
XboX Insiders
  1. 19,501. Notifications in the Guide have been downgraded
  2. 19,502. Newest Alpha Build broke Part of the People's Guide section in the Top Row. It doesn't show...
  3. 19,503. Monthly survey error using the Console Edge browser
  4. 19,504. Please tell me that "Happening Now" can be removed..
  5. 19,505. Can we get official news on how the HDR calibration tool works?
  6. 19,506. Xbox live gold possibly getting cancelled.
  7. 19,507. Just a suggestion but can these three be just my friends who are favorited bc that would be...
  8. 19,508. Network error after update question
  9. 19,509. Xbox Game Preview crashes upon launch after login (Android)
  10. 19,510. Community feed changed AGAIN! and it’s worse
  12. 19,512. Game update fails to initialize, paused update, initiate uninstalls itself.
  13. 19,513. Join the UNTURNED Beta on Xbox One beginning August 4th!
  14. 19,514. Bot problem inside xbox live that are sending spam
  15. 19,515. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Beta and Delta (2008.200801-0000)
  16. 19,516. Lost licences for digital downloads?
  17. 19,517. Project xCloud touch commands games
  18. 19,518. Why impose outdated and non-working services on users?
  19. 19,519. New Microsoft store update also an insider
  20. 19,520. xcloud on android tv box Oliver the Xcloud app
  21. 19,521. Insider program not showing game
  22. 19,522. Xbox one S Bricked because i got insider build without being enrolled
  23. 19,523. Today's update took Edge away. Not in Apps, pin just launches Store to a Something Went...
  24. 19,524. Whats the most recent build for Xbox insiders?
  25. 19,525. Please help me. I updated my Xbox today and I get an infinite spinning wheel. It has two...
  26. 19,526. When joining off of someones profile, it always opens Red Dead Redemption 2.
  27. 19,527. Xbox one X only works properly after I unplug it.
  28. 19,528. Can’t view my friends captures on the Xbox app
  29. 19,529. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha Skip-Ahead and Alpha (2008.200801-0000)
  30. 19,530. Oddworld: Munch's Odysee for Original Xbox
  31. 19,531. Access to MSFS Beta but only installs Alpha!
  32. 19,532. "Your current market is not supported"
  33. 19,533. Update stuck on spining wheel - help please
  34. 19,534. Potential hard drive issue from latest update
  35. 19,535. Reporting people option HAVE to change!
  36. 19,536. A New Microsoft Store Experience is Coming to Xbox Insiders
  37. 19,537. You can't remove friends if they are offline. Online friends you can remove from friends...
  38. 19,538. New Microsoft Store experience coming for Xbox Insiders
  39. 19,539. Increased Button Mapping Functionality for Elite Controller Series 2
  40. 19,540. Xbox Win 10 app crashes whenever I mouse over a game from the landing page.
  41. 19,541. Too Many Non-Game Things Being Added to Recently-Played Row
  42. 19,542. Please help me with my Xbox One X, I'd appreciate it
  43. 19,543. Report a problem tool may not be submitting reports properly for me currently.
  44. 19,544. Console Streaming isn't working for me
  45. 19,545. XBOx One X screen goes to static
  47. 19,547. What is with the error code and mini gray screen guide blocking me from going into parties
  48. 19,548. Party chat issue (i cant hear anyone but they can hear me)
  49. 19,549. Will the iPega PG-9088 controller work with xCloud?
  50. 19,550. Party Invite Bugged, Won’t Join Party
  51. 19,551. Xbox streaming/ x cloud suggestions
  52. 19,552. Cannot click INSTALL whilst on the store
  53. 19,553. Error 0x800705b4
  54. 19,554. XBL party issues. OS version 10.0.19041.4025 (rs_xbox_release_2008.200728-0000)
  55. 19,555. xbox beta app doing some weird things.
  56. 19,556. Xbox App (Android) (IOS) (PERSONAL PC) etc... These are the Issues Occuring in the while...
  57. 19,557. Digital Assistant is sending commands to the wrong Xbox after latest update.
  58. 19,558. Start recording and amount of tiles in menu
  59. 19,559. I want to pay my subscription with Microsoft credits but I don’t know how someone plz help
  60. 19,560. HELP! I need off of the insider program! Or at least an explanation!
  61. 19,561. A Little Trouble With the Minecraft RTX Beta
  62. 19,562. Alpha skip-ahead: unable to trim clips. Always stops at around 60%
  63. 19,563. cant enter / wont show msfs 2020 in my insiders app on pc
  64. 19,564. something you should add to xbox insider hub as insider content.
