
XboX Insiders
  1. 6,501. Xbox Requests: Week of September 2nd, 2022
  2. 6,502. Suggestion About possible addition to benefits of the family and friends plan
  3. 6,503. Xbox Series X Halo Limited Edition Console
  4. 6,504. Has anyone ever gave feedback on insider "and" then the feedback is implemented or at least...
  5. 6,505. Cant hear audio on Xbox, only through discord
  6. 6,506. Netflix fps and User interface fluency
  7. 6,507. audio stuttering via headphones on apps
  8. 6,508. Xbox Game Bar overlay theme and Xbox logo
  9. 6,509. Xbox 360 games not showing up in achievements?
  10. 6,510. I don't like how all My Ganes and Apps have to have the same tile size
  11. 6,511. Most Recent Update (Alpha) Is it just my Xbox One or did others also not fair well…
  12. 6,512. Unsolvable Input Delay on Series X/S
  13. 6,513. Revert the Changes Made to My Games & Apps Filter
  14. 6,514. Update = Ok I have to ask Why Reddit Xbox Insider
  15. 6,515. I have an update problem with my Xbox
  16. 6,516. I have an update problem with my Xbox
  17. 6,517. Latest Alpha update stuck and can’t update!
  18. 6,518. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Beta (2209.220829-2200)
  19. 6,519. Anyone else having Audio issues?
  20. 6,520. is anybody else experiencing performance issues on the home screen, and in apps?
  21. 6,521. Share game streaming with another account in my Xbox?
  22. 6,522. Problem with xbox update preview omega
  23. 6,523. Problem with xbox update preview omega
  24. 6,524. There's a Problem with Music on Spotify.
  25. 6,525. need help for the discord xbox beta
  26. 6,526. Where did the “surprise me” option go? (Alpha)
  27. 6,527. Explanation by Xbox Developer on why Alpha Skip Ahead and Alpha don't always get the same...
  28. 6,528. Vebesco Xbox Controller - Turbo Gaming Controller, 2.4GHz Wireless High ...
  29. 6,529. Error code : 0x87e00019 when installing a game?
  30. 6,530. Creation of Game "Rise of Nations 2"
  31. 6,531. Discord Voice Chat Preview Support & Discussion: Week of August 31st, 2022
  32. 6,532. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha Skip-Ahead (2308.220828-1900)
  33. 6,533. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha (2209.220829-2200)
  34. 6,534. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Omega (2208.220830-1035)
  35. 6,535. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Delta (2208.220830-1035)
  36. 6,536. How the best way to use Discord voice chat with friends while gaming on Xbox Series X?
  37. 6,537. Need help with xbox system update issue
  38. 6,538. help with Audio not working on YouTube app
  39. 6,539. When will be Discord Public on xbox?
  40. 6,540. Can I use mods on Ark survival if bought through Xbox PC Game pass?
  41. 6,541. Is my xbox needing to be replaced?
  42. 6,542. 'There was a problem with the update'
  43. 6,543. Omega does or doesn't have discord included?
  44. 6,544. Beta build possible issue regarding remote play
  45. 6,545. There was a Problem with the Update (Alpha Skip-Ahead)
  46. 6,546. Delete Game is missing in My Games and Apps
  47. 6,547. i’m trying to use discord on My Series X (Insider) but this happens, any help?
  48. 6,548. Error code when updating (alpha ring)
  49. 6,549. Game Pass Family Plan New Details
  50. 6,550. How do i switch rings from omega to (most likely) delta?
  51. 6,551. Dead space not popping up on Xbox profile
  52. 6,552. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha (2209.220825-2200)
  53. 6,553. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha Skip-Ahead (2308.220825-1900)
  54. 6,554. xbox hd bad please help xbox one
  55. 6,555. MSN Weather infinite update on Xbox Series X
  56. 6,556. I had the discord functionality and now I don't
  57. 6,557. You can't change the tile/cover size anymore in the installed games library?
  58. 6,558. Trouble getting discord on my xbox
  59. 6,559. Is the lack of touch controls for Xbox remote play a tech limitation?
