
XboX Insiders
  1. 19,751. Do I need to be currently subscribed to Xbox live in order to be considered for invitations?
  2. 19,752. Time Played Is Tracking Again! 32 Characters!
  3. 19,753. New chat section in Guide (Alpha- Alpha Skip Ahead)
  4. 19,754. Does anyone have a picture of this?
  5. 19,755. Problem Adding a new account even after reset
  6. 19,756. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha Skip-Ahead and Alpha (2008.200721-0000)
  7. 19,757. Does the insider program make DVR record at 60FPS?
  8. 19,758. Minecraft RTX all black fix. Hope the video helps.
  9. 19,759. Problem with Groups, it won't show them
  10. 19,760. Separate Games & Apps from "Always Keep Games & Apps Updated" from settings!
  11. 19,761. Xbox one update reaches 53%, then xbox crashes
  12. 19,762. Xbox One old version not compatible with new OSU1?
  13. 19,763. Office 365 Backup Tool
  14. 19,764. OSU1 update failed - looking for date of file
  15. 19,765. Read this pls I need help right now
  16. 19,766. Xbox might scrap paid multiplayer.
  17. 19,767. 7 years in the making, finally i put my solo developed game on Xbox One (well, the demo...
  18. 19,768. Question on how to get into alpha ring
  19. 19,769. Trying unenroll Xbox from Update Preview but it says “Already Registered!”
  21. 19,771. Motion smoothing being turned on instead of Game Mode.
  22. 19,772. Xbox preview game problems. Cant launch games or have video lag.
  23. 19,773. Add more games to backwards compatibility so people can play more of their older games
  24. 19,774. Can someone address Game DVR bug Xbox One S??
  25. 19,775. Xbox Console Companion Stream dropout still occurring upon first game launch
  26. 19,776. Not smooth text transition in the dashboard
  27. 19,777. Help With Xbox Insider (Minecraft Beta) (PC)
  28. 19,778. Showcase this week on dashboard please
  29. 19,779. Installing from disc, Manage Queue has blank transfer details
  30. 19,780. Alpha Skip how we can be part of this?
  31. 19,781. Anyone knows when can we play Fligh Sim beta?
  32. 19,782. Game streaming app not working...?
  33. 19,783. Anyone knows when can i play the closed beta.
  34. 19,784. Future of Xbox live? Price doubling? Free?
  35. 19,785. Xbox One USB Audio implementation?
  36. 19,786. Was this "What’s New in June for Xbox Insiders" feature ditched?! This shown layout is...
  37. 19,787. When I attempt to game share with a friend and set his gamertag as “my home xbox“ I get an...
  38. 19,788. Xbox Games Showcase - Tune In to see the latest games
  39. 19,789. Minecraft Bedrock world corrupted with no error message on a different xbox from the one it...
  40. 19,790. Cant console stream on 4g LTE but can while on wifi(not my home wifi)
  41. 19,791. plz help I really want to get into beta
  42. 19,792. Xbox Alpha Ring: Please for the love of god fix the disconnection problems.
  43. 19,793. Stuck in Minecraft beta program [Help Me]
  44. 19,794. Rogue Company? Never heard of it till today
  45. 19,795. Did a recent update break HDMI connectivity?
  46. 19,796. Is anyone else having visual issues with the Xbox PC App? Mine has this odd issue where it...
  47. 19,797. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha Skip-Ahead and Alpha (2008.200718-0000)
  48. 19,798. Minecraft rtx beta 1.16 question
  49. 19,799. Halo MCC Crashing after pressing menu button
  50. 19,800. Do we have any news about when we'll have Edge Chromium on Xbox One?
  51. 19,801. Prime Video no longer playing Dolby Vision in Alpha Skip Ahead
  52. 19,802. Better cable upscaling through xbox or straight to TV
  53. 19,803. How to shut off microphone in xbox game bar
  54. 19,804. Minecraft for Windows 10 RTX Beta
  55. 19,805. Excited for the Xbox July 23 Event?
  56. 19,806. Headphones Not Working [Alpha Skip Ahead]
  57. 19,807. I need help buying a gaming monitor for the 1X.
  58. 19,808. Mouse on Xbox Microsoft EDGE please...
  59. 19,809. Anyone got a spare xblg trial code i could use please?
  60. 19,810. Home Xbox for Xbox Account Frustration
  61. 19,811. Whenever my friends gets online or if i clip something it says 8h ago on the notification...
  62. 19,812. Xbox game streaming 2nd hand xbox
  63. 19,813. Help with fixing an issue with my xbox
  64. 19,814. I need some help please! Stuck on this screen no matter what I do. Factory resets haven't...
