
XboX Insiders
  1. 5,501. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha (2302.221206-2200)
  2. 5,502. Cant play purchased DLC or Apps.
  3. 5,503. Xbox Elite Series 2 bumper issues.
  4. 5,504. why question threads are closed as 'feature request' when clearly they weren't requests but...
  5. 5,505. Wireless headset release notes?
  6. 5,506. Why does my wireless headset audio keep fading in and out randomly at times?
  7. 5,507. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha Skip-Ahead (2308.221205-2000)
  8. 5,508. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha (2302.221205-2200)
  9. 5,509. New Xbox Home Experience Support & Discussion: Week of December 7th, 2022
  10. 5,510. iPad won’t detect Xbox one controller on Bluetooth.
  11. 5,511. Installs Cancel in Sleep No Matter the Progress
  12. 5,512. Destiny 2 keeps crashing, even after reset, reinstall etc
  13. 5,513. Series X controller no longer vibrating
  14. 5,514. Windows gaming preview feature - Xbox Game Pass "Advanced Management Features" not showing
  15. 5,515. Halo Infinite ALL Services Are Offline as of Today’s Update
  16. 5,516. Xbox One S power cable and HDMI cable
  17. 5,517. Xbox Game Bar on PC causing keyboard issues.
  18. 5,518. I can use it in the store and search, but I can't use Japanese character input in the game
  19. 5,519. Can't submit errors on Xbox Series X Insiders Beta channel
  20. 5,520. I can't get RTX on Minecraft Java
  21. 5,521. Handshake bug that occurs when I turn on the XSX on from standby
  22. 5,522. Why do you need to pay 15$ for a NAME CHANGE.
  23. 5,523. Xbox Series X Service Repair Experience
  24. 5,524. Why should Dragon ball raging blast 2 should become backwards compatible?
  25. 5,525. The Store freezes for a second, goes to a black screen, then goes back to normal. Does this...
  26. 5,526. Microsoft Flight on Beta via Samsug TV Cloud
  27. 5,527. M S Flight issue with start up (Beta)
  28. 5,528. I had to switch from Alpha Skip to Beta to force an update.
  29. 5,529. Controller Vibrating for no reason.
  30. 5,530. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha Skip-Ahead (2308.221201-2000)
  31. 5,531. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha (2302.221201-2200)
  32. 5,532. My Home Xbox in Settings not there?
  33. 5,533. New game installations keep getting me errors
  34. 5,534. Xbox was automatically turning on and loading into a game and it keeps making a beep sound.
  35. 5,535. My Xbox Series X ust started turning itself on when I turn my TV on
  36. 5,536. I can’t install some games on PC Game Pass. It just says “not available”
  37. 5,537. beta software discord client bug.
  38. 5,538. xbox series S screen flickers and turns off within a minute of turning on
  39. 5,539. Xbox no longer turning on other devices
  40. 5,540. Anyone also getting Kodi to freeze during playback from the last insiders updates of november?
  41. 5,541. Call of Duty DMZ Mode! Exfil With Lots of Loot
  42. 5,542. discord on the new software bug.
  43. 5,543. Xbox needs to add way longer captures because the captures aren’t long enough
  44. 5,544. Couch co-op why I think it would be good to have a story driven rpg
  45. 5,545. Error Connecting to Xbox Remote Play using Cellular Data Only: 'We found your console but...
  46. 5,546. Cloudservice WHY so bad und ugly
  47. 5,547. Crunchyroll Playback Issues on 120hz
  48. 5,548. YouTube App Audio out of sync when watching live streams
  49. 5,549. i’ve misclicked the “report a problem” button 3 times today
  50. 5,550. Is xbox gamepass ultimate worth it for PC only right now???
  51. 5,551. Please give us Xbox app widgets to view friend activity etc without opening an app
  52. 5,552. Cannot connect to discord chats on Xbox one?
  53. 5,553. I have over 1,250 digital games I love and am approaching 2,000 total items in download...
  54. 5,554. Local Cache keeps filling on both XSX and XSS
  55. 5,555. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha (2302.221130-2200)
  56. 5,556. DVD Playback is out of sync on Series X?
  57. 5,557. Xbox Requests: Week of December 2nd, 2022
  58. 5,558. Roblox crossplay chat for xbox one
  59. 5,559. I've made a discovery about the no sound bug.