  60. 6,560. Xbox advanced upload and management features
  61. 6,561. The discord QR code isn’t on my Xbox one, please help
  62. 6,562. 2 different headsets having issues in parties
  63. 6,563. Accidentally deleted insider account
  64. 6,564. Voicechat not showing up - Rainbow Six Siege (Xcloud)
  65. 6,565. New Discord voice feature bugging?
  66. 6,566. It's normal my series s it's not updated?
  67. 6,567. When does discord roll out for everyone?
  68. 6,568. Used the Discord option once and now it no longer shows up, any idea’s?
  69. 6,569. No ingame sound after Quick Resume
  70. 6,570. How do I go from Delta to Alpha?
  71. 6,571. Game or app took too long to start
  72. 6,572. No other payment methods other than credit/debit card in India
  73. 6,573. Dois jogadores no xbox cloud localmente
  74. 6,574. why i don’t have update for omega version ?
  75. 6,575. Slow download speeds on Alpha Skip Ahead
  76. 6,576. A question about the update process
  77. 6,577. Unable to download profiles and save progress for 360 games on my series X
  78. 6,578. No audio at 4k 120 hz with Xbox Series X and Samsung 8k TV
  79. 6,579. Ray Tracing on all XBOX ONE and later Forza titles (including Horizon)
  80. 6,580. No menu or chat audio. Game audio is there.
  81. 6,581. Uploading PC gamebar captures to Xbox network/profile removed?
  82. 6,582. 16TB External Hard Drive Series X
  83. 6,583. Is there a way to change the size of the game/app tiles on the my games and apps after the...
  84. 6,584. Xbox won't update to the latest skip ahead.
  85. 6,585. help............................................
  86. 6,586. I love the redesigned my apps and games section
  87. 6,587. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2019 (Alpha group)
  88. 6,588. Is discord Voice out for all omega ring members yet ?
  89. 6,589. Any expected date for OSU1 update of August?
  90. 6,590. Xbox exiting games to home menu super occasionally.
  91. 6,591. Leaving inside hub without an online Xbox
  92. 6,592. What is the best preview to join, alpha, omega or delta
  93. 6,593. xbox app says now playing when I'm not
  94. 6,594. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Omega (2208.220825-1000)
  95. 6,595. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha (2209.220824-2220)
  96. 6,596. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha Skip-Ahead (2308.220824-1945)
  97. 6,597. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Beta (2208.220825-1000)
  98. 6,598. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Delta (2208.220825-1000
  99. 6,599. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Xbox App for Windows [2209.1000.46.0]
  100. 6,600. Having issues with discord to xbox voice chat
  101. 6,601. Audio issues when switching to and from gaming and media players
  102. 6,602. Xbox Requests: Week of August 26th, 2022
  103. 6,603. Nat type unavailable teredo series x
  104. 6,604. Series X gets black screen on startup
  105. 6,605. discord voice on stream is not been streamed
  106. 6,606. Alpha: “There was a problem with the update”
  107. 6,607. Have any of you guys had this problem?
  108. 6,608. Unable to update on WiFi - Alpha
  109. 6,609. Transfer audio not showing up for discord beta
  110. 6,610. Big Idea: Zombie Virus Infect Herbs Mutating Them Into Mutant Herbs
  111. 6,611. Trouble with controllers on xbox pc app and xbox pc games
  112. 6,612. Not receiving Updates on Xbox Series X
  113. 6,613. Cooking Simulator Windows Edition
  114. 6,614. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Omega (2208.220824-0138)
  115. 6,615. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Beta (2208.220824-0138)
  116. 6,616. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Delta (2208.220824-0138)
  117. 6,617. Just Joined insider- Are betas open to new joiners?
  118. 6,618. After playing saints row I have no sound in dash or apps
  119. 6,619. Cannot revert firmware on 1914 Controller
  120. 6,620. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha Skip-Ahead (2308.220822-1900)
  121. 6,621. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha (2209.220821-2200)
  122. 6,622. My Xbox S console won't turn on, help.
  123. 6,623. Discord Voice Chat Preview Support & Discussion: Week of August 24th, 2022
  124. 6,624. Can you rejoin after leaving the preview?
  125. 6,625. My xbox won’t update, I’ve been in the xbox update preview for about 2 weeks and I still...
  126. 6,626. Color Filters for First Gen Consoles
  127. 6,627. Alpha Ring update yesterday is a FlusterCruck of bugs. Can't play most games or run app as...