  65. 19,565. Takes anywhere from 20-200 times to join an xbox party
  66. 19,566. Why cant i record my game with the mic input any way i can do it?
  67. 19,567. Xbox live parties (BETA:2008.200728-0000) Build:474.2007.28001.70
  68. 19,568. Is the console insider beta safe?
  69. 19,569. Flight Simulator 2020 Alpha/ Beta Issues
  70. 19,570. Game streaming won't connect to the xbox
  71. 19,571. Can we get the option to purchase backward compatible games through Xbox one via gift cards
  72. 19,572. Xbox Accessory app for windows 10
  73. 19,573. Can't join party's after the most recent update
  74. 19,574. There's a new "change what the share button does" in the Capture & Share settings screen.
  75. 19,575. Flight Sim wont install? anyone have idea?
  76. 19,576. Way to claim an inactive Xbox gamertag?
  77. 19,577. Report a Problem is gone Alpha skip ahead rs_xbox_release_2008.200730-0000
  78. 19,578. Xbox streaming trouble, won't stream via PC
  79. 19,579. How do i fix this I don’t know what happen at first it was my power brick now it’s this...
  80. 19,580. I’ve been struggling to create a username i like, any suggestions?
  81. 19,581. The guide is very buggy and broken
  82. 19,582. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha Skip-Ahead and Alpha (2008.200730-0000)
  83. 19,583. I'm curious if the Series X will give me more access to my monitor's settings for display...
  84. 19,584. Xbox Requests: Week of July 31st, 2020
  85. 19,585. Still encountering audio blow out when plugging in headphones
  86. 19,586. Auto updates still not working been about 4/5 months now.
  87. 19,587. [BUG] The Touryst - black screen, won’t load after pressing “A” to start
  88. 19,588. Sometime it is better to ask some guys speaking the language to translate to instead of...
  89. 19,589. Achievements not all showing up (incorrect numbers of achievements)
  90. 19,590. New Update for Delta and Omega ring
  91. 19,591. Game invites make me load different Games
  92. 19,592. Windows 10 Xbox App needs updates quickly
  93. 19,593. Xbox Game Streaming (Preview) Support and Discussion: Week of July 30, 2020
  94. 19,594. Why does my external hard drive keep turning on and off
  95. 19,595. Game Updates (Xbox Game Pass Windows)
  96. 19,596. Where do I supply System Specs for my PC
  97. 19,597. Why does my external hard drive keep turning on and off
  98. 19,598. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Beta (2008.200728-0000)
  99. 19,599. When I'm playing a game on my external hard drive it keeps kicking me out
  100. 19,600. Can’t play flight simulator beta help it was supposed to be released on July 30th for Xbox...
  101. 19,601. Xbox one won't read xbox 360 discs
  102. 19,602. I'm an xbox insider and was really excited to jump in to the new Microsoft Flight Simulator...
  103. 19,603. How do I make spotify's audio not play in the recordings of my games?
  104. 19,604. flight sim 2020 no imvite
  105. 19,605. Obsidian Games keyboard and mouse not functioning.
  106. 19,606. Ever since I started running my Xbox through my Samsung HW-90R for Dolby Atmos there are...
  107. 19,607. Important Suggestion about Friends.
  108. 19,608. am i an Insider?
  109. 19,609. It was working fine and now I don’t know what to do.
  110. 19,610. Partys disconnecting/joining issues with guide
  111. 19,611. Xbox says gold isn't activated. But I can still join parties
  112. 19,612. Capture settings...........................
  113. 19,613. In some games and sometimes when installing a game is appeared in the download queue...
  114. 19,614. SYSTEM ERROR - so i downloaded the file on a USB drive and right its plugged in my xbox but...
  115. 19,615. I think my insider hub might be frozen.
  116. 19,616. Each time the xbox is updated, the app is automatically installed to edit Xbox 360 avatars....
  117. 19,617. ***Idea*** Add an option to be able to delete the games in the "Installing" list. Currently...
  118. 19,618. Minecraft windows 10 RTX beta, No RTX after update
  120. 19,620. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha Skip-Ahead and Alpha (2008.200728-0000)
  121. 19,621. I had an update two days ago that since then whenever I open my Xbox one s my tv gives me...
  122. 19,622. On, My Games should list all Xbox games you own. It does not.