  60. 5,560. Xbox Series X Controller Deadzone Settings
  61. 5,561. Xbox Controller Deadzone Setting
  62. 5,562. If not already added to game pass or gold members, via request
  63. 5,563. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Beta (2211.221130-1745)
  64. 5,564. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Delta (2211.221130-1745)
  65. 5,565. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Omega (2211.221130-1745)
  66. 5,566. XSX console crashes when launching MW2
  67. 5,567. Quick resume is built-in functionality or can dev disable it?
  68. 5,568. There needs to be methods for unlocking achievements faster
  69. 5,569. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Xbox App for Windows [2212.1001.29.0]
  70. 5,570. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha (2302.221128-2200)
  71. 5,571. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Beta (2211.221128-1630)
  72. 5,572. I keep getting black screens while gaming.
  73. 5,573. New Xbox Home Experience Support & Discussion: Week of November 30th, 2022
  74. 5,574. Broadcast through Guide with Lightstream Destination (Already reported through Console)
  75. 5,575. Can we get reminder notifications
  76. 5,576. Cannot join friend on cloud gaming?
  77. 5,577. E101 00000504 8B050041 error on reset
  78. 5,578. Grounded Public Test 1.1 is available today!
  79. 5,579. So I am getting really shitty ping for all my multiplayer games.
  80. 5,580. Request : please add a keyboard shortcut key for party chat (show text)
  81. 5,581. What in the ever loving duck is MS doing with the homescreen?
  82. 5,582. Flight simulator Xbox series X still broken/unplayable l
  83. 5,583. Xbox series X no Blu Ray 3D.... still
  84. 5,584. Xbox Should Have A Schedule Gift Option
  85. 5,585. Can You play 1920x1440 resolution Blu-Ray video on Xbox Series X?
  86. 5,586. Why does insiders kick me out mid game to update?
  87. 5,587. Almost all games featured an exclamation point (alpha skip ahead) icon. What to do with it...
  88. 5,588. Xbox developer mode how to I fix my issue
  89. 5,589. Issues With New Atmos Setup, Need Help With Diagnosing.
  90. 5,590. In game/party chat audio recorded
  91. 5,591. Cannot seem to find insider content tab?
  92. 5,592. New dashboard for other rings???
  93. 5,593. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Omega (2211.221122-0300)
  94. 5,594. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha (2302.221122-1730)
  95. 5,595. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Delta (2211.221122-0300)
  96. 5,596. Menu option "Use TV remote for console" gone?
  97. 5,597. Discounts on XBOX Games & Coins - From 15% to 75%
  98. 5,598. Cloud Gaming Pixelated regardless of game.
  99. 5,599. Restart Console option does nothing
  100. 5,600. Xbox series X keeps crashing back to home!
  101. 5,601. Is there a way to use internet explorer or some other browser on xbox 360?
  102. 5,602. Are xbox accounts with spaces rare?
  103. 5,603. Discord not loading on Xbox for party chat
  104. 5,604. Did You Receive an Invite to Alpha or Alpha Skip-Ahead?
  105. 5,605. No Game Pass access on alpha skip
  106. 5,606. Lets make group gaming better with less stuff to bring.
  107. 5,607. Xbox Microsoft store needs help..........
  108. 5,608. Insider here: Anyone else having issues installing certain disc on the Series X?
  109. 5,609. if i am cloud gaming can i still mod fo4
  110. 5,610. Youtube, Netflix Apps and Dolby Vision issues
  111. 5,611. Food ad on xbox home screen Legit?
  112. 5,612. Xbox keeps saying disconnected from Xbox live
  113. 5,613. Please at least allow sizeable tiles like windows 10!
  114. 5,614. Feedback for the new November UI.
  115. 5,615. Warzone DMZ series X Crashing unable to complete any game
  116. 5,616. Xbox Series X has audio delay with dolby digital and won't even detect Atmos through TV
  117. 5,617. Your post has been removed per Rule 8 as it does not promote high-quality discussion...
  118. 5,618. Xbox Series X refresh rarer with AW2720HF monitor
  119. 5,619. How to download game preview on insider app
  120. 5,620. Valheim Public Test: When will the Version difference be fixed?
  121. 5,621. Xbox series x stopped controlling tv
  122. 5,622. Less strickt EDID checking for DTS:X
  123. 5,623. Kitty headphones for Xbox gamers
  124. 5,624. Steelseries Arctis 9X headset + Elite 2 Controller audio/connection issues
  125. 5,625. Beta Insider Update Download Speed
  126. 5,626. End of 2022 and Still no Bluetooth headphone compatibility
  127. 5,627. Discord takes too long to recognize my voice
  128. 5,628. How can I get RayTracing to work on Series S ??