  128. 6,628. Check your connection when online
  129. 6,629. Omega version 2206: discord update?
  130. 6,630. Discord voice chat on xbox don't have permissions
  131. 6,631. "sorry, this profile can't connect to xbox live"
  132. 6,632. Are the alpha skip ahead users considered?
  133. 6,633. please help I have a issue that is stopping my game from working
  134. 6,634. Error Code 101 Offline Update Is Not Working
  135. 6,635. eArc not working as it should...
  136. 6,636. How to get to Xbox Series S|X Insider Alpha Ring?
  137. 6,637. HDMI-CEC not working when turning Xbox on.
  138. 6,638. NAT type unavailable (Alpha Skip-Ahead).
  139. 6,639. A problem has occurred with the update
  140. 6,640. issue with alpha update? games not working?
  141. 6,641. xbox udpate for omega ring need help
  142. 6,642. xbox series x/s twitch problems.
  143. 6,643. Sudden Update Failures - Alpha / Xbox One X
  144. 6,644. Discord on Xbox: "No Console Detected"?
  145. 6,645. Xbox One S light turning on and off and not staying on
  146. 6,646. When I run Halo Infinite from the cloud and try to start the campaign I get a warning that...
  147. 6,647. Xbox Insider no Omega updates received since July 15?
  148. 6,648. How to “Change from Alpha to Alpha Skip”
  149. 6,649. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha (2209.220819-1515)
  150. 6,650. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Beta (2208.220819-1515)
  151. 6,651. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Delta (2208.220819-1515)
  152. 6,652. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Omega (2208.220819-1515)
  153. 6,653. Finxing the 360 Cloud save issues.
  154. 6,654. Series X low TV volume after moving the console
  155. 6,655. Transparent icons BRING IT BACK!!! I hate looking at a nice wallpaper that’s covered in...
  156. 6,656. Turning on when putting Elite series 2 controller on charge.
  157. 6,657. My Xbox turns on when i turn on my wireless headset
  158. 6,658. Xbox Request: Add Ukraine Region and Language support to Xbox console
  159. 6,659. Idea to clear up group posts for games
  160. 6,660. Please Add Native YouTube Streaming to Xbox Series S|X
  161. 6,661. Alpha insider update is missing?
  162. 6,662. I'm having a problem with my controller and headset I can't hear anything aside party and...
  163. 6,663. is anyone having problems streaming Xbox to pc
  164. 6,664. Discord voice chat ignores team chat audio output setting
  165. 6,665. quick resume got slower on build 1900?
  166. 6,666. After latest alpha skip ahead update NAT stays on Teredo
  167. 6,667. Party is being very robot-y for me?
  168. 6,668. Discord not working through Xbox insider
  169. 6,669. Trouble connecting Xbox to Xbox app?
  170. 6,670. Default subtitles on in Movies & TV App
  171. 6,671. Need help with activity. Can't find the under category
  172. 6,672. How do you actually get discord on Xbox? I’m in the insiders but idk how
  173. 6,673. Unresponsive Controller on XBSX Delta programme.
  174. 6,674. Can not update my console, please help
  175. 6,675. Recent issue with S/X display...
  176. 6,676. Mic Not Working! Comes up as a little bit of audios being picked up but tried everything...
  177. 6,677. can you play Xbox cloud gaming at the same time as someone is using a Xbox
  178. 6,678. Bored? Need friends to play with? Xbox "Buddy Bench" feature will help connect you.
  179. 6,679. Xbox requiring update when moving discord to Xbox..?
  180. 6,680. Gotta love coming home from a long weeks worth of work to crappy error codes.
  181. 6,681. i want to resolve this problem with the xbox insiders group
  182. 6,682. Microsoft rewards in Africa and other countries
  183. 6,683. Microsoft Store in constantly updating, and really slowy.
  184. 6,684. I’m omega tier for Xbox insider, am I still able to use the discord compatibility?