  65. 19,815. My last achievement on RIME dissappeared just after I unlocked it and now my completion...
  66. 19,816. Keep getting disconnected from some multiplayer sessions for some reason.
  67. 19,817. I try load up monopoly and it gets me to choose my profile then it kicks me off... Any...
  68. 19,818. Does anyone know if you will be able to access your beta worlds if u uninstall beta on...
  69. 19,819. Minor issue with opening friends list
  70. 19,820. Fix xbox insider's hub bugs, at "manage" section, it's erroneous
  71. 19,821. Cant access Xbox Insider Hub. Says Im underage.
  72. 19,822. I cannot join partys on xbox or my the app and keep getting 0x8923103D
  73. 19,823. About the new update? .........................
  74. 19,824. Xbox Game Pass app still shows Xboxes I’ve signed out of as a possible choice to install my...
  75. 19,825. Cant get the RTX beta to work for minecraft!!
  76. 19,826. PT/BR bad localization in the guide
  77. 19,827. Anybody else getting this crash?
  78. 19,828. Will be Minecraft RTX avaliable for Java users?
  79. 19,829. I can't download games on the xbox app for PC
  80. 19,830. I can’t download xbox insider app
  81. 19,831. Has anyone else noticed really bad guide performance?
  82. 19,832. Deleting the game The two point hospital this does not disappear from the list of installed...
  83. 19,833. Xbox needs to allow the option to manually accept or deny friend requests for the Series X
  84. 19,834. What's the difference between "OS Version" and "Shell Version" ?
  85. 19,835. Duplicated sound at Xbox Game Bar
  86. 19,836. New icons on the new alpha skip ahead update.
  87. 19,837. Which recent improvements were most well received? Your two cents on a development priorities?
  88. 19,838. Will the UI icons be updated to the Fluent style (just like Windows 1O)?
  89. 19,839. 100,000 Subscribers! What a milestone!
  90. 19,840. July 17th2020 (ALPHA RING)Error code 0x8b108490
  91. 19,841. Game streaming for ARK is broken
  92. 19,842. Account Recovery - A Frustrating Catch 22
  93. 19,843. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha Skip-Ahead and Alpha (2008.200716-0000)
  94. 19,844. Xbox Requests: Week of July 17th, 2020
  95. 19,845. Spotify for Xbox One does not have any sound.
  96. 19,846. I don't know what I'm doing wrong
  97. 19,847. Xbox update bug trolls the insider user by testing patience
  98. 19,848. Integration of OBS on XBOX consoles
  99. 19,849. Home page Nickelodeon ad is in Spanish for some reason (not sure where to post this)
  100. 19,850. How do I set my Nickname as Display name?
  101. 19,851. Why DO you have to wait for higher-status rings?
  102. 19,852. Help cant activate dev mode, Apha skip ahead
  103. 19,853. Unable to see game price/ difficult to purchase games that I've downloaded via Game Pass
  104. 19,854. Dim screen clock display won't respect new clock display option
  105. 19,855. why achievement unlocked time is wrong?can dis fix it?
  106. 19,856. Xbox Game Streaming (Preview) Support and Discussion: Week of July 16, 2020
  107. 19,857. Audio extremely quiet on 2 different android devices
  108. 19,858. $1 Per Day Xbox Live Gold Access
  109. 19,859. Animated themes like playstation
  110. 19,860. Vote for your best console of xbox which u can decide one of options
  111. 19,861. Will my Minecraft World be Safe if I unenroll from the Beta and Uninstall/Re-Install the...
  112. 19,862. HDMI-CEC disappeared and has not returned. Where did it go, and when is it coming back for...
  113. 19,863. Game DVR 4K Fix release to rings
  114. 19,864. Update Games in Standby hasn't worked for months.
  115. 19,865. It should not boot us the second an update is available
  116. 19,866. Issues in Time played tracker and gamepass task
  117. 19,867. You have to give us warning. Have to.
  118. 19,868. Maybe allow mic/ party chat recording for start recording or record that
  119. 19,869. Wow We wait this 7 years! And now we finally get this...24 hours format. Thank you xbox...
  120. 19,870. Time ti knock out some more quest.
  121. 19,871. External HDD still spinning up/down constantly while console is off and instant-on is...
  122. 19,872. I am in the mobile preview and it's ok
  123. 19,873. Xbox Insider Hub on PC not working for anyone else?
