3 weeks almost a million sold

Discus and support 3 weeks almost a million sold in XBoX on Consoles to solve the problem; If I said it played like COD I could see people getting upset, but there is so much early COD in it its unreal. The maps, the graphics, the lobby... Discussion in 'XBoX on Consoles' started by N7 Gh0stz, May 6, 2014.

  1. EnenDaveyBoy
    EnenDaveyBoy Guest

    3 weeks almost a million sold

    If I said it played like COD I could see people getting upset, but there is so much early COD in it its unreal.

    The maps, the graphics, the lobby layouts, the loading screens, the class setup, the guns n attachments setup etc etc etc

    Thanks fully, it fair surpassed the playability of COD.
    EnenDaveyBoy, May 7, 2014
  2. tohellnbak
    tohellnbak Guest
    My guess.. including bundles... XB1 only ...in the US only, I would say about 500K
    tohellnbak, May 7, 2014
  3. Wow, that's actually quite impressive when you look at it and take the other forms out of the picture. Do we know the over all sales yet? From then till now including all territories and formats? I'm pretty curious lol
    Mark Sherwood, May 7, 2014
  4. tohellnbak
    tohellnbak Guest

    3 weeks almost a million sold

    No idea of the total... and MS does not release e peen numbers the way other companies do... if I seriously had to guess... all 3 platforms... world wide... 2.5-3.0M
    tohellnbak, May 7, 2014
  5. Sounds like an accurate guess and even at that, its a pretty good sell off. I don't think anyone doubts that on 3 platforms, the game sold well enough. Especially seeing that it bumped X1 sales by 96% in UK.
    Mark Sherwood, May 7, 2014
  6. Sold well considering its there first game
    MessiahBrowny, May 8, 2014
  7. I refuse to buy it because it has an EA logo on it. For the last 12 months I and others have been boycotting EA.
    RustyBucket21, May 8, 2014
  8. EnenDaveyBoy
    EnenDaveyBoy Guest

    3 weeks almost a million sold

    @Rusty, I see that statement a little funny, when your last game played on the 360 was TW PGA Tour 2014 which is an EA game.

    If it were a Dice game I could understand but its respawn and IMO worth the effort.
    EnenDaveyBoy, May 8, 2014
  9. f00xm4n
    f00xm4n Guest
    I think with it being nearly 1 million on xbox one just in US, add PC, 360, other countries and digital plus the extra time to date I think your looking at more then 2.5x - 3 x. I am thinking closer to 4 million. I wonder how many, like I did got the season
    pass at the same time?
    f00xm4n, May 8, 2014
  10. f00xm4n
    f00xm4n Guest
    To be fair he not really played it since May 2013 when his last lot of achievements were recorded. Maybe it's that game that gave him his current point of view. Still EA is a publisher not a developer. It's like blaming Microsoft for titanfall.
    f00xm4n, May 8, 2014
  11. Seems rather low considering how much money MS funneled into this game. Its the most hyped game of next Gen so far and the numbers are disappointing thus far.
    TheSpiralMatrix, May 8, 2014
  12. tohellnbak
    tohellnbak Guest
    Spiral... how is 950K sold for XB1 ALONE on DISC ONLY in the USA ALONE low? XB1 has an estimated sales of 4+ million. With maybe 2.5M in the US.. so a disc based game... that is ONLINE ONLY... has accounted for nearly 1/3 of the total XB1s sold in the US..
    for ONLY DISC BASED PURCHASES... even if the sales were 50/50 disc to digital.... that would be almost 2 million Titanfall games sold to an estimated 2.5 millions owners... nearly 75%...

    Sometimes Internet logic astounds me...
    tohellnbak, May 8, 2014
  13. EnenDaveyBoy
    EnenDaveyBoy Guest

    3 weeks almost a million sold

    @f00 his last achievement was unlocked in January of this year(2014), assuming its bf4 that's the complaint its not e very good boycott. If it is the golf game hes done over 70% of the achievements so can't be that bad.
    EnenDaveyBoy, May 8, 2014
  14. DaveyBoy, Yes you are right TW14 was the last game I played and play it regularly. However I have not bought an EA game since TW14 and don't intend to. Although one of my family did buy me NFS Rivals, tried it, it to was dire so traded it in.
    RustyBucket21, May 9, 2014
  15. EnenDaveyBoy
    EnenDaveyBoy Guest
    @Rusty, sorry rusty I might have come over rude, but I did just mean a thought it was funny, as in a little giggle, nothing against you.

    I said I wouldn't play COD again, but since I have paid for it I thought why the hell not, I mainly play extinction, but if it means a good laugh with friends why should I not play.
    EnenDaveyBoy, May 9, 2014

3 weeks almost a million sold