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- 19,501. Notifications in the Guide have been downgraded
- 19,502. Newest Alpha Build broke Part of the People's Guide section in the Top Row. It doesn't show...
- 19,503. Monthly survey error using the Console Edge browser
- 19,504. Please tell me that "Happening Now" can be removed..
- 19,505. Can we get official news on how the HDR calibration tool works?
- 19,506. Xbox live gold possibly getting cancelled.
- 19,507. Just a suggestion but can these three be just my friends who are favorited bc that would be...
- 19,508. Network error after update question
- 19,509. Xbox Game Preview crashes upon launch after login (Android)
- 19,510. Community feed changed AGAIN! and it’s worse
- 19,512. Game update fails to initialize, paused update, initiate uninstalls itself.
- 19,513. Join the UNTURNED Beta on Xbox One beginning August 4th!
- 19,514. Bot problem inside xbox live that are sending spam
- 19,515. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Beta and Delta (2008.200801-0000)
- 19,516. Lost licences for digital downloads?
- 19,517. Project xCloud touch commands games
- 19,518. Why impose outdated and non-working services on users?
- 19,519. New Microsoft store update also an insider
- 19,520. xcloud on android tv box Oliver the Xcloud app
- 19,521. Insider program not showing game
- 19,522. Xbox one S Bricked because i got insider build without being enrolled
- 19,523. Today's update took Edge away. Not in Apps, pin just launches Store to a Something Went...
- 19,524. Whats the most recent build for Xbox insiders?
- 19,525. Please help me. I updated my Xbox today and I get an infinite spinning wheel. It has two...
- 19,526. When joining off of someones profile, it always opens Red Dead Redemption 2.
- 19,527. Xbox one X only works properly after I unplug it.
- 19,528. Can’t view my friends captures on the Xbox app
- 19,529. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha Skip-Ahead and Alpha (2008.200801-0000)
- 19,530. Oddworld: Munch's Odysee for Original Xbox
- 19,531. Access to MSFS Beta but only installs Alpha!
- 19,532. "Your current market is not supported"
- 19,533. Update stuck on spining wheel - help please
- 19,534. Potential hard drive issue from latest update
- 19,535. Reporting people option HAVE to change!
- 19,536. A New Microsoft Store Experience is Coming to Xbox Insiders
- 19,537. You can't remove friends if they are offline. Online friends you can remove from friends...
- 19,538. New Microsoft Store experience coming for Xbox Insiders
- 19,539. Increased Button Mapping Functionality for Elite Controller Series 2
- 19,540. Xbox Win 10 app crashes whenever I mouse over a game from the landing page.
- 19,541. Too Many Non-Game Things Being Added to Recently-Played Row
- 19,542. Please help me with my Xbox One X, I'd appreciate it
- 19,543. Report a problem tool may not be submitting reports properly for me currently.
- 19,544. Console Streaming isn't working for me
- 19,545. XBOx One X screen goes to static
- 19,547. What is with the error code and mini gray screen guide blocking me from going into parties
- 19,548. Party chat issue (i cant hear anyone but they can hear me)
- 19,549. Will the iPega PG-9088 controller work with xCloud?
- 19,550. Party Invite Bugged, Won’t Join Party
- 19,551. Xbox streaming/ x cloud suggestions
- 19,552. Cannot click INSTALL whilst on the store
- 19,553. Error 0x800705b4
- 19,554. XBL party issues. OS version 10.0.19041.4025 (rs_xbox_release_2008.200728-0000)
- 19,555. xbox beta app doing some weird things.
- 19,556. Xbox App (Android) (IOS) (PERSONAL PC) etc... These are the Issues Occuring in the while...
- 19,557. Digital Assistant is sending commands to the wrong Xbox after latest update.
- 19,558. Start recording and amount of tiles in menu
- 19,559. I want to pay my subscription with Microsoft credits but I don’t know how someone plz help
- 19,560. HELP! I need off of the insider program! Or at least an explanation!
- 19,561. A Little Trouble With the Minecraft RTX Beta
- 19,562. Alpha skip-ahead: unable to trim clips. Always stops at around 60%
- 19,563. cant enter / wont show msfs 2020 in my insiders app on pc
- 19,564. something you should add to xbox insider hub as insider content.