  124. 19,874. Having the option to stream on any platform
  125. 19,875. How to join the Skip Ahead & Alpha
  126. 19,876. Troubleshooting problem / Glitch
  127. 19,877. For this game you need to be online
  128. 19,878. Game Pass Beta App iOS: Extra Xboxs
  129. 19,879. Can’t add account to my Xbox??? Anyone else?
  130. 19,880. 2 issues: Minecraft insanely low framerate in beta and main release, and issue with the...
  131. 19,881. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha Skip-Ahead and Alpha (2008.200714-0000)
  132. 19,882. Olá, meu console está apresentando esse erro já tentei todas as ajudas e dicas do suporte e...
  133. 19,883. Microsoft Xbox One X (4KDVR Recording Problem)
  134. 19,884. Xbox Accessories App configuration not working (Windows 10)
  135. 19,885. [Suggestion] The "Manage > Free Up Space" menu should have a "Leftover games" and...
  136. 19,886. Game DVR not recording any clips for no reason on Xbox One S??
  137. 19,887. What ring are you on? Are you planning to switch at some point? Why?
  138. 19,888. NEED HELP!! Stuck on troubleshoot screen after Alpha Preview Build
  139. 19,889. My WiFi works for everything else but for my Xbox it is very slow
  140. 19,890. (New here) How can I get to a higher level of Insiders? All I'm given is Omega so far.
  141. 19,891. Não consigo usar meu hd no meu console
  142. 19,892. My game streaming app keeps closing
  143. 19,893. What's up with the stored design? Not all games have this new layout.
  144. 19,894. Small adjustments to the Guide currently in Preview
  145. 19,895. Console streaming not working on my new Xbox one S
  146. 19,896. What is this about Omega and Alpha? Is Omega the normal one (before previews)?
  147. 19,897. I noticed this new Achievements menu when i opened it today, what do you guys think?
  148. 19,898. What version of Xbox update preview do I do
  149. 19,899. Thoughts on the new Beta Guide update
  150. 19,900. My thoughts on the new Beta Guide update
  151. 19,901. I sugest fullscreen on phones for Xbox game stream. I have an A70 and a quarter of my phone...
  152. 19,902. Can anyone download Hellblade on PC game pass?
  153. 19,903. Well that was a quick turnaround from request to implementation.
  154. 19,904. Minecraft RTX beta will not update on my pc!
  155. 19,905. Inability to load digital games following light shutdown (Started after last update)
  156. 19,906. 1504909771 Was having issues with the store and the support team referred me here
  157. 19,907. a problem that needs to be taken care of
  158. 19,908. When you try to export a world to a realm, it is loaded in the second step without doing...
  159. 19,909. Do we know when touch contols are rolling out for XCloud?
  160. 19,910. EA Access Titles Not Working after recent update
  161. 19,911. Console bricked after update or coincidence?
  162. 19,912. rtx beta problems are preventing me from playing
  163. 19,913. Xbox doing nothing when I tell it to record a clip
  164. 19,914. There's a problem with Bandwidth usage (or auto-update) #insidersring
  165. 19,915. Xbox Controller Randomly Disconnects
  166. 19,916. Upload game Content Valorant/ Hyperscape to xbox live
  167. 19,917. Can't use the greek keyboard on XBOX One after the last update
  168. 19,918. Lag freeze while streaming and hardwired
  169. 19,919. What happened to the audio mixer?
  170. 19,920. Xbox One.. Edge app will not work with
  171. 19,921. Lag freeze while streaming and hardwired
  172. 19,922. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha Skip-Ahead (2008.200711-0000)
  173. 19,923. Whenever you try to leave a club on the Xbox app, the app crashes.
  174. 19,924. Flight Simulator 2020 BETA⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
  175. 19,925. My Xbox keeps losing signal every time I try to load up a game
  176. 19,926. Games and apps uninstall confirmation
  177. 19,927. Flight simulator doubt. I have registered but I have not entered the beta program. What...
  178. 19,928. Xbox issues galore any possible solutions?
  179. 19,929. I would love to see 24 hour time option on Xbox in the USA
  180. 19,930. Bring Back The Reputation System
  181. 19,931. Freeing up space used by redundant DLC tokens keys downloads despite content already...
  182. 19,932. Finally managed to get rid of Minecraft Windows 10 beta, but now the non-beta version...
  183. 19,933. Guide/Party w/ Voice Overlay on crashes randomly while playing games. Am I alone?
  184. 19,934. Xbox insider update broke xbox signal
  185. 19,935. I'm here to say sorry to everyobe who check my posts.
