마인크래프트 윈도우10 스타터에디션 환불

Discus and support 마인크래프트 윈도우10 스타터에디션 환불 in XBoX on Windows to solve the problem; 마이크로 소프트에서 마인크래프트를 구매했는데 환불 가능한가요?? ef6eae16-0003-4d7d-905e-3aef71dc3c36 Discussion in 'XBoX on Windows' started by FartherFriend71, Jan 4, 2020.

  1. 마인크래프트 윈도우10 스타터에디션 환불

    마이크로 소프트에서 마인크래프트를 구매했는데 환불 가능한가요??

    FartherFriend71, Jan 4, 2020
  2. Panno92 Win User

    마인크래프트 윈도우10 스타터에디션 환불


    Minecraft Windows 10 Starter Edition Refund

    I purchased Minecraft from Microsoft, can I get a refund?



    Hi, if you want to ask for a refund for a digital product you need to compile the relevant form at the below link (follow the instruction and compile the form, in case of necessity you can simply contact the support at the link "contact us" on the right)

  3. XBF Leslie D Win User

    마인크래프트 윈도우10 환불 요청 [Minecraft Windows 10 refunds.]

    Hi there!

    In regards to reversing the payment, you would need to submit a refund request.

    Click here to complete a Refund Request Webform.

    After you submit the request, you’ll receive confirmation and follow-up emails that will include instructions on how to keep track of the status of your request.

    If you have questions about the process or have not heard anything within 48 hours please reply to the confirmation email sent to you.
    Our dedicated team is ready to assist you.

    If you have any complications making the refund request, feel free to contact our live support. Oursupport agents will be able to help with this. We on the forums don't have the tools to help with this.

    When you go to Contact Usto request a callback, follow these steps:

    • Step 1 ----Select Xbox One
    • Step 2 ----Select See other options
    • Step 3 ----Select topic
    • Step 4 ----Select "Show contact options"
    • Step 5 ----Select request a call from support

    Once they call, explain the issue and they will be able to help you.
  4. RoninhoM2906 Win User

    마인크래프트 환불

    To get a refund, you have to contact Xbox Support
  5. MRallamagoosa Win User

    마인크래프트 환불

  6. Mistress Sara Win User

    마인크래프트 환불


마인크래프트 윈도우10 스타터에디션 환불

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