- 19,565. Takes anywhere from 20-200 times to join an xbox party
- 19,566. Why cant i record my game with the mic input any way i can do it?
- 19,567. Xbox live parties (BETA:2008.200728-0000) Build:474.2007.28001.70
- 19,568. Is the console insider beta safe?
- 19,569. Flight Simulator 2020 Alpha/ Beta Issues
- 19,570. Game streaming won't connect to the xbox
- 19,571. Can we get the option to purchase backward compatible games through Xbox one via gift cards
- 19,572. Xbox Accessory app for windows 10
- 19,573. Can't join party's after the most recent update
- 19,574. There's a new "change what the share button does" in the Capture & Share settings screen.
- 19,575. Flight Sim wont install? anyone have idea?
- 19,576. Way to claim an inactive Xbox gamertag?
- 19,577. Report a Problem is gone Alpha skip ahead rs_xbox_release_2008.200730-0000
- 19,578. Xbox streaming trouble, won't stream via PC
- 19,579. How do i fix this I don’t know what happen at first it was my power brick now it’s this...
- 19,580. I’ve been struggling to create a username i like, any suggestions?
- 19,581. The guide is very buggy and broken
- 19,582. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha Skip-Ahead and Alpha (2008.200730-0000)
- 19,583. I'm curious if the Series X will give me more access to my monitor's settings for display...
- 19,584. Xbox Requests: Week of July 31st, 2020
- 19,585. Still encountering audio blow out when plugging in headphones
- 19,586. Auto updates still not working been about 4/5 months now.
- 19,587. [BUG] The Touryst - black screen, won’t load after pressing “A” to start
- 19,588. Sometime it is better to ask some guys speaking the language to translate to instead of...
- 19,589. Achievements not all showing up (incorrect numbers of achievements)
- 19,590. New Update for Delta and Omega ring
- 19,591. Game invites make me load different Games
- 19,592. Windows 10 Xbox App needs updates quickly
- 19,593. Xbox Game Streaming (Preview) Support and Discussion: Week of July 30, 2020
- 19,594. Why does my external hard drive keep turning on and off
- 19,595. Game Updates (Xbox Game Pass Windows)
- 19,596. Where do I supply System Specs for my PC
- 19,597. Why does my external hard drive keep turning on and off
- 19,598. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Beta (2008.200728-0000)
- 19,599. When I'm playing a game on my external hard drive it keeps kicking me out
- 19,600. Can’t play flight simulator beta help it was supposed to be released on July 30th for Xbox...
- 19,601. Xbox one won't read xbox 360 discs
- 19,602. I'm an xbox insider and was really excited to jump in to the new Microsoft Flight Simulator...
- 19,603. How do I make spotify's audio not play in the recordings of my games?
- 19,604. flight sim 2020 no imvite
- 19,605. Obsidian Games keyboard and mouse not functioning.
- 19,606. Ever since I started running my Xbox through my Samsung HW-90R for Dolby Atmos there are...
- 19,607. Important Suggestion about Friends.
- 19,608. am i an Insider?
- 19,609. It was working fine and now I don’t know what to do.
- 19,610. Partys disconnecting/joining issues with guide
- 19,611. Xbox says gold isn't activated. But I can still join parties
- 19,612. Capture settings...........................
- 19,613. In some games and sometimes when installing a game is appeared in the download queue...
- 19,614. SYSTEM ERROR - so i downloaded the file on a USB drive and right its plugged in my xbox but...
- 19,615. I think my insider hub might be frozen.
- 19,616. Each time the xbox is updated, the app is automatically installed to edit Xbox 360 avatars....
- 19,617. ***Idea*** Add an option to be able to delete the games in the "Installing" list. Currently...
- 19,618. Minecraft windows 10 RTX beta, No RTX after update
- 19,620. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha Skip-Ahead and Alpha (2008.200728-0000)
- 19,621. I had an update two days ago that since then whenever I open my Xbox one s my tv gives me...
- 19,622. On, My Games should list all Xbox games you own. It does not.