  129. 5,629. xbox app isn't remembering my console for remote play and I'm away from home with no way to...
  130. 5,630. Sorry guys, I don’t play…but my son has been through 3 Xbox controllers
  131. 5,631. New Qos Settings (Wondering on wether to use them or not)
  132. 5,632. I Love The Dashboard Ads, They Keep Me Informed of the power of the game pass!
  133. 5,633. Store's "Wish List" could be better.
  134. 5,634. What the hell dude? I never joined this.
  135. 5,635. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha (2302.221121-2200)
  136. 5,636. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Beta (2211.221122-0300)
  137. 5,637. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Delta (2211.221118-1015)
  138. 5,638. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Omega (2211.221118-1015)
  139. 5,639. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha Skip-Ahead (2308.221120-1900)
  140. 5,640. Can someone explain system/program update?
  141. 5,641. Hi everyone Im just confused with how I'm playing games online
  142. 5,642. Hi everyone Im just confused with how I'm playing games online
  143. 5,643. New Xbox Home Experience Support & Discussion: Week of November 23rd, 2022
  144. 5,644. Controller booting problems help
  145. 5,645. Xbox series X intro screen sound different?
  146. 5,646. Xbox app party feature not using correct microphone
  147. 5,647. Xbox Insiders program / Preview Alpha ?
  148. 5,648. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Xbox App for Windows [2212.1001.26.0]
  149. 5,649. Feedback I submit to the Feedback Hub isn't anywhere to be found.
  150. 5,650. Issues with in game photo mode in A Plague Tale: Requiem on Xbox Series X
  151. 5,651. Meu x box não está carregando a biblioteca, fica dando load infinito na aba da biblioteca...
  152. 5,652. Where IS Microsoft Edge?? I do need it
  153. 5,653. Issues with photo mode on Xbox Series X
  154. 5,654. Add Option For Console Updates To Run In The Background And Add Notifications For When...
  155. 5,655. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Beta (2211.221118-1015)
  156. 5,656. Stuck in 640x480 and I can’t change it
  157. 5,657. The Mist Stirs – Join the Valheim Public Test to Preview of the Latest Biome!
  158. 5,658. Where can I download the gamepass apk without a google account?
  159. 5,659. Delta: Dolby Atmos issue....................................................
  160. 5,660. New Xbox Dashboard/Home Screen update
  161. 5,661. If you purchase a next Gen console, is there a point to keeping the old console?
  162. 5,662. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha (2302.221117-2200)
  163. 5,663. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Omega (2211.221115-2145)
  164. 5,664. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha Skip-Ahead (2308.221117-1900)
  165. 5,665. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Delta (2211.221115-2145)
  166. 5,666. This triggers my OCD. Jesus Christ. Apparently, I have 5 Minecraft, 2 FH4. Just why. It...
  167. 5,667. I need help accessing Grounded public test servers
  168. 5,668. Was told to post here by Xbox Support not in insider program.
  169. 5,669. Game detection Xbox game bar, not showing status
  170. 5,670. Party Chat and Discord not working
  171. 5,671. Unable to use the restart option since latest skip-ahead update.
  172. 5,672. add local streaming for pc from series x
  173. 5,673. Xbox game bar disk space greyed out reason? Windows 10
  174. 5,674. When will the pc game pass get “The Elder Scrolls Online” again?
  175. 5,675. What have they done to the dashboard?
  176. 5,676. Add more dashboard customization
  177. 5,677. Xbox ultimate not working 11/19/2022
  178. 5,678. You should add 1920x1200 to X/S consoles
  179. 5,679. The Forza horizon 5 server is not available at this time please try again later.
  180. 5,680. Multiplayer Support Request for XCloud
  181. 5,681. alpha update Nov. 19 - loss of customization Home Page. very cluttered now and an ad fest
  182. 5,682. Lost Controller 2 months ago from Fedex, Sent to "Escalation Team/Hardware Team" 6 Times;...
  183. 5,683. Xbox Requests: Week of November 18th, 2022
  184. 5,684. Been having issues since the last Alpha Skip-Ahead update around a week ago
  185. 5,685. Is downloading the Xbox update preview worth it
  186. 5,686. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha (2211.221115-2145)
  187. 5,687. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Beta (2211.221115-2145)
  188. 5,688. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha Skip-Ahead (2308.221115-1900)
  189. 5,689. game keeps crashing. I need help to fix or whit keeps do it. I have tried reseting WiFi and...