  123. 19,623. Xbox Mobile App Much Needed Redesign
  124. 19,624. The Xbox Game Streaming app, some doubts
  125. 19,625. Criteria for alpha/alpha skip ahead rings
  126. 19,626. I can't see Xbox Original games in latest beta build
  127. 19,627. Recordings not showing up in Mobile Xbox App
  128. 19,628. My xbox has the "System Error: E102" error. Please help!
  129. 19,629. Xbox Audio issue - game chat can not be heard while streaming. NOT party chat. Please fix!
  130. 19,630. Previously, the shaded color fill on player cards was slightly longer. Recommended friends...
  131. 19,631. Updating Xbox Insider Hub on PC ?
  132. 19,632. A glitch for achievements I found after insiders update
  133. 19,633. Just wanted to see if anyone had an answer to this
  134. 19,634. Inside content doesn’t show up in the insider app on xbox
  135. 19,635. HDR for 1440p 120hz / 1080p 120hz
  136. 19,636. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Beta (2008.200724-2030)
  137. 19,637. Are the graphics everything I imagined? Yes. Is the screen playable? Debateable.
  138. 19,638. Any idea when the next OSU Update is scheduled?
  139. 19,639. Grounded access ? Anyone knows how it works for XBox insiders
  140. 19,640. Flight Simulator 2020 Beta Sign Up
  141. 19,641. I’m not able to open games and Apps when I sign in.
  142. 19,642. Edge on Xbox DESPERATELY needs a dark mode option
  143. 19,643. Any solutions to Alexa issues on Xbox one
  144. 19,644. Xbox and how its full of sensitive Sallies
  145. 19,645. Does anyone know how to fix this
  146. 19,646. The only games showing up is Minecraft beta and that PUBG thing, how do i fix this?
  147. 19,647. Audio and game issue
  148. 19,648. Each time the xbox is updated, the app is automatically installed to edit Xbox 360 avatars....
  149. 19,649. Looking at the achievements tab of the Xbox guide it shows me that there are no...
  150. 19,650. I recently got into Project xCloud and for some reason I could play games I dont own? Is...
  151. 19,651. Microsoft Rewards App for Xbox no longer tracking achievements
  152. 19,652. Xbox Live messages removed from chat section in Guide.
  153. 19,653. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha Skip-Ahead and Alpha (2008.200724-2030)
  154. 19,654. Stop pushing a system update every day
  155. 19,655. Dlss 2.0 greyed out minecraft RTX
  156. 19,656. Xbox One X auto shut off problem
  157. 19,657. Can't login to Xbox Insider Hub.
  158. 19,658. Can't Unenroll Xbox Insider Program
  159. 19,659. Project Scorpio stuck on update loop
  160. 19,660. Suck on Minecraft beta 1.15.11 can anyone help?
  161. 19,661. Issue - system updates with Xcloud & Gamepass apps
  162. 19,662. Cant unenroll from Minecraft Beta. Tried EVERYTHING. What's going on?
  163. 19,663. Here ideas for you guess faster Easter
  164. 19,664. Xbox One X won't recording 4K HDR clips / recordings
  165. 19,665. Not able to use mic while recording clips / videos
  166. 19,666. Does anyone else have the issue where if your in a party and leave it it wont let you talk...
  167. 19,667. Alpha skip ahead option. Yes... or no?
  168. 19,668. Cannot access Microsoft Store "Begin Upgrade" doesn't work
  169. 19,669. Clearing Notifications On Guide for latest beta update
  170. 19,670. Joining friend through side panel launches wrong game
  171. 19,671. Minecraft RTX beta wont install after enrolling and pending
  172. 19,672. Achievements Section in Guide Messed Up
  173. 19,673. Individual party member volume sliders aren't working, anyone else having this problem?
  174. 19,674. Why aren't I in the Alpha ring yet?
  175. 19,675. Please Help me I've been stuck for over a month
  176. 19,676. Solved error 0x8b050033 on xbox update
  177. 19,677. When reporting a bug, am I only allowed to report bugs related to insider content?
  178. 19,678. Xbox will not power on after system update
  179. 19,679. Xbox not working following Insider update
  180. 19,680. I need help The download won't download. It always says something is wrong.
  181. 19,681. New UI while browsing game titles?
  182. 19,682. Beta update system whatever the newest one is.
  183. 19,683. PowerA enhanced controllers not working properly after last night
  184. 19,684. I tried to switch to alpha from omega during a storm!!!
  185. 19,685. Xbox gets bricked when you update to Alpha skip ahead
  186. 19,686. I'm not sure if this is a bug or intended change
  187. 19,687. Xbox insiders - should we be rewarded ?