  185. 6,685. Xbox Requests: Week of August 19th, 2022
  186. 6,686. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha (2209.220816-2200)
  187. 6,687. xbox series x/s nat type teredo can't be found
  188. 6,688. After xbox app update my controller is acting crazy and I can't effectively play games
  189. 6,689. Windows Xbox App Cloud Gaming Black Screen in 2022
  190. 6,690. Nat Type - Unavailable ( Alpha Skip Ahead )
  191. 6,691. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Xbox App for Windows [2209.1000.38.0]
  192. 6,692. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Beta (2208.220817-2200)
  193. 6,693. I have been given half of the discord and Xbox beta but not the full thing
  194. 6,694. Custom profile pic and Bio issue
  195. 6,695. Xbox one shuts down after step 2/verifying wont update
  196. 6,696. Alpha ring update loop shutdown.
  197. 6,697. How do i add a save to cloud gaming?
  198. 6,698. Net type unavailable but Xbox think I'm offline
  199. 6,699. Xbox Series Dashboard & Guide concept
  200. 6,700. When can I get a refund? - Grand Theft Auto Online
  201. 6,701. Controller stops working every single time i try to play Turbo golf racing
  202. 6,702. Xbox turning on when TV turns on
  203. 6,703. Why don't we have more dynamic art options or choices for our background?
  204. 6,704. (XBOX Series X) Audio/Video out of sync when I play a video from all streaming services....
  205. 6,705. Xbox Insiders Fix For Console Not Working
  206. 6,706. can I go back to a previous build from the current one?
  207. 6,707. Recording game clips feature removed?
  208. 6,708. "Recore - Definitive Edition" Fan-Fiction Novels.
  209. 6,709. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha Skip-Ahead (2308.220815-1900)
  210. 6,710. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha (2209.220814-2200)
  211. 6,711. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Beta (2208.220815-2200)
  212. 6,712. Having issues with the Xbox pc app
  213. 6,713. The Xbox app for pc keeps crashing my game
  214. 6,714. Frustrations with Discord Voice Chat Transfer
  215. 6,715. how do I get an advancement on the rings
  216. 6,716. Wrong week today Rewards weekly set
  217. 6,717. Discord voice won’t work on Xbox
  218. 6,718. Constant error with getting the voice to transfer to Xbox
  219. 6,719. bug with saving settings on tv and display options.
  220. 6,720. CRONUS ZEN XBOX PLEASE HELP!!!!!!
  221. 6,721. Xbox live games on series s broken?
  222. 6,722. Insider Ring: No Activities or Previews, Not updated since June 28 S/X
  223. 6,723. Quake 4 is currently not available in your account.
  224. 6,724. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Delta (2208.220812-2200)
  225. 6,725. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Omega (2208.220812-2200)
  226. 6,726. how do i get into a higher ring on the xbox app on pc
  227. 6,727. Can't open Rewards app after latest alpha update
  228. 6,728. I just installed Xbox insider hub and all of the sudden my Xbox has slowed down...
  229. 6,729. Store showing geo-blocked content
  230. 6,730. Overheated plus a fuzzy screen every now and again
  231. 6,731. Audio Generally Quiet Series X Alpha skip ahead
  232. 6,732. Xbox app downloads stuck at Preparing.
  233. 6,733. Discord Voice Chat Preview Support & Discussion: Week of August 15th, 2022
  234. 6,734. xbox Recommendation PLEASE READ NOW
  235. 6,735. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha (2209.220812-2200)
  236. 6,736. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Beta (2208.220812-2200)
  237. 6,737. Please bring back being able to share clips/screenshots from PC.
  238. 6,738. How to activate Discord on Xbox,
  239. 6,739. There is no Minecraft in the preliminary versions. (Need RTX)
  240. 6,740. whenever i try to play via cloud gaming it does this!
  241. 6,741. some individual achievements need a small description on how to unlock it. This is more...
  242. 6,742. Can u get mouse and keyboard on this still?
  243. 6,743. I removed my Discord connection to Xbox and I connected again but it didn't work
  244. 6,744. No controllers are connecting to my Xbox
  245. 6,745. Why is the DVR still unreliable and outdated in every possible way? It needs a complete...
  246. 6,746. Cannot leave the minecraft preview on my xbox nor PC even though I've been enrolled in it...
  247. 6,747. Ability to rearrange your “gamercard”
  248. 6,748. question about adding function to app
  249. 6,749. xbox gamepass just disappeared completely
  250. 6,750. The icon to connect to a discord chat no longer appears for