- 19,623. Xbox Mobile App Much Needed Redesign
- 19,624. The Xbox Game Streaming app, some doubts
- 19,625. Criteria for alpha/alpha skip ahead rings
- 19,626. I can't see Xbox Original games in latest beta build
- 19,627. Recordings not showing up in Mobile Xbox App
- 19,628. My xbox has the "System Error: E102" error. Please help!
- 19,629. Xbox Audio issue - game chat can not be heard while streaming. NOT party chat. Please fix!
- 19,630. Previously, the shaded color fill on player cards was slightly longer. Recommended friends...
- 19,631. Updating Xbox Insider Hub on PC ?
- 19,632. A glitch for achievements I found after insiders update
- 19,633. Just wanted to see if anyone had an answer to this
- 19,634. Inside content doesn’t show up in the insider app on xbox
- 19,635. HDR for 1440p 120hz / 1080p 120hz
- 19,636. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Beta (2008.200724-2030)
- 19,637. Are the graphics everything I imagined? Yes. Is the screen playable? Debateable.
- 19,638. Any idea when the next OSU Update is scheduled?
- 19,639. Grounded access ? Anyone knows how it works for XBox insiders
- 19,640. Flight Simulator 2020 Beta Sign Up
- 19,641. I’m not able to open games and Apps when I sign in.
- 19,642. Edge on Xbox DESPERATELY needs a dark mode option
- 19,643. Any solutions to Alexa issues on Xbox one
- 19,644. Xbox and how its full of sensitive Sallies
- 19,645. Does anyone know how to fix this
- 19,646. The only games showing up is Minecraft beta and that PUBG thing, how do i fix this?
- 19,647. Audio and game issue
- 19,648. Each time the xbox is updated, the app is automatically installed to edit Xbox 360 avatars....
- 19,649. Looking at the achievements tab of the Xbox guide it shows me that there are no...
- 19,650. I recently got into Project xCloud and for some reason I could play games I dont own? Is...
- 19,651. Microsoft Rewards App for Xbox no longer tracking achievements
- 19,652. Xbox Live messages removed from chat section in Guide.
- 19,653. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha Skip-Ahead and Alpha (2008.200724-2030)
- 19,654. Stop pushing a system update every day
- 19,655. Dlss 2.0 greyed out minecraft RTX
- 19,656. Xbox One X auto shut off problem
- 19,657. Can't login to Xbox Insider Hub.
- 19,658. Can't Unenroll Xbox Insider Program
- 19,659. Project Scorpio stuck on update loop
- 19,660. Suck on Minecraft beta 1.15.11 can anyone help?
- 19,661. Issue - system updates with Xcloud & Gamepass apps
- 19,662. Cant unenroll from Minecraft Beta. Tried EVERYTHING. What's going on?
- 19,663. Here ideas for you guess faster Easter
- 19,664. Xbox One X won't recording 4K HDR clips / recordings
- 19,665. Not able to use mic while recording clips / videos
- 19,666. Does anyone else have the issue where if your in a party and leave it it wont let you talk...
- 19,667. Alpha skip ahead option. Yes... or no?
- 19,668. Cannot access Microsoft Store "Begin Upgrade" doesn't work
- 19,669. Clearing Notifications On Guide for latest beta update
- 19,670. Joining friend through side panel launches wrong game
- 19,671. Minecraft RTX beta wont install after enrolling and pending
- 19,672. Achievements Section in Guide Messed Up
- 19,673. Individual party member volume sliders aren't working, anyone else having this problem?
- 19,674. Why aren't I in the Alpha ring yet?
- 19,675. Please Help me I've been stuck for over a month
- 19,676. Solved error 0x8b050033 on xbox update
- 19,677. When reporting a bug, am I only allowed to report bugs related to insider content?
- 19,678. Xbox will not power on after system update
- 19,679. Xbox not working following Insider update
- 19,680. I need help The download won't download. It always says something is wrong.
- 19,681. New UI while browsing game titles?
- 19,682. Beta update system whatever the newest one is.
- 19,683. PowerA enhanced controllers not working properly after last night
- 19,684. I tried to switch to alpha from omega during a storm!!!
- 19,685. Xbox gets bricked when you update to Alpha skip ahead
- 19,686. I'm not sure if this is a bug or intended change
- 19,687. Xbox insiders - should we be rewarded ?
- 19,688. Halo Infinite Become Trailer but with West World Theme
- 19,689. After update from insider program my console stop working.
- 19,690. I found a way to play my gamepass games in the cloud and it's an awesome experience!
- 19,692. Alpha skip ahead have removed the recent achievements
- 19,693. Hello insiders, can i still join the Alpha skip ahead program? And if yes how?
- 19,694. How would everyone feel if there’s additional tabs on Games (Digital) for Completed ones to...
- 19,695. During last month, apps and games section is so sluggish.
- 19,696. 0x8b050033 error after system update from xbox insider preview update
- 19,697. It's been like this for awhile, I don't truly know what's happening but, Pain.
- 19,698. Possible fix/workaround for 8B050033 error of Insiders program
- 19,699. Xbox update getting stuck at updating stage (32%)
- 19,700. Problem leaving insider build and factory reset.
- 19,701. I switched from beta to alpha and during the update at around 98% I got this error. I can...
- 19,702. An able to sign in after updating my console
- 19,703. Im new here and was wanting to know how to stream from my phone?
- 19,704. Problem when leaving the program
- 19,705. I'm not sure if this is intentional or a new bug
- 19,706. I don't know what to do ive restarted like 3 times is it because I tried to get into Beta...
- 19,707. I can't update my Xbox to the beta ring
- 19,708. Where did the audio options move to?
- 19,709. I updated my console this morning and have not been able to access anything other than this...
- 19,710. Help please with error code: 0x8B050033 0x00000000 0x00000201
- 19,711. Alpha update for Xbox oneX stuck with update error
- 19,712. Xbox is bricked and I'm not sure what to do...
- 19,713. guys, i need some help asap, my controller doesn't work
- 19,714. Insider user's profile and its linked consoles for future notice.
- 19,715. Leaving Xbox preview will it reset my rings?
- 19,716. Add to group keeps failing - doesn't give options (I have reset console, but same issue)
- 19,717. I'm having trouble joining the Xbox streaming service for my phone
- 19,718. Console streaming only works on ipad, but not on iPhone??
- 19,719. Ideas for the Xbox series X or Xbox ones
- 19,720. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha Skip-Ahead and Alpha (2008.200723-0000)
- 19,721. 4K Game Clip Record/Playback is Working! Beta Tier Insider
- 19,722. Crackling and stuttering noise through controller when headphones plugged in
- 19,723. Can't use created content and join multiplayer games
- 19,724. How do I stream from console on the Xbox game streaming app
- 19,725. 50+ games need updating after latest build
- 19,726. Xbox Requests: Week of July 24th, 2020
- 19,727. When I join a mate's XBOX party, it occasionally disconnects people from that party until I...
- 19,728. Halo Infinite Gameplay - Xbox X Series
- 19,729. Xbox Mobile App iOS crashes when making a post to a club and pinning it to the feed at the...
- 19,731. PST to Office 365 Migration
- 19,732. Surprise me and parental control
- 19,733. Beta Testing (I must include at least 32 characters in this title, so I put at least 32...
- 19,734. How Do I Enroll For Beta Testing For Microsoft Flight Simulator?
- 19,735. Xbox Game Streaming (Preview) Support and Discussion: Week of July 23, 2020
- 19,736. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Beta (2008.200721-0000)
- 19,737. Ur rules r dumb ururieiududuruurueuruduudid
- 19,738. I'm confused spaceholder spaceholder spaceholder spaceholder spaceholder
- 19,740. Messaging and clearing notifications not working
- 19,741. Bad solder, not bad bumper switch on xbox 1 controller
- 19,742. Would be so awesome if Home was placed alongside the others, giving space for more recent...
- 19,743. Microsoft please respond - No login available on Xbox win10 (multiple effected)
- 19,744. Blu Ray And Video Error
- 19,745. I am Not able to exit minecraft beta
- 19,746. Help Solve The Mystery Of Slow Xbox Live Downloads
- 19,747. Sign-In Problem - Account doesn't match dev environment
- 19,748. Notifications: "Mark all as read" and "Dismiss all" option
- 19,749. Do I need to be currently subscribed to Xbox live in order to be considered for invitations?
- 19,750. Time Played Is Tracking Again! 32 Characters!
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