  186. 19,936. DTS Sound Unbound can't co-exist with Dolby Access
  187. 19,937. How likely is it that I may wake up one day to my console being bricked on the insider updates?
  188. 19,938. This is a new idea that which allows us watch YouTube and all the other stuff while playing...
  189. 19,939. There’s no way to own and/or have installed both Minecraft Beta and Non-Beta at the same time?
  190. 19,940. Is a Minecraft idea this is for 2020 covid-19
  191. 19,941. Lately I get it all the time that there are players who are following me or adding me as...
  192. 19,942. Is anyone else having issues installing apps from the store?
  193. 19,943. Is the Crossfire Beta still available?
  194. 19,944. All audio settings sound like Windows Sonic
  195. 19,945. Xbox Gamebar Cant Sign in on PC (FIX)
  196. 19,946. Will Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 be on the Xbox Gamepass for PC?
  197. 19,947. How do I remove the message request feature
  198. 19,948. Allow more controller range to play games from a farther range
  199. 19,949. Is 4K capture in Game DVR still broken for all rings?
  200. 19,950. Controller disconnects randomicaly during the Xbox Streaming, do not care how much close of...
  201. 19,951. Lag freeze while streaming and hardwired
  202. 19,952. Console shuts down when trying to transfer from external hard drive
  203. 19,953. A bit off topic but hope you understand
  204. 19,954. Microsoft Flight Simulator Insider "Flighting signup" gone?
  205. 19,955. Latest update to Xbox Game Pass PC breaks it
  206. 19,956. Have the flighting signups ended?
  207. 19,957. This happened after installing a new update...
  208. 19,958. Can someone help me? Its suppose that I have 5 switches left but this message appears
  209. 19,959. Not letting me digitally install 360 games
  210. 19,960. Does Insiders have anything to do with Controller firmware? Can anyone help me figure out...
  211. 19,961. Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Beta
  212. 19,962. Is there anyone from India for whom console streaming is working on Android.
  213. 19,963. Cant redeem code and remove payment method
  214. 19,964. No audio on Fallout 76 (Game Pass)
  215. 19,965. Console streaming any good?where can i use it.
  216. 19,966. Ec-Fucking-Scuse Me? Us this some sort of new bullshitery Microsoft pulled out of their...
  217. 19,967. Broken update for insider program
  218. 19,968. Xbox Requests: Week of July 10th, 2020
  219. 19,969. Hour Played Not Counting Of All My Games Basically
  220. 19,970. Basically brand new One s stopped working right
  221. 19,971. Regarding the new languages' keyboard
  222. 19,972. Xbox has trouble installing certain games & Xbox can't leave Insider program
  224. 19,974. No Webcam? No Configuration Tool.
  225. 19,975. I received a message from Xbox saying I can use the text to speech feature in a party.
  226. 19,976. June 2020 build 19041.3068 fixes bricked Xbox from 19041.2583 insider build
  227. 19,977. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha (2007.200709-0000)
  228. 19,978. Da 1 thang I actually hate 'bout da Game Pass service.
  229. 19,979. Possible game dvr issue when using record what happened
  230. 19,980. Controller Disconnects Related to Instant On Mode
  231. 19,981. Xbox Game Streaming (Preview) Support and Discussion: Week of July 09, 2020
  232. 19,982. Anyone else notice the newest update for the insider hub (beta) is considered a game AND an...
  233. 19,983. i can not leave the minecraft beta
  234. 19,984. My Home Xbox Suggestion/idea for future console update
  235. 19,985. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha Skip-Ahead (2008.200708-0000)
  236. 19,986. Game Not Launching On Xbox One X
  237. 19,987. Anyone having trouble staying online?
  238. 19,988. Corrupted Xbox Insider Update
  239. 19,989. Anyone in alpha skip ahead having issues with minecraft since the nether update?
  240. 19,990. Alpha skip ahead to beta and xcloud
  241. 19,991. After the most recent update to the alpha ring my Xbox no longer recognizes my external...
  243. 19,993. OMG XBOX [if you were human I’d pass you the rope]
  244. 19,994. What do you think is better? DTS or Dolby Atmos?
  245. 19,995. So, game streaming won't let me in. I've tried it multiple times before, it's really fun,...
  246. 19,996. Xbox Is In the June Insider Update even though I've never signed up for the Insider Program
  247. 19,997. Xbox 360 games listed as Apps after pluging in the HDD were they are installed (while My...
  248. 19,998. The Surge Wins 10 version crashes on title screen
  249. 19,999. Xbox not connected but saying it is.
  250. 20,000. Does anyone else's My Games and Apps never load their games?