  190. 5,690. does anyone know why my xbox one won't read my disc?
  191. 5,691. mi consola esta bloqueada con la nueva actualizacion
  192. 5,692. A true home entertainment center
  193. 5,693. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Xbox App for Windows [2211.1001.25.0] and Windows Gaming...
  194. 5,694. Controller Issue Since Latest Alpha Insiders
  195. 5,695. Upcoming Alpha and Alpha Skip-Ahead Invitations
  196. 5,696. After the latest skip ahead, moving DLC has a game incorrectly reporting storage as full....
  197. 5,697. Calling Xbox developers to give some ansvers.
  198. 5,698. skyrim special edition won't work
  199. 5,699. Xbox clips should have the voice commutation so the video clips can be more enjoyable to watch
  200. 5,700. Xbox Game Bar Bug, microphone is always muted unless I turn it on (Continuation cause idk...
  201. 5,701. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha Skip-Ahead (2308.221114-1900)
  202. 5,702. Why is xbox such trash could be be greedy cooperate shit-heads?
  203. 5,703. After leaving insiders, save data was deleted
  204. 5,704. New Xbox Home Experience Support & Discussion: Week of November 16th, 2022
  205. 5,705. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Xbox App for Windows [2211.1001.24.0]
  206. 5,706. 1.2209.12001.70 Apparently i dont have game pass and dont own any games
  207. 5,707. Wont let me pin the community feed to home.
  208. 5,708. Bots reporting people across xbox
  209. 5,709. Turn Smart delivery Off option pls
  210. 5,710. My settings are set to update games while console is off but it’s not working
  211. 5,711. No Dolby Atmos once Chat headset is plugged in.
  212. 5,712. Tenure Badge Not Showing For A Week Now
  213. 5,713. Need help please!? Continuously lagging since I got new internet
  214. 5,714. Xbox One S Download speeds Vs Xbox One download speeds
  215. 5,715. Feedback on the new home experience.
  216. 5,716. Xbox live captures are showing wrong captures. Delta preview and on xbox app
  217. 5,717. Does anyone know why all of the sudden my Xbox games (disc/digital) from 2012 thru...
  218. 5,718. What other games are there that have cool music in the background while playing like...
  219. 5,719. Xbox Insiders – Your feedback and more experiments for the New Xbox Home Experience
  220. 5,720. Why isn't the community heard? We don't want the dashboard
  221. 5,721. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha Skip-Ahead (2308.221111-1900)
  222. 5,722. I can't connect to my Xbox with cloud gaming
  223. 5,723. Language support in xbox store plz
  224. 5,724. Did they bump down the tiles and essentially hide the game pass ads until you navigate down?
  225. 5,725. “Halo Infinite CO-OP has Severe Glitches”
  226. 5,726. Big Prevailing Issue with Insider Hub...
  227. 5,727. MS edge browser on XboxSeriesX...................
  228. 5,728. xbox game bar with really bad audio in CALLS (i've not tested on recordings)
  229. 5,729. Possible QOL Feature for Insider Hub
  230. 5,730. Help! My xbox turns off the Ethernet connection s in the house
  231. 5,731. You need this update but something went wrong
  232. 5,732. Help to leave Xbox insider. I'm getting constant 600~mb updates and found out it's because...
  233. 5,733. Xbox One Omega Ring failed to Update
  234. 5,734. problem since last update on alpha preview
  235. 5,735. I'm getting access denied and my feedbacks and questions are getting removed
  236. 5,736. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Omega (2211.221110-2020)
  237. 5,737. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha (2211.221110-2020)
  238. 5,738. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Beta (2211.221110-2020)
  239. 5,739. Xbox Insider Release Notes – Delta (2211.221110-2020)
  240. 5,740. Is anyone else having issues with Dolby Atmos for headphones?
  241. 5,741. Xbox reads Blu-ray but won't read DVD anymore
  242. 5,742. Xbox Discord Multiple Server Difficulties
  243. 5,743. Audio to both TV output and headset via optical output?
  244. 5,744. Bring back store category fly outs
  245. 5,745. I can’t join halo infinite multiplayer, or anything online in halo infinite for that matter.
  246. 5,746. Need help buying call of duty modern warfare 2
  247. 5,747. HDD Bad Sector, switch to new SSD... And i stuck to this...
  248. 5,748. Xbox Requests: Week of November 11th, 2022
  249. 5,749. Xbox turns itself on when I accidentally bump table.
  250. 5,750. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 constantly freezing in the middle of a game.