles to play split screen both wont download
    cleared 360 cache deleted all profiles

    now cant play any BC titles as its deleted my main 360 profile that was working

    All i get is "xbox live profile can't be downloaded right now" error 80090304
    Jim----H, May 2, 2017
  3. Unable to re-download my Xbox live profile!

    So I was having some problems downloading free items on Xbox live, and I kept getting the error code 80090304. So I deleted my profile, cleared my system cache three times and the tried to re-download my profile, but could not get it to work. I kept getting
    the message "Can not download Xbox live profiles right now" followed by the same status code 80090304. I tired reinstalling the system updates and power cycled my console but neither worked! please help!
    Voided Spectrum, May 2, 2017
  4. 80090304 error Unable to Download 360 Profile

    I will also note that this all started with a Gamertag change this morning.
    KrYPToNiTe 42O, May 2, 2017
  5. Miss Bijoux
    Miss Bijoux Guest
    Hey there -

    As I've mentioned in all the other threads you chimed in on, this was a known issue last night. At this point, we believe the issue to be resolved. Are you able to play your back compat games now?

    Let us know. 80090304 error Unable to Download 360 Profile :)


    Xbox Forums Staff

    Be sure to check out the Xbox Forum Guidelines
    and if you're a member of the Xbox Insider Program, check out the
    Xbox Insider Program Forums for help with Insider
    Program troubleshooting.
    Miss Bijoux, May 3, 2017
  6. Just at work for the day, but will surely try when I get home post with an update.

    Fingers Crossed!!
    KrYPToNiTe 42O, May 3, 2017
  7. It's working now. Awesome it was fixed relatively quickly.

    KrYPToNiTe 42O, May 3, 2017
  8. Miss Bijoux
    Miss Bijoux Guest

    80090304 error Unable to Download 360 Profile

    Awesome, enjoy! 80090304 error Unable to Download 360 Profile :)


    Xbox Forums Staff

    Be sure to check out the Xbox Forum Guidelines
    and if you're a member of the Xbox Insider Program, check out the
    Xbox Insider Program Forums for help with Insider
    Program troubleshooting.
    Miss Bijoux, Nov 2, 2018
    Error:Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused

80090304 error Unable to Download 360 Profile