  188. 19,688. Halo Infinite Become Trailer but with West World Theme
  189. 19,689. After update from insider program my console stop working.
  190. 19,690. I found a way to play my gamepass games in the cloud and it's an awesome experience!
  192. 19,692. Alpha skip ahead have removed the recent achievements
  193. 19,693. Hello insiders, can i still join the Alpha skip ahead program? And if yes how?
  194. 19,694. How would everyone feel if there’s additional tabs on Games (Digital) for Completed ones to...
  195. 19,695. During last month, apps and games section is so sluggish.
  196. 19,696. 0x8b050033 error after system update from xbox insider preview update
  197. 19,697. It's been like this for awhile, I don't truly know what's happening but, Pain.
  198. 19,698. Possible fix/workaround for 8B050033 error of Insiders program
  199. 19,699. Xbox update getting stuck at updating stage (32%)
  200. 19,700. Problem leaving insider build and factory reset.
  201. 19,701. I switched from beta to alpha and during the update at around 98% I got this error. I can...
  202. 19,702. An able to sign in after updating my console
  203. 19,703. Im new here and was wanting to know how to stream from my phone?
  204. 19,704. Problem when leaving the program
  205. 19,705. I'm not sure if this is intentional or a new bug
  206. 19,706. I don't know what to do ive restarted like 3 times is it because I tried to get into Beta...
  207. 19,707. I can't update my Xbox to the beta ring
  208. 19,708. Where did the audio options move to?
  209. 19,709. I updated my console this morning and have not been able to access anything other than this...
  210. 19,710. Help please with error code: 0x8B050033 0x00000000 0x00000201
  211. 19,711. Alpha update for Xbox oneX stuck with update error
  212. 19,712. Xbox is bricked and I'm not sure what to do...
  213. 19,713. guys, i need some help asap, my controller doesn't work
  214. 19,714. Insider user's profile and its linked consoles for future notice.
  215. 19,715. Leaving Xbox preview will it reset my rings?
  216. 19,716. Add to group keeps failing - doesn't give options (I have reset console, but same issue)
  217. 19,717. I'm having trouble joining the Xbox streaming service for my phone
  218. 19,718. Console streaming only works on ipad, but not on iPhone??
  219. 19,719. Ideas for the Xbox series X or Xbox ones
  220. 19,720. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha Skip-Ahead and Alpha (2008.200723-0000)
  221. 19,721. 4K Game Clip Record/Playback is Working! Beta Tier Insider
  222. 19,722. Crackling and stuttering noise through controller when headphones plugged in
  223. 19,723. Can't use created content and join multiplayer games
  224. 19,724. How do I stream from console on the Xbox game streaming app
  225. 19,725. 50+ games need updating after latest build
  226. 19,726. Xbox Requests: Week of July 24th, 2020
  227. 19,727. When I join a mate's XBOX party, it occasionally disconnects people from that party until I...
  228. 19,728. Halo Infinite Gameplay - Xbox X Series
  229. 19,729. Xbox Mobile App iOS crashes when making a post to a club and pinning it to the feed at the...
  231. 19,731. PST to Office 365 Migration
  232. 19,732. Surprise me and parental control
  233. 19,733. Beta Testing (I must include at least 32 characters in this title, so I put at least 32...
  234. 19,734. How Do I Enroll For Beta Testing For Microsoft Flight Simulator?
  235. 19,735. Xbox Game Streaming (Preview) Support and Discussion: Week of July 23, 2020
  236. 19,736. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Beta (2008.200721-0000)
  237. 19,737. Ur rules r dumb ururieiududuruurueuruduudid
  238. 19,738. I'm confused spaceholder spaceholder spaceholder spaceholder spaceholder
  240. 19,740. Messaging and clearing notifications not working
  241. 19,741. Bad solder, not bad bumper switch on xbox 1 controller
  242. 19,742. Would be so awesome if Home was placed alongside the others, giving space for more recent...
  243. 19,743. Microsoft please respond - No login available on Xbox win10 (multiple effected)
  244. 19,744. Blu Ray And Video Error
  245. 19,745. I am Not able to exit minecraft beta
  246. 19,746. Help Solve The Mystery Of Slow Xbox Live Downloads
  247. 19,747. Sign-In Problem - Account doesn't match dev environment
  248. 19,748. Notifications: "Mark all as read" and "Dismiss all" option
  249. 19,749. Do I need to be currently subscribed to Xbox live in order to be considered for invitations?
  250. 19,750. Time Played Is Tracking Again! 32